Moody pants

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"I got scissors" pansy said "I got a knife thx though" I said smirking he gives it quickly I smile and kiss his cheek "thx" I said chirpy "you got bipolar" mattheo whispers "and?" I asked him "so you do oh great..." he said rubbing his hands together sitting forward "so about that therapy session when do you want me to book you on Fridays and Saturdays are fully booked can't have them" I asked him he looks at me "don't book me in because am not gonna talk to you about my problems that i have with you when I can just tell you" he explains "I mean pansy does the thing you just described and look how close we got?" I explain he rolls his eye"pass".. I whisper to pansy she nods "next to you" she whispers "smash without anger issues" i explain "Blaise?" She whispers "mhmm I would say smash but he's yours so pass" I said softly looking at my shoes standing up looking at them then sit back down she giggles "what?" I asked her smiling "why did you have to look on your shoes?" She asked "because she's a weirdo" draco whispers I get my wand out pointing it at him "crusio" I spelled he screamed in pain "yo-you bitch!" He said struggling to talk "i thought you would of got used to it guess not" I said "undo the spell" mike said holding an orange cup "is it full?" I asked him he lowers it to my eye sight I undo the spell he passed me the cup I smile he sits down next to draco "would you get used to it?" He asked rubbing his neck and wrists "probably" I asked him before taking a sip "who hurt you?" Mattheo asked grumpy I ignored him "just a question" he said I nod he holds my neck "" He asked pissed holding my throat bending over me "nobody now get off me!" I said smiling he let's go sitting back down "never again I don't want that image while am fucking someone!" Mike said shocked and smiling "oh so you do get girls why am I important?" I asked him "well your a psycho like him I wanna know how you are in bed" he said I look down smiling taking a sip of my drink leaning back "you gross me how-why would you wanna fuck her?" Draco said pointing at me I spit out my drink from laughing "I got looks malfoy" I said wiping my drink off my self "she's not wrong" mattheo whispers before taking his drink "aww thx buddy" I said ruffling his hair "ah shit" I curse as my nails gets stuck in his hair "hold my drink" I said to him and concentrate on getting my nails out I sit back onto the couch looking at my nails and getting my drink back "there's definitely something between you both" Blaise said everyone else agreed we both look at each other "stay right there" mike said "that's not 'we're just friends with benefits' look" mike said pointing at us I turned away "your insane if you think I like him" I said "he is insane more then you surprisingly" draco mutters "name one thing that he's more crazy then me" I said "carry his murder knife around" pansy said he takes it out of his pocket I take mine out putting it in my mouth getting my other one out smiling at him he chuckled a little "careful there" he said leaning forward interested "laughs a children when they fall" mike said I sit up "who doesnt? It's funny" I said "so you would laugh if you had child and it fell?" pansy asked me I turned to her "I might be the reason she/he fell" I said smirking Mike laughs "that's not funny it's sad" Austria said scared me and Mike look at each other trying not to laugh I walk over to him digging my head into his chest laughing my head off hearing him snicker I pull away wiping my tears I look through my bag for my mirror someone throws something I look up to what I caught and smile at pansy I look to see if my makeup had dripped down my face but nothing just a slight smudge "you both finished?" Mattheo asked us both I nod giving Mattheo the mirror he passed it to pansy We all talk to each other "who was that woman that was hear?" mike asked me "if you tell me your real name I'll tell you" I said watching Mattheo win for the 10th time of cards watching his game and how he plays it waiting for the game to end
"if you win ill tell you my name" Mike said I nod "and if I loose?" I asked Mike as Mattheo sorts the cards out and I sort the the drinks out walking back looking at him "you tell me every secret" he said smiling I nod to seal the deal I take seven from the stack not trusting him and his mind games he puts some under the stack "you ready?" he asked me I nod he placed a king down I place ace of clubs "I change it to red hearts" I said smiling he picks up two cards from the stack already passed his plan ain't working I place all my 2 hearts down (he picks up 10 cards) I take a sip of my drink
Minutes passed still playing am probably loosing I pick up a card from the stack and now am winning I still keep a straight face "what time is it?" pansy asked anyone I gave my cards to Mike getting my phone out showing her "yeah am off night guys night boo" pansy said I kiss each side of her cheek she leaves holding blaise hand I hold my hand out for Mike to give me the cards which he does I place my phone on my lap my turn I place 3 2 red hearts place an ace of clubs "change it to clubs" and place 2,4,6 and there's me card free I put my phone in my purse standing up as my legs crack as I stand up I shake them sitting down behind Mattheo

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