Driven by love

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We both go downstairs swinging each other's arm talking about how men give birth if they had a child "if a guy got pregnant right it can't go through the dick like us so I'll have to cut your stomach right?" I asked darcy "o-uhm" she didn't answer "Blaise let's say you was pregnant how would you give birth to it?" I asked him as mattheo sits me down onto his lap "by the doctors or nurse cutting up my stomach-why?" He asked "mattheo pregnant" I said softly "I already told you it's not me and draco ain't gonna able to keep a girl so definitely not him and my brother is to nervous so it's you" he explains "I already did a test like a week ago" I shrugged "saying?" He asked I turn to him confused "you was there dumass and negative uno x on the pregnancy" i said doing a cross with my arms in his face "are you drunk?.." Tom asked "she will be more childish if she was" mattheo said smiling putting my arms down I stick out my tounge going closer to him giggling as he moves away "you sure?" He laughs he moves his head to the side i sulk he holds his arms out I hug him "yes" he said softly "bleep bop boomer doomer" i said bored "I want a drink" i sulk "darcy don't" mattheo said stopping her "am not pregnant" I said sitting up "Kreacher!" Mattheo shouts "my ears you dumb shit" I go and slap him but he covers my mouth and moving my hands away "get miss a pregnancy" he said I lick his hand a little he moves it wiping it on his pants disgusted well atleast I can breath through my nose now the house elf gives him the test and he gives it me I go and pass it to darcy but he takes it lifting me off his lap "off we go to stupid land" I smiled "your already stupid" mattheo said smiling "says you? For so many reasons starting with why toms room?" I asked him "I was drunk" he said hearing laughing downstairs "I was drunk and noticed before you so we were a little sober" i explain "just take the bloody test" mattheo said slamming it into my hand "anger is awakened" i whisper walking into the bathroom"heard that" he said "heart what didn't say anything?" I lied of course
Minutes later and am in shock mattheo knocks on "you ok?" Mattheo asked "no.." i answer he opens the door closing it behind him "where is it?" He asked "in the packet" i said softly "why did you put it back?" Pansy asked "because I'm refusing to believe that" I said softly going to walk out but mattheo stops me "pregnant or not?" Draco asked "not" I technically lied "oh shit" pansy said I turned to him taking it off him "Addy.." mattheo asked "we'll leave you two to talk" draco said then leaves with Tom and pansy I put the test packet in the bin now that seen it I sit on the toilet lid "we'll work it together" mattheo said crouching down to my level stroking my back as I hug him "something bothering you because your normally calm by now?" He asked pulling away "I was previously pregnant with one of my ex girlfriend child and she didn't want it unless it was a girl for being in the family gens so instead of giving birth to him I-removed the child before it actually was a baby so a spawn or something" I explain wiping my tears "oh baby come here" he asked standing up I hug his waist "your not hugging my dick stand up" he laughs i stand up giggling he picks me up like a child with me wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck a koala hug as we go downstairs to the others "are you asleep?" Grace asked I sit up "got told to babysit her" pansy sighed I nod and lie back down "you ok?" Pansy mouths I put my thumbs up "you look comfy there" darcy said sitting next to me smiling as always "because i am" I said softly "he's like a marshmallow and a massive teddy pillow combined got it for free" I smiled "not for long" he said softly "whhhhy?" I asked "because there's more to life then you just lying on me calling me a large comfy moving teddy" he explains darcy holds her arms out I go over to hers "stuffed animal who spent to much time in the sun" i whisper "that a good thing?" She asked I ignore her slowly falling asleep she has magic powers in seconds am tired but on mattheo he's just a blanket to keep me warm

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