New job

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"Yeah her and pansy do that shit..oi!" He said trying to my attention I looked over to him "what?" I asked him "where's my top?" He asked "you interrupted without any actual anything and you just want a top?" I asked him he nods "mike tell him what's wrong with that" I said getting his top walking up to him he reaches for it and gives up "Umm it's girl time and it's rude to interrupt the girl time" he explains I kiss mikes cheek smiling "got any on you?" I asked Mike "when have I never got any?" He asked placing it in my hand carefully "when we first met" I said then turned back around to pansy shaking it pleased "why was dimbo hear?" I shout "wanted you to take his head off but not anymore since we need him for the party" mattheo explains I nod "continue" I whisper which she does i layered the drug onto the wooden plate helper thing only putting little sniffing it up "woah" i said smiling she laughs "you got a druggy friend and so do I apparently" she said I laugh "where's you head?" I asked her confused seeing a shit emoji on her "what do you mean?" She asked "you got an emoji as for a head" I said softly she laughs "it's the drrrrruuuuuggggggsssss" she said slowly "stop talking slowly!" I said "aaaaaammmmm nnnnnnoooottt iiiittttsss tttthhhheee drrrrruuuuugggggssss" she said I nod standing up turning to her "let's go to the party" i said pushing her she pushes me from the wall I was about to hit "this way" she said I look around like it's new to me "pureblood" she said softly but clearly something opens hearing music the drugs slowly wearing off seeing things more clearly but still dancing with pansy "AM GONNA GO AND FIND DRACO!" She shouts over the music I nod continuing dancing feeling an similar gaze on me from behind an arm slithers around my waist "I heard you got bud.." Cedric whispers kissing my neck I smile and turn to him smiling "being brave?" I asked him he shrugs I moved his neck seeing someone else claiming it I kiss over the hickey hearing him lightly moaning I pull away smiling "who was the other girl?" I asked him "wouldn't you like to know" he said down my ear "I would that's why I asked" I said down his getting an idea I pull him closer to me I suck on his ear he grips tighter onto my waist he pulled away harshly I see mattheo there pissed I roll my eyes "I leave you how long? And you do this?" He said "you don't owe me unless I have a ring on my finger or he has a ring on his then I'll back off but till then am free!" I said then walk passed him to the drink stand "what does the colours mean?" I asked the guy "pink by just getting drunk,orange is a one-off and blue is getting laid" he explains I take the orange no hesitation walking over to pansy "hook up with mattheo" I said to her ear she looks at me shocked "really?" She said scared "he needs to get laid to lower his mums anger issues and I can't be assed" I said she nods and gets up passing me her drink i pull her back giving her drink "you'll need it" i said she nods drinking it all then passing the empty cup back to me smiling I roll my eyes playfully walking over to the dance floor dancing and drinking letting it take over me someone kisses my neck I drink my last bit of the drink turning around confused but letting her kiss my neck feeling some eyes on me I ignore them kissing her lips I go down to her colour bone knowing that's some girls weakness hearing her light moans I trail back up to her neck getting pulled away "sorry" I mouth she smiles weakly "mike what do you want?" I asked him "truth or dare" he said pointing at everyone I roll my eyes staying standing up not wanting to sit next to Mike for dragging me away or mattheo who I set pansy up with who is now hooking up with some dude in a storage room and no way with draco "am going first and you move your ass" I said looking at draco he moves up i spin the bottle making my way to him the bottle spins on draco I groan "truth don't trust you enough" I said looking at him "do you like mattheo more then a friend way?" He asked I looked at him dead in the eye "no...." I said he nods I looked down at my lap sitting up "I'm missing a fucking Jem wtf" I said pissed I look up to everyone looking at me "what?" I asked them then back at my denim shorts like its gonna re-appear "your turn again" he whispers I look at the bottle to it looking at pansy "dare.." I said then back at my shorts "I dare you to sta"- she pauses "straddle draco" she said I looked up at her then the girl I was kissing "found this?" She said I got up going over to her quickly "my jem thx" I said smiling sitting next to mattheo completely clueless forgot the dare as I put the jem back onto my shorts "no way in hell am gonna let her on my lap.." draco said I looked up at him then pansy confused "what happened?" I asked mattheo he laughs "she forgot the dare" mattheo said laughing "glad she did" draco said "what dare? Didn't even know we were playing truth or dare" I asked "your dare was to straddle draco!" Pansy said "yeahhhh no not happening while am alive your mind out the!" I said she nods "you done your shorts?" Mattheo asked I nod "and I don't think am that bad if a girl and two people want me,you have to get them while they come to me" i explain he goes to do something but a dude stops him "Blaise leave him" mattheo said which he does he comes charging at me chocking me I smile staring into his eyes seeing nothing but pure blackness I get his arm off my throat sighing

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