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I go downstairs to the living room pansy watching kylo with everyone else gone "mattheo told me to tell you to get ready for a meeting" she said picking up kylo passing him to me then walks off w-the-ok then?

I go downstairs to the living room pansy watching kylo with everyone else gone "mattheo told me to tell you to get ready for a meeting" she said picking up kylo passing him to me then walks off w-the-ok then?

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I go downstairs over to the meeting standing next to mattheo at the other end of the table to Voldemort Astrid greyback all there "I wonder how much blood they will spill" i said clearly for everyone to hear "sorry?" Astrid asked I pass kylo to ma...

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I go downstairs over to the meeting standing next to mattheo at the other end of the table to Voldemort Astrid greyback all there "I wonder how much blood they will spill" i said clearly for everyone to hear "sorry?" Astrid asked I pass kylo to mattheo walking over to them "each slice to the throat is what? 1 leter so how much would being headless do?" I asked Tracing a dagger behind all there necks but not there's "that a threat girl?" Greyback the father asked "no because me saying a threat meaning one body or more will be dead just a little warning" I turned to him smiling "jr conch is dead" someone points out I throw two daggers one at Astrid and the other at greyback child the copy cat I push Voldemort chair away with my foot "you've gone deadly last time I saw you" Astrid groans I press deeper into the dagger "you was using me and I was stupid but to realise it" I said hearing him groan turn to a whimper "you-wasn't stupid you was in love.." he groaned "yeah like I just said stupid everything you said and did was an order to get answers" I take out the dagger he sighs falling to the floor "mistake noted" I drop the dagger going to the son "and it happened again but I was alerted with my mind giving me memories of what happened with me and Astrid it took time but I realised you ordered your son do to the same..thing" I dug the dagger into him he screamed in pain "when you knew full on I was dating mattheo riddle" I go to dig it deeper but he stops me "I-I didn't know he just said look for a hot girl and he will make me marry them" he said I dig the knife deeper hearing him scream again "Addy enough" the father asked alister slides the dagger to me I catch it with my foot I pick it up "you want your son to see what a horrible mother you are?" He asked I throw the dagger to him mattheo walks over to me with kylos face facing him "leave them they know it's a mistake your copy is still alive" he said taking the dagger out of the son passing it me "all your anger onto her" he whispers I sigh taking it going to the basement swinging the dagger in my hand leo there "mattheo told me you was gonna be down here" he said softly "surprised your allowed here alone with me" I said making a cut in her arm she groans awake "oh good your awake" I smiled "your pissed off how fun" he groans looking at her arm changed up "you are?" Leo asked me "go to the meeting hearing any screaming ignore it" i asked him he nods then leaves "he's venerable dead and newborn vampire with two vampire types one rare the other not" she explains I dig the dagger to her shoulder she bit her bottom lip tight "shut it his life has got nothing to with you" I said facing away from her looking at the weapons that could be used I set up the battery removing her upper clothes "I feel sexualised" she said sighing "as you should" I said powering it up to 100 she screams then bites her bottom lip I slice her whole middle part in the adombin "y-you know m-am..right" she said I get a smaller sharp tool and rip out her tongue making her scream louder and painfully the door swings open as she whimpers "the fuck your done to her?" Leo asked "not much" I answer digging the dagger into her shoulder more to her biting her bottom lip more "you sure you have a battery connected to each tit her tounge ripped out" Astrid asked pointing it out "she won't shut up" I said "you really messed her up" he said I turned to him "you did all that you raped me you used me in any way you possibly could I'll cry every night as you 'experimented' on me you broke the soft in me mattheo did nothing but made me stronger" I explain "it was a mistake am sorry" he said "sure" I stab twins rib staring at him he leaves with the greybacks "he was right I did destroy you" mattheo said softly I turned to him "no no don't give him that satisfaction when am at lowest your there for me finding a way to make me smile you made me fall for you kill people for you a part of you liked it god knows why" I said softly he smiled "you was to let her out mine was to kill so I kill her and he will be no mither for a year?" He said "nope 3 years so could I?" He asked I smile "all yours" I smiled "where's kylo?" I asked him "in bed our bed with his drink and blanket uh a toy" he explains I kiss his cheek then leave

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