Boss queen

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Hearing Leo grunting and moaning I looked over confused to him jacking himself I move his hand he looks at me smiling I start kissing his side teasing him kissing his base licking up to his head he groans and peaks up from excitement I take him fully bobbing my head up and down going all the way down he moans roughly "fuuuuuuck" he moaned again playing with my hair with his hand to him cumming down his dick i lick it all making him groan "a-adddddy" he shouts while moaning he put his boxers back on pulling me onto him kissing me I kissed him back "could we use the toys today?" He asked "you can bearly handle me without them" i joke he rolls his eyes wrapping his arms around my waist I take his dagger as he turns me I put it up to his throat "every time you do that the more hotter you look" he complements me making me blush "we have Snake then pinky pie after your skipping lessons with me" he scheduled "like every Friday yes bub I know" I said removing the knife kissing him he kissed me back I push him off me knowing mattheo walks in walks to my wardrobe getting a vibrated then walking back out I explained as he does it "glad you've learned your lesson and him not walking in on us" leo explains getting ready "your fault for being horny" I said he turns and looks at me putting an act on as i put my dress on smiling "I-I have needs!" He defends i walk over to him kissing him taking his clothes "ADDY! give them back" he said reaching for them someone comes in seeing us "give them and I won't be horny for a week" he tries and bribes me "I won't watch cars two" he asked awww "your to cute" I kissed his lips giving back his clothes smiling "hot not cute" he corrected me I shake my head "both" I shrug sitting down

THE NEXT MORNING Hearing Leo grunting and moaning I looked over confused to him jacking himself I move his hand he looks at me smiling I start kissing his side teasing him kissing his base licking up to his head he groans and peaks up from excitem...

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"Nobody is allowed to touch you other then me" he said before kissing my neck making his claim i turn to him moving his neck slighly his arms go around my waist as I give him multiple hickeys "keep them there" I said before kissing his lips he loo...

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"Nobody is allowed to touch you other then me" he said before kissing my neck making his claim i turn to him moving his neck slighly his arms go around my waist as I give him multiple hickeys "keep them there" I said before kissing his lips he looks over to the mirror the looks at me pissed "I actually hate you-it looks like someone beated me up and aimed bad so they hit there" he explains "not those words but we'll said" I said holding his hand swinging it as we are going snakes lesson "arrived but late I'll accept it since your hear miss Bennett and mr.." he trails off "I didn't pick the last name" he said "obviously dumass" I said hitting the back of his head he took it seriously glaring at me I giggle holding my hands infront of me he puts them down on his lap "sorry bubs forgot" I shrugged smiling "can I keep them?" He asked holding my hands "uhhh? no? I need them" I said confused taking them away from him doing the lesson for once

When the bell goes me and him go to walk out but a girl walks up to us "has she told you about her feelings?" She asked him what the fuck is she on about she looks over to me "the time where your asking everyone for help before you got drunk?" She asked ohhh that bitch better not "what she on about?" He asked me I glared at her "so you don't?" She asked him he shakes his head "she asked peoples help even mattheo and pansy because she didn't want to d"-"that's enough of you" I interrupted her banging her to the wall she laughs "what is she on about?" He asked me again more pissed "a secret who her and Mattheo are hiding from you" she said before I tighten my grip around her throat "what...secret?" He asked removing my hands from her looking at me and only me I can't tell him he won't understand "addy just tell him" mattheo said I looked over to him "b"-"I know it will but it's better to tell him then keep it a secret for the rest of your life" he interrupted he let's go of my hands i sit down looking down knowing I'll break his and my heart "I asked for everyone's help telling them that I didn't wanna say yes because I didn't like you then but I didn't  wanna say no for hurting your heart" I explained softly as tears exit my eyes he sat next to me I covered my face sniffing "all that matters now is that you cared for me" he said rubbing my back I looked over to him "why aren't you angry,pissed shout at me throw something anything?" I asked him "because"-he takes a deep breath in "that's not gonna help me" he breaths out I nod "it was a fun time with you enjoyed most parts" he said smiling I roll my eyes playfully wiping my tears "but us? am sorry but I'm breaking up with you" he said softly then left I fucking knew it but still came as a big wave shock to me I walked through the halls to my dorm covering my face from everyone locking my door and staying in my room quietly crying I checked my social media changing my bio but not making it obvious that we broke up by putting a quote
Next few weeks/months
Addy goes to lessons but not the hall and stays in her room for most of the day throwing things,crying
And repeats over and over again till someone had enough of her and helped her to get back on track
someone storms in as I eat my ice cream licking the spoon seeing mattheo there with pansy and apple i roll my eyes continue watching cars too "awww boo" apple said hugging me "what's up?" Pansy whisper to mattheo he sighs closing my laptop "such a body's favourite movie and it's not addy's" he said referring to leo apple hugs me as I cry "I miss him..." i whimper "shhh I know I know you do" she comforts me

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