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"Yes it's risky but the usual deatheaters will be the distractions around hogwarts avoiding each attack dumbledoor will be at the astrometry tower someone kills him once the barriers been lifted they and we can attack hogwarts" he explains "what about Harry?" I asked him "we'll bring my dad to kill Harry...only question now is?.." he leads on "who kills albus?" I asked my mind being all over the place mattheo comes behind me kissing my neck his arms around my waist "your quiet" he whispers I turned to mattheo "theo- he stops me by kissing me then pulls away "you calling me that either because your fucking me or we're in deep shit.." he said softly I look away crossing my arms "you don't trust the plan?" He asked I looked back at him "we need plan b I feel like something is going to be wrong someone bending the whole plan and I don't want either of us to kill albus" i explain "sleep on the plan and if it comes to either one of us we'll be careful" he explains as we walk back to the others "careful isn't gonna help the other with kylo" i mumble seeing him playing with Leo mario cart they got closer on his birthday when Blaise got him the game found his attacking book where he writes down the moves and turns and stuff like chess but gameplay "Addy?" Draco asked I shake my head out of thought "can me and Leo play in the woods?" Kylo asked "garden only" I said "stick by Leo not trailing off yes I got the rules" he said before running off with Leo "Addy there's something you should know about kylo?" Blaise asked I looked up to him "Blaise not the time" draco said I look at them both confused everyone leaves I got up spotting kylos bracelet "he's been using his powers and Leo is training him" Blaise whispers behind me before walking off "Blaise.." I asked he turns around "I know about you and pansy so does the others" I smiled he stays there shocked "way before kylos birthday" I tapped his shoulder before walking outside going to the maze/woods seeing kylo using his magic i sigh and compell him "walk up to me willingly" I said softly which he does Leo looks over "sorry mum.." he apologised I put the bracelet on I stop compelling him "it's alright as long you don't cheat" I smiled "go inside let me talk to uncle Leo" I asked him "he was helping me get better don't blame him please" he asked I bend down to his level "it's dangerous for you to use them that's why you have a bracelet on your lucky your dad didn't find out and it's me" i explain he sighs "go on" I passed him his attacking book he ran off inside i stud up "Addy..I didn't think you'll helping him he could help in the fight" he explains I slap Leo "ouch.." he laughed "you dare involve my boy into the fight I'll do alot worse then some petty slap what have you told him?" I asked him he don't answer me "Leo?" Mattheo asked walking up behind me with his hands around my waist pinching the lace "just that people are gonna get hurt" he bites his lip "no more magic learning till he's old enough got it?" I asked him "and when is that ey? people are after him from everywhere while your thinking about a fucking fight with someone you have no beef with" he explains and walks passed I grab his arm stopping him "no more magic learning and me and Mattheo will look at each corner we got lucky last time" I explain he pulls his hand out my grip walking away "leave him" mattheo said calmly "how much did you see?" I asked him "whole thing I'm happy you slapped him" he smiled I move his face away walking off he comes up behind me with his arms around my waist kissing my neck "you left hickeys and I was clueless.." said softly "how dark?" He asked smiling "that's your question? not how large you made it?" I asked him looking at him grinning ear to ear "stops people from looking everywhere else" he smiled "it's stupid" I said softly "uh oh what's happening?" Tom asked "riddle being jealous" I looked down "am I?" He asked behind me "overprotective then" I looked up "only what's mine" i mouth as he said it "from what?" Grace asked I looked over to her confused "shouldn't you be in bed?..asleep you have test in the morning" I said confused she groans getting up I take the drink off her "you let her off with all that?" I asked pansy "answer her question" pansy said "mattheo created a huge hickey on my neck that everyone was staring at i didn't know till I went to the bathroom to clean off" i explained "he loves you be lucky not many people get those.." pansy said softly "seriously? what happened between you and and Blaise?" I asked her "don't change the subject" she asked "I don't need help I can take care of myself what happened?" I asked her "after Blaise told me about you all knowing he broke it off almost immediately" she said I bite my lip I get up dragging Blaise away from everyone "do you seriously think it's ok just to use pansy yes she's an idiot at times but that girl right there is fucking broken she absolutely loves you.." i explain "woah what? not using her?" He said I cross my arms not believing him "you don't believe me" he said softly "should I? she cheated on Tom with you..have a miracle child with you while that baby thinks Tom is the father because your not being around helping her she's alone and need your help" i explain "she has you and the other girls" he goes to walk back i stop him "not all the time we have our own lives to live you either walk away from everyone not coming back..ever or you walk back in that room being with the person you love" i explain "she's not in love with me yes she loves me yes she loves Tom but wasn't in love with him either because she is in love with draco and haven't told anyone about it because he's dating hermonie to make her jealous because they both love each other but can't announce it because there the idiots" he explains he walks away I stand there shocked

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