Future minds

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Having a shower and getting ready

THE NEXT DAY Having a shower and getting ready

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Hearing my heals click against the wooden floor as I walk over to Voldemort "your on a break staying with mattheo at all times for your own safety" he explains i look at him confused "what she told you because she could just tell me and not the da...

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Hearing my heals click against the wooden floor as I walk over to Voldemort "your on a break staying with mattheo at all times for your own safety" he explains i look at him confused "what she told you because she could just tell me and not the dad of my ex" I asked him "you two broke up?" He asked "maybe talk to your son before ordering me" i said pissed as an arm slithers around my waist I rip his arm away walking off "get your whore ass here!" Mattheo shouts i turn to him still walking backwards "talking about yourself?" I asked him before moving out the way as I turned back around "someone's gone dark no angel?" Leo asked "ask the 'risk taker' he'll be more then happy to tell you" I smiled before walking off anyone else talking to me is getting my finger "this isn't you.." draco said looking at me up and down I fuck him off "it is now" i mutter to Leo infront of me "you've gone void" he said softly "fuck you on about?" I asked him "his old friend" mattheo said behind me leo infront of me the girls are gonna be on my left or right and draco left or right so fully surrounded ahh leo let me out I look at my arm to my scar returning "good thing I like blood" I sighed "is that the fox talking or you?" Leo asked I looked up at him "how rude of you we had our fun" I smile "fox" leo sighed "nope or the wound would of healed" I raised my arm showing him "got your stomach one?" Mattheo asked I fire him away "how many? you've hurt her!" Leo asked me wanting to talk to the the fox "two on arm and one on stomach and am not letting her out you aren't strong enough right now am trying to protect you all which is why I need to leave till I got full control" i explain "you can't control a fox it's rebellious on purpose" leo shouts "you think I don't know that?" I asked him "how many have you killed?" Mattheo asked "me? Non fox hundreds" i explain "give me the fox" leo asked I looked back at him straight let the old friends unite "that's what she wants so no.." I said quit being hard when your really sad if "shut the fuck up am not letting you out you shouldn't of been stupid and spirit in me" i explain I died? "You died even more sadder" i said walking off "talk to her in your mind!" Leo shouts "SUCK IT!" Me and void both shout turning to him oh shit I walk back dragging mattheo with me to our room I make him stand outside the room I walk in it "spell the room make sure I can't get out or void" I asked him "you sure?" He asked I nod you actually blocking my limits it's pissing me off.am teaching you to be clever start working I need to get to remona I turned to mattheo and Leo at the door "we can enter and leave but you can't your safe" leo explains "so if I let this void out he can't get out?" I asked leo he nods I breath in and out calmly letting my mind free for anyone to read or see things if they can do that and blocked

"Addy!.." mattheo asked I sit up groaning touching my head to it hurting "LEO!" "DRACO!" Mattheo shouts "what?" They asked "oh shit what happened in here?" They both asked as mattheo helps me up I let go going to the bathroom as mattheo fixes the room I close the bathroom door feeling sick and gross I undress myself having a shower Wearing mattheo's oversized top over my body I look in my draw getting a bra putting it on under the long top mattheo walks in kicking the door shut walking over to me "you ok?" He asked me "I didn't feel anything as usual" I said softly he hugs me as I cry I jumped up he held me up till he sat on our bed "what happened before you left?" He asked "am I boring to you?" I asked him "far from boring" he smiled "then why do you wanna have sex at random places?" I asked him he hugs me kisses my forehead "because you seemed to comfortable when you was leo and I thought let's change the boring theatrics" he explains I pull away "nooo you was jealous that's normal" I smile "have you ever met a riddle who's jealous?" he asked "your brother any guy that walks up to pansy he fights them till there on there last breath" i explain "kid changes everything it's the child" he said I laugh "is not the child because it's still in pansy's womb" i explain smiling "I hate draco he's fucking flirting with my girlfriend!" Tom said I giggle "don't say it!" He points at me "that am right?" I asked him "or the other thing called told you so" I smiled he picks me up and throws me on the bed i let out a squeal "wo-what was that?" Tom asked "her" mattheo said tickling me making me burst out laughing my head off I move his hands away "you squealed?" Tom asked "sort your girlfriend then come to me" I coughed "DRACO!" Tom shouts

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