Welcome hell

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"Which won't work" mattheo cleared his throat that code or so- "ahh" I scream falling to the floor "what is this?" I asked trying to remove the spikes out my skin "there harmless..like you sorry princess" Astrid said moving infront of me he picks me up by the arm "like your payback even though if you think I liked a second touching you think again" I turned and looked at him he pushes me back I giggle then look at my wrists "what the fuck? is that normal?" I asked darcy who's next to me showing her the black blood pouring out of my skin "good..there working quit stalling" mattheo asked "what..are they?" I asked him irritated "could we just dump her somewhere she's pissed me off?" Astrid asked I turned around still walking backwards "why lie to everyone even yourself you like this new me breaking little by little in Matty heart" i sulk "as if I prefer the innocent" he whispers coming up close to my face "lier..just proved you want more then a petty kiss" I giggled as mattheo dragged me away from him pulling on my skin I groan a little "be gentle this shit hurts" I asked him pissed off he pushed me into a room the drawing room "want me to draw?..or find something? why am I in here?" I asked him "you do like drawing" he sighed then leaves I go to walk out but get stopped by in an invisible wall a shield "MATTHEO!!" I shout banging on it leo walks over I look up at him emotionless "want your child to see you? like this?" He asked "how's astrid? anoyyed he can't have another chance at the practice kiss? or do you wanna try?" I asked him "you haven't forgiven me have you?" He asked "she never has..always hated you at first a joke wondering around mattheo making you jealous which worked till she had these...feelings for him" i explain he nods looking away "yeah well it was a mistake hooking up with that whore when I had someone waiting downstairs" he explains "just so-you do know she's gone right? Yeah I used to be your-the other me was your therapist but she's now gone and am not putting up with that so find someone else" I asked him "leo leave her" mattheo walked back with a book and pen? if you want me to draw I will need a pencil he steps one foot infront in line with the door frame they can come in? and leave mhm I move back letting him in I take the pen and book off him putting it on the desk he walks back out I leave the room getting a chair "Addy?" Pansy asked I walked back into the room placing the chair down near the circle table leaning on the chair seeing her at the door "shouldn't you be with who is it?..Tom noo not him feeling no 'spark' lied about your child it's Blaise child but still no 'spark' but draco apparently making you jealous? did it hurt? seeing him with..granger me telling you the story's of me bumping into them both definitely felt jealous there didn't you?" I asked her "yes...what's your motive? torchering me and whoever stands outside here just to fill your satisfaction?" She asked "no..but this does feel like truth and truth not a normal conversation" I asked her leaning back onto the chair "what were you really looking for? you had to get rid of your feelings? go to Hogwarts give Snape something did you want to get caught?" She asked I just glare at her "Parkinson leave her" mattheo asked before walking into my eye-sight walks into the room "could kill you with multiple things" I asked him drawing something "a pen?" He asked "a book..a table..chair..chair leg..strangle you with the cover choke you with my foot loads of things" I stand up walking over to him tracing my hand around him standing behind him "your saying you want to strangle me or hurt me but your eyes don't only showing lust" he said softly turning around facing me "what are you gonna do about it? Fix me? there's nothing to fix she had pure devil in her which she killed by herself her father is the devil am just leading her back to him" i explain looking out the window "my life is hollow without you..your eyes burn through my darkness seeing my life before you which scares me but I can't raise kylo on my own he needs his mother" mattheo explains "she's gone..what part of that don't you believe?" I asked him firing him back to the draws "your getting angry that's a good thing please don't give up your stronger then her" he said he's purposely taunting me I move away from the window sitting down writing ignoring him "am moving you to our room tomorrow so you can sleep" he sighs then leaves I stop and throw the table at the invisible wall throwing and breaking everything

Sitting on the floor staring at the floor "you've been busy" mattheo cleared his throat walking in i ignore him he crouched down to my level "here" he offered me blood I continue staring at the floor "she's up to something" Astrid walks in I grab the wooden chair leg with it pointing at Astrid heart holding him back "lower the spell or I'll kill him" I asked mattheo with my vampire face "let him go Addy" he walks closer I pierce the leg in he groans mattheo stops walking "for me lower the chair leg or kylo" mattheo asked I drop the chair leg he sighs I bite Astrid till he moved me away and runs out the room I stare at mattheo getting up "calm down" he asked "I don't care about you or kylo neither does the other me the one you fell in love with she just wanted to get back at leox which just escalated" i explain "show me her and let her say it" he asked

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