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Days passed, and kylo and Mattheo got closer it's cute and funny

Days passed, and kylo and Mattheo got closer it's cute and funny

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He's now one year old the first word was daddy I did get a little jealous but he's just too cute so I wasn't that jealous he's grown so fast in little time Mattheo jumped me out of thought as he climbs onto the bed ✨sexually✨ "am Addy being all ho...

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He's now one year old the first word was daddy I did get a little jealous but he's just too cute so I wasn't that jealous he's grown so fast in little time
Mattheo jumped me out of thought as he climbs onto the bed ✨sexually✨ "am Addy being all horny" he smiled making me burst out laughing I push him onto the bed sitting on top of him "that I am" I kissed him as I grind on him till someone knocks on the door I look over seeing a blue blanket at the door I laugh with my head on mattheo shoulder I get off him "hey buddy" I picked him up onto the bed "I had a night.." he lies down on mattheo stomach in the middle "a nightmare?..what about baby?" I asked him stroking his arm as he cuddles his daddy "is unc Leo going to be ok?" He asked I looked up at mattheo "why don't you sleep with us for a little while," mattheo asked him he nods I put his blanket over him as he sleeps on mattheo poor baby I lie down next to kylo with my hand resting on his back I looked up at mattheo he kissed me I kiss him back he moves kylo off him slowly as he's above me I wrap my arms around his neck my legs around his waist he picks me up to the bathroom "mattheo?" Draco whispers neither of us answers as we both undress I moan as he enters me "Addy..." Draco asked Draco to leave us alone he leans me against the wall starting going slow pace too fast in seconds I bite my lip with my head lit back as my tits bounce to each thrust mattheo kissing my neck he moves me closer to him "th-theo c-can I cum?" I asked him softly knowing am close "no" he whispers I bite my lip harder clawing into mattheo back "f-fuck" he groans I go to his ear licking it then start sucking on it feeling him relieved I do the same after "I didn't need assistant" he said putting his clothes on after placing me down onto the floor "mhm sure" I kissed his cheek before leaving the bathroom to kylo still sleeping the nightmare really got to him "at least draco gone" mattheo came behind me kissing my neck with his arms around my waist "definitely knows how to piss someone off" I said turning around to him smiling "you sure it's him?" He asked I gasp holding my chest "no cuddles and kisses for you" i said smiling before walking off going downstairs "your joking right?" Mattheo asked appearing in front of me "mhm..maybe" I smiled devil he's hot "so it's a yes?" He asked smiling "what's the love birds bickering about?" Tom asked "if she was joking for no cuddles and kisses but in her mind she said 'devil hes hot' so" he said smiling I looked at him confused mind read how fun I block my mind for everyone sticking my tongue out giggling as I walk off to the living room someone picks me up from behind I squeal and cling onto them "my brother seriously?" Mattheo asked "your like a pillow he's a brick" I said as he puts me down I go over to mattheo "what?" Mattheo asked "your comfy to sleep on or with" I said hugging him "definitely to sleep with 'm-mattheo am ready' 'oh baby cum in me'-draco laughs "don't recall it being like that" I throw a pillow at him hearing others laugh "how would you recall it being?" Pansy laughed I turned to mattheo "me getting rejected" I sit on the couch arm smiling at him "I didn't reject you could of waited witch you did" he said softly "I'll never do again" I smiled "you have to.." he said walking closer to me "I won't allow it" I said softly he don't answer me "said who?" He asked "me" I looked up at him as he's infront of me "so no cuddles and kisses along with sex? am I allowed to drink?" He asked "time to time" i smiled "fuck not happening 'time to time' am drinking cuddling you with kisses and sex" he explains "your basically banning mattheo to be someone else and not himself" Tom said "trying something new not banning it's temporary" i said looking at him "I hate the temporary thing I'm being me" he said before walking off to the kitchen "and it only making it worse for you both not touching each other you not mattheo will give in tomorrow if it started now" pansy chimes in will I? i look over to mattheo he noticed me and smiled with a wink as he raised his drink before drinking it feeling flutters in my stomach and my cheek burning up I lean back onto the couch covering my face pansy moves my arms from my face "told you" she smiled before getting up with Blaise following her I sit up following them overhearing them "why do we have to hide in secret?" Pansy asked him "you want to tell them 'oh me and pansy have been dating behind all your backs?' Addy will hate me I just got to her good side Tom will hurt me mattheo will glare at me with addy draco will be disgusted darcy will hate me along with your sister" he explains "shh" she said softly I walk back to the others leaning on the couch behind grace and Darcy looking at them smiling some grumpy "Addy?" Tom asked I looked up to him "your quiet what are you up to?" He asked I looked behind me then back at them "Blaise and-I stop hearing footsteps I walk over to mattheo

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