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sitting on mattheo leg with my arm around his neck in a meeting with him

snapes missing a few meetings but when he's in the meetings he has something to say or a lead on something that's probably gonna lead yet another dead end and today he's here

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snapes missing a few meetings but when he's in the meetings he has something to say or a lead on something that's probably gonna lead yet another dead end and today he's here

Am just patently waiting for him to talk "barty?" Mattheo asked him since crouch thinks he's in school and put his hand up "Rocky keeps turning up to hogwarts and katia's home repeatedly and talking to himself about a plan but I don't know yet" he explains see what I mean? step by step it's gonna take years I placed Leo and his brother on that task and haven't returned yet "anyone else? got anything for Rocky and katia?" Mattheo asked nobody answers "riddle.." a guy asked I looked over and who is he? "Marin" bellatrix said almost shocked "who?" Mattheo asked "her hook up more like" I mumble before taking a drink "after your fathers passing me and Marin found each other and.." she smiled "to the point" I asked "right sorry uhm we've been working together in secret about your mysterious mother behind your back" she explains i stare at her "you what!" I asked pissed off "it wasn't her fault I forced her to" Marin said "Marin.." she looks up at him "think not actions" Mattheo whispers I close my eyes calming down I re-open "why do you wanna know about my mother? so bad you forced your hook up girlfriend?" I asked him "because I'm in your bloodline unsure where and your mother seem to have all the answers" he explains "iv never seen you in my life and if my mind was wiped I'll have memories of me knowing you but non return" i explain he passed me a picture I look at it "that's you in your dads arms as a baby and me a toddler hugging your dads legs" he explains "that baby isn't me and that's my foster father" I cleared my throat passing the picture back to him "which I killed" Mattheo walks up behind me "along with my foster mother but hey luckily I found my real father isn't it?" I asked him smiling then walk away rolling my eyes "Rocky away!" I shout from the kitchen staring at him he walks away I hear screams and chains racking I go and get changed

" she looks up at him "think not actions" Mattheo whispers I close my eyes calming down I re-open "why do you wanna know about my mother? so bad you forced your hook up girlfriend?" I asked him "because I'm in your bloodline unsure where and your ...

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and send mattheo a picture of ages ago

and send mattheo a picture of ages ago

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Me:like my outfit :)

I literally hear him running upstairs and people laughing I sat up as he walks in "you ok?" I asked him smiling "never again with that photo and no I tripped up the stairs" he jumps I scream moving out the way laughing "how is Rocky alive?" I asked him "your father brought him to hell and his head magically attached to his body how I meant to know that?" He asked I shrug "hey.." he asked I looked up at him "even if the sex isn't real ours is.." he said moving me to his lap "you two busy?" Pansy asked I hug mattheo ignoring her "nobody can escape if your fathers there and there mates are dead.." he whispers I get up immediately going downstairs to the basement "times up.." I stabbed her heart "NOOOOO!" Rocky shouts i lead him out taking the blood of his hands and the knife I drag him upstairs washing his hands then push him out I stand at the basement waiting for the elf I pushed Rocky away as they move her somewhere else "where are they taking her?" he asked "with me.." who is she? i stare at her she smiled at me ah a demon got it "your the one dating ava right?" I asked her "eve yes and you are?" She asked "Andriette morganstar" I held out my hand "oh your luci child got hell of a body" she flirts "and married to me eyes away maze.." mattheo walks behind me "your a riddle?" She asked me "you won't know me till I said my last name" I smiled she nods then leaves "riddle is your last name" he holds my hand as we walk to the others "gonna have to give me time for getting used to it.." I smiled "tomorrow?" He pouts "what whole day?" I asked him he nods "what's toms name gonna be? i call him riddle and you both appear" I explain "thomas? Tommy whatever don't care but your last name is now riddle welcome to the family" he kissed my neck pecking it mhm "your tense?" Rocky asked I look back to Rocky there smiling not real not real not real not real I open my eyes "you ok?" Mattheo asked I sigh "you saw him didn't you?" He asked stopping "no no no" i frown placing his hands on my shoulder but he moves them to my waist "am not doing that till you answer" he said softly I look up at Tom "don't give me that look ask Leo" he moves away "but he's babysitting" i sulk I looked up to Astrid "you want me dead don't you?" He asked "what? no please I never ask you for anything.." I asked "yeah hope it stays that way not gonna happen.." he said then walks away I looked back at mattheo smiling "oh fuck off with your stupid cute grin." I move his face away sitting next to him in the corner "my wh-what?" He laughed tickling me making me laugh uncontrollably "t-the-da-stop.." I struggled to talk he stops

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