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Few hours go by I wake up yarning "theo?" I asked him slighly confused "mhm?" He asked as I sit up on him looking around same place "where's darcy?" I asked him "helping pansy with the nursery with the other girls" he explains "thx" I kissed his cheek before hopping off "your staying" mattheo said I stop and turn to him "and why would I stay?" I asked him crossing my arms draco walks up to me "your pregnant" he whispers before apparates out I go upstairs getting the test out the bin and packet running water on it "what are you doing?" Mattheo asked coming up behind me "see not leaving" I said showing him to it saying not pregnant "hey hey hey" he turns me around facing his top hugging me stroking my back "we'll get a doctor here soon checking if you are or not making sure your healthy and the baby" he explains then pulls away I put the rest in the bin wiping my tears "I don't like needles" I said to him he smiles "neither do I" he smiled "mattheo doctors here" Tom shouts I go out the room standing as Tom lets the doctor in mattheo puts his arms around my waist both walking downstairs "is the gel cold?" I asked her "possibly" she smiled I lie down lifting my shirt covering my bra still she puts the gel on my stomach i wince a little "what?" Mattheo asked "cold" I smiled he rolled his eyes she gets her monitor right and spreads the gel around my stomach till she finds something oh shit there was something there

She points out the baby's head and body and explains she will coming weakly to keep tabs on me I take the tissue of her wiping my stomach rethinking everything "you alright?" Mattheo asked sitting next to me I cuddle up to him "my uhh enzo bonnie ...

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She points out the baby's head and body and explains she will coming weakly to keep tabs on me I take the tissue of her wiping my stomach rethinking everything "you alright?" Mattheo asked sitting next to me I cuddle up to him "my uhh enzo bonnie boyfriend uhm said vampires can procreate and it's just-I don't know" I shake my head sitting up "your not just a vampire so your ok the baby is healthy no more worrying?" He asked "about the baby or other things?" I asked him smiling "both" he kissed my cheek before getting up as pansy and her big stomach sits to were he was "that was handled well?" She asked "I feel like it's the child making me worry more and hungry" i asked looking down at my stomach "don't make me bloat when your out" I asked the baby before getting up going over to mattheo drinking why always here? next spot for sex am guessing "you have no-never mind" I grabbed crisps out the cupboard and salsa from the fridge I go over to mattheo sitting on the side "why alone when your drinking?" I asked him "just thinking" he said softly walking up to me "about us? and here?" I asked him he nods smiling "what a surprise" I sighed "so how's the little one?" He asked "mhm not making any movement or anything so ok? for now" i answer him "you just said 'don't make me bloat' but your eating chips and salsa on a table top?" Pansy asked mattheo laughs "and? and I said 'don't make me bloat when it's out' but close enough" I correct her "w-does pregnancy make you deaf?" I asked her mattheo laughs walking up to me hugging me "calm down no" mattheo smiled "hormones" Mattheo asked pansy she nods smiling "after a while you'll get used to it but not the baby kicking or going to the toilet every two minutes" she explains fucking kiddin me I eat my chips calming down "come on you" he helps me down smiling "I just know am gonna bloat the trips to the toilet two minutes are gonna help hopefully" I point at him with him agreeing and smiling "what are the murder couple on about?" Draco sighed as he sat down "how she's gonna get fat or in her words 'bloat' so the trips to the bathroom are gonna help her" Mattheo explains "hopefully" I add on "w-what? how are you gonna bloat over some chips?" He asked "you haven't told them?" I asked mattheo "don't have time to just stop whatever am doing and tell them?" He asked "here we again" draco sighed "shut up" me and Mattheo both said to him "so when your walking to your dad no time there? when burying the body no time? When your drinking no time? smoking even?" I asked him "I stopped smoking" he said "since when?" I asked him "since am getting integrated by my girlfriend and who by the way who is carrying my child" he explains "that ain't stopping? your gonna go back to smoking when you walk out pissed off or in some months" i explain "that your right for once in your life" he said softly then gets up leaving to draco and others shocked "what have I done now?" I asked them "skip a beat your pregnant?" Bonnie asked "with..him?" Enzo asked "don't like it fuck off" I asked them "hormones again Addy" pansy reminds me shit "I'm starting to hate the child myself and it's even fucking born" I stated getting up over to them I hug bonnie "that's gross" enzo said we both pulled away looking at him confused "where is he?" He asked "behind you and gonna ask to fuck off" I crossed my arms he turned around "fuck off" Mattheo smiled I looked down smiling "how's there blood on my shoes!" I shout I glared at mattheo "how I meant to know?-ohh right shit sorry" he laughed "seriously?" I asked him "hormones Addy" pansy said I breath out calmly "someone get rid of this child" I smiled before walking off to the kitchen taking my shoes off "she's cleaning her shoes" draco shouts

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