Future Andriette morganstar

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I open my eyes staring back at mattheos eyes who are glossy white feeling him around my head I touch mattheo shoulder helping him to the visions I had recently till we both snap out of it coughing "f-from who?" He asked "future me" i said softly holding my stomach "well of a prediction ho-what made you think it's future you?.thanks albus" mattheo asked as we walk out "I blocked everyone out my mind but someone only myself could of done it but which one can't be past because I was with Leo can't be present so has to be future" i explain he shrugs "did you get cut?" He asked looking down at my stomach I looked down to it bleeding through my shirt I looked back at him showing him his arm "what does that mean for you?" I asked him "you first" he asked "just need to release magic" I said raising both mine to a large scar like his "so do it then" he said dragging me outside "it's not that simple" I said softly "how?" He asked "I don't remember what am doing when am..the other one" i explain "I'll tell you if she lets me from being rude first we met" he said touching his throat "why was I strangling you?" I asked him "don't matter just concentrate" he said I take deep breaths in and out finally empty your mind like before which I do I close my eyes and blocked

I wake up on the grass? the hell happened gross am all wet I sat up looking around "mattheo" I ran over to his unconscious body I shake him "please have your dark mark" I beg lifting his sleeve to it still there "aww you love me" he coughed "what the hell happened?" I asked him "tested her patience bad idea unless you wanna become dead dead" he explains "anything bad happen? Other then that" I asked him "nope best behaviour" he smiled then lifts my arms "and gone check your stomach" he said getting up which I do gone "she's stronger then me be careful and don't mess with her your lucky you didn't break a bone" i said cleaning him up "ain't this cosy" leo said smiling "almost died that ain't cosy" mattheo said I roll my eyes "I did tell you I don't remember anything so don't go blame me when it's the other me" i explain "who blamed you?" He asked "oh shove it" I said before walking off "where you going?" Leo shouts i turn around to mattheo he points to leo "ravenclaw party" I smiled before walking off I'm in need for a drink or two "pansy hurry up please" I rush her the door opens to her smiling "bathroom free" she smiled I got up quickly using the shower getting ready

I wake up on the grass? the hell happened gross am all wet I sat up looking around "mattheo" I ran over to his unconscious body I shake him "please have your dark mark" I beg lifting his sleeve to it still there "aww you love me" he coughed "what ...

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"Addddy" pansy knocks on the door i unlock it opening it a little finishing my makeup "holy shit" pansy said shocked I giggle I put all my things away "I need that dress" she asked "it's to much I need change anyways" i said walking out looking in...

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"Addddy" pansy knocks on the door i unlock it opening it a little finishing my makeup "holy shit" pansy said shocked I giggle I put all my things away "I need that dress" she asked "it's to much I need change anyways" i said walking out looking in the wardrobe all body mirror "your keeping it on,you've both took to long" mattheo said i turn to him "be honest with me is the dress to much?" I asked him he comes up to me "no" he said sighing "what?" I asked him "just your parting" he smiled I turned to pansy "should of asked" she shrugs smiling mattheo drags me out "can your ass wait for a second" I asked him "any slower and you will stop so no" he said "hate you" I said pissed "mhm sure you do" he said knocking on the door Harry? Ok then strange but sure someone pulls me back I looked over to Harry holding my arm I looked back at him shaking my arm off him "Leo's looking for you" he shouts I fuck him off going straight to the bar "usual?" He asked smiling have I fucked him? oh shit "I-yeah" I said smiling back "with cubes" I smiled he nods he puts them I looked around bypassing time maybe a bad idea I go and take the drink but stop when the ice cubes don't float as they should "something wrong?" He asked I shake my head "what?" I pretended "something wrong?" He asked "nope" I smiled taking the toxic drink smiling I learn from my mistakes bitch "mattheo immediately" I asked for him "remember the scars what's yours?" I asked him "killing people" he sighed "the guy at the bar put something like drugs in this the ice ain't floating" i explain he takes it walking away "your welcome dickshit" I shout "dare call my boyfriend that again and I will kill you" a girl he was hanging around with tries and threatens me "says the girl in griffendoor fuck off" I smiled "what do you have against griffins?" Leo asked behind me I glared at the wall I take a deep breath in and out I turn to him "only wish I gave you the drink right now..what do you want?" I asked him crossing my arms mattheo walks back over "what drink is she on about?" He asked him "tell him?" He asked me i shake my head "I only said 'only wish I gave leo the drink right now what do you want?' Something bad about that?" I asked him "ah right she wanted to drug you not her idea it was the bartender-what are you doing?" He asked I giggle "you had blood on your collar" I smiled "and now he's dead go have fun" leo smiled before walking off "I did" I point at mattheo he moves my hand "what did I tell you about that?" He asked I roll my eyes "well?" He asked "not to speak of it am making my own drink" I smiled before walking off

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