Car ride

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He sat down and I straddled his lap. It was not the most comfortable position ever but I could work with that. Also, thank you Satan for making me short. Otherwise, I would have bumped my head a thousand times by now.  "Take your shirt off." He happily did that. But I took my sweet time and slowly take off my bralette. I didn't have a bra underneath so he saw my boobs. "So you're just going to stare." I did a little circle around my nipple with my middle finger just to tease him. His face was red, hot and bothered but that was not the only hot thing. His dick was starting to rise.  I kissed him again and guided his hands toward my boobs. He finally got the courage to play with them. While he was busy with that I took the ice from his coke glass and put it in my mouth. Then kissed him again. He was so surprised to feel the coldness on his tongue that he moaned at the contact. I tugged on his hair again and pulled his head to the side so that I could run my cold tongue down his neck and abs. He was shivering like crazy. And then I unzipped his pants and tugged them off together with his boxers. He was probably not ready and a groan slipped past his lips. Then I shimmied out of my pants. My black panties were still on though.  I could see that he was holding his breath and scanning me up and down as I gave his dick a little lick.  "You know you can touch me, I'm not going to break." His hands immediately went up to my love handles and then loved towards my bum. I took another ice cube and ran it across his skin. It was fun to watch his muscles jerk even more under my touch.  When I was done with the teasing I pulled off my panties and gave his cock a few tugs. Thank god I shaved last night. I could feel his dick harden in my hand. He was biting his lip because he didn't want the moans to slip past it.  "Let me help you with that. Open up." Yes, I shoved my bralette into his mouth, I guess you could say I gagged him, kind of. He was so turned on that he started to shake and I didn't even put it in me yet. I rolled the condom that I have found earlier on his dick while he was lifting his hips.  "You are such a bad boy, you want to fuck where children can see us." His eyes rolled back and a muffled sound was heard.  "But you like that don't you? I can feel your cock dripping precum. So don't you dare lie." His cock bounced a little bit and his left hand tightened its grip on my arse-cheek. I could feel that I was ready because all of this teasing turned me on.  I took ahold of his dick and positioned it at my opening. I slowly started to sink. He was big I could feel it stretch my walls. When my butt touched his thighs I stilled my movement. He looked like he was in heaven. His head was thrown back and his eyes were closed. I kissed his neck and sucked a few love bites just underneath his sharp jaw. I needed a distraction from that stretch.  "I'm going to move now. You have to warn me when you're about to cum because I want you to cum on my face."  I started to move, at first, I was going slow and doing small circles but then I started to ride the shit out of him.  I could see his eyes rolling back as I was bouncing on his dick. I removed my bralette from his mouth so that I could kiss him. It felt good. No, it felt really good. I could feel him almost in my stomach, he was so fucking big. His hands were everywhere and mine were on his shoulders for support.  He saw that I was getting tired and that my thighs would give up so he started to thrust upwards meeting my movement in the middle. With that, he hit my g-spot and I arched my back as my eye rolled backwards. I ran my hands up and down his sides to tease him a bit more. I could hear the sound of skin slapping together as our thrusts met. He was starting to slow down his thrusts and I could feel him getting closer to the edge.  "Theo, baby boy are you about to cum?" All the did was nod and I kissed his lips once more then got off his lap and on my knees so that he could cum on my face. I saw that he wasn't quite ready yet so I took his dick in my mouth and sucked down hard. And that is what's sent him over the edge.  He was out of breath and sweaty. But he was shining in the dim light coming from the mood and the street light. I was so into it that I didn't even see how late it got we both went to his room and went sleep

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