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"oh fuck" Tom cursed mattheos eyes go pure black i duck kicking his leg hearing him groan "both of you quit it!" Father said pulling me away I try and escape his grip "she's a wild child" Tom said he takes my knife of me "devil princess she's making you fight him on purpose look at her" he asked which I do to her smiling with her arms crossed enjoying it i stop fighting him he let's go of me "where is kylo?" I asked her walking over to her "I told you" she laughed "there's a thing called lying which is what your doing and not telling me because you know after I'm gonna kill you first taking my husband then my child where is he?" I asked her feeling my blood on fire "I..don't..know" she said walking away as my eyes follow her I lean on the little desk taking Leo knife from under it and throwing it at her "again to the wall" she asked "where the fuck is my son?" I asked her almost shouting "I don't know when will take a hint?" She asked "addy she doesn't know" mattheo said softly behind me "she knows she has to" I turned to him he hugs me stocking my back "we'll find him I promise you get some sleep" he kissed my forehead "am not sleeping till I see him and him being healthy not injured" I said pulling away slowly looking up at mattheo "we'll look for him in the morning the second we wake up everyone will be looking for him hogwarts his home here everywhere" he said I sigh "will you be here tomorrow?" I asked father "hell isn't gonna be controlled on its own" he holds out his arms I hug him "do me proud devil princess" he asked I smile then he leaves "I'll be here with you 'devil princess' really?" Enzo mimicked him I go to throw a knife but someone stops me I turn around "shit.." I curse "upstairs get changed then bed" mattheo asked I roll my eyes "your acting like my dad when he is around" i said going upstairs "upstairs" he said "I am going upstairs" I said slighly annoyed "then why can I still here you?" He asked "because I'm loud" I shout
Having a shower wasn't on his timeline but oh well I wanna be clean "addy?" Mattheo asked I walk out the shower going over to him putting a tower in my hair "don't need them" he smiled I hold my towel that's around my body "upstairs then bed nothing else" I smiled "I didn't mention a shower?" He asked "I don't recall you being in bed with me" I asked him "ohh playing that game?" He asked smiling what game? "Am just saying you said upstairs get changed then bed that didn't involve you but I will let it slide" I said softly getting my pjs

" I curse "upstairs get changed then bed" mattheo asked I roll my eyes "your acting like my dad when he is around" i said going upstairs "upstairs" he said "I am going upstairs" I said slighly annoyed "then why can I still here you?" He asked "bec...

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Jumping on the bed "wo-your teasing me on purpose" he asked moving me onto his lap "wasn't going that path" I kissed him "you sure?" He asked tugging my Lacey underwear "if I was teasing you I'll be wearing red but black is death and she's dying tomorrow when I see kylo in my arms" I smiled at him "can I kill her?" He pouts i nod and just in a mili second he turns me around so he's above me just as the doors open "am covered not gonna see much" I asked mattheo "not covered enough" he said moving the quilt over me then moves next to me "you two ok?" Tom asked "other then mattheo being overprotective jup" I smiled

Lying down in bed thinking if I'll ever see kylo again seems dramatic but you have physical and emotional feelings about a child I gave birth to fun happy times he made me and Mattheo closer he was my love other then Mattheo

"you gonna sit and moap?" Pansy asked sitting on the bed "I'll just mess everything up" I mumble going under the covers till someone moves it and shows my face "everyone will mess up eventually" darcy said I move her face moving the cover over my face "what she doing?" I heard draco "crying" i mumble "iv got news.." he said I move the quiet and look over to him "go on?" I asked him "get dressed Mattheo insisted" he smiles I rolled my eyes "rather die..along with my dignity" I said before covering up again "he seems happy please Addy" Grace asked "you brought a kid into this?..only wish it was kylo" I mumble then start to cry someone moves the covers and hugs me "we'll find him and when we do you can give all the kisses to him more then world can give" pansy said I shuffle a little darcy sits up and I do the same wiping my tears "can I wear my baggy outfit?" I asked them "uhh no your showing your body off" darcy complains getting up to my wardrobe

Mattheos new hoodie I go downstairs "ayy you got her riddles come back" draco said almost shouting and there's a part of me wanting to say kylos sleeping but can't do that because he ain't here I hug mattheo "heyy you ok?" He asked putting his dri...

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Mattheos new hoodie I go downstairs "ayy you got her riddles come back" draco said almost shouting and there's a part of me wanting to say kylos sleeping but can't do that because he ain't here I hug mattheo "heyy you ok?" He asked putting his drink down "I wanted to say kylo is sleeping because draco shouted but he isn't here" i explain "let's here what's he has to say then you can take off my new hoodie" he asked "am wearing nothing under but my bra" i explain "then don't" he said I looked up to him smiling "jr conch found a lead to kylo near the malfoy house and going there" draco looked at me "then why are we here?" I asked them "because it's not just about you" he said I roll my eyes sitting back "judge all you want but am happy with her" he starts

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