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Having a shower with kylo him enjoying the splashing a lot mattheo called us both to the meeting so it's something important

THE NEXT DAY Having a shower with kylo him enjoying the splashing a lot mattheo called us both to the meeting so it's something important

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He looked so fucking cute I'm dying in adorable also jealous we both go downstairs to everyone else there staring at us both as I walk over to mattheo "something happen at hogwarts?" I asked him he instructed me to sit where his father normally si...

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He looked so fucking cute I'm dying in adorable also jealous we both go downstairs to everyone else there staring at us both as I walk over to mattheo "something happen at hogwarts?" I asked him he instructed me to sit where his father normally sits where is that basterd "Voldemort is dead thanks to potter.." he said I immediately looked up glaring at the person at the end of the table "addy?.." mattheo asked I shake my head looking back down at kylo on my lap bouncing my legs tapping his hands on the table "any questions?" Mattheo asked them "we are also weak without your father around who will take control" snap asked I looked at leo he nods and gets up walking over to me taking kylo I get up and go around to him "who do you think will?" I asked him "t-Tom" he shivered "mhm do you see Tom here now? he's not mature enough mattheo cancelling most of his time without his family for you take that as your pride and quit being a wimp don't need to be scared unless it's something bad your hiding" i explain going around the table light touching them getting a little fear from them but Bella who's smiling away "dismissed" mattheo said softly they all got up "Addy what happened?" He asked walking up to me holding my arms "everyone is all fidgety at the meeting but Bella and pansy she even had a kid with her" i explain "I meant when you froze" he said "other me don't remembering freezing or whatever" I sighed "any cuts?" He asked I shake my head "I'll feed her soon" I said softly just as Leo walks back over to me with kylo "why a bib on him?" I asked him taking him off leo "he was hungry didn't want the warm milk" he said softly I step infront of mattheo still facing leo "thank you" I smiled he smiled back then leaves I turn to mattheo "seriously?" I asked him "he meant my tits" he said low and pissed off I sighed "say that sentence again but slower" I said softly "he meant my tits?" He said again but slower "yours not his yours" i said softly before walking away to the others in the living room placing kylo in the playmat hearing mattheo curse I stood up turning around looking at him confused holding kylo toy in his hand "to fucking much toys and why downstairs he has a room upstairs" he complained passing me the toy aggressive "what made you pissed off?" Blaise asked him just as I sat down next to mattheo with my leg in between his he put his hand on my thigh "mainly because of the toys all over the house" I mumble "oh and who's fault is that?" He asked me I looked up at leo then back at mattheo with mattheo staring at him "mattheo quit it" I asked him I moved his face looking at me "he's your best friend your not killing anyone especially him understood?" I asked him "first MY then the toys?" He asked pissed off "I know could be a mistake and kylo and him do play a lot" I said softly "look at Draco and kylo" I point infront of me to draco teaching kylo mario cart so he can technically play "ha bitch take the shell" Blaise said next to draco I close my eyes sighing "draco give me kylo" I asked him not really being able to move pansy gets up sweeping up kylo of draco passing him to me "or not..thanks" i smiled at pansy getting up going upstairs to kylos room sitting down next to his cot Breast feeding made it to a minimum night drinks from mummy and walm milk from the day "and like that your alone kinda" someone said behind me "can I help you?" I asked him putting kylo in the cot and covering up facing him "oh lovely" I rolled my eyes seeing greyback son "nice ring you got there even though you could of told me you was dating a riddle" he sighed sitting down "who the fuck invited you here? because I sure as fuck didn't?" I asked him hearing laughing at the door he opens it I cross my arms "mattheo sent him here but not to you here" pansy smiled I push him out of the room over to mattheo "didn't tell me you and greyback are friends?" He said looking confused "we aren't" i said looking at him then walk away over to darcy and Grace doing each other's nails "gorgeous" i smiled use less of the yellow and green I'll match your fake tan shrek swamp an hard grip around my waist pulling me to him sure as hell not mattheo "remove your hands in three seconds or you won't have a hand" I threaten him glaring at the floor it immediately goes away "might need to wash this dress" I sighed and looked over to everyone staring the maids Grace and pansy with more "what?" I asked them confused mattheo holds my hand dragging me outside "mattheo if this is your new idea I don't wanna here it" I asked him "wha? No you need to let her out she's controlling you" he said softly "every time I do someone gets hurt could you not get her soul or somthing trapping her?" I asked him "I'll take a while you sure?" He asked I nod "alright..let her out I'll be by your side" he said I nod

I sit up am not hurt? w-where's mattheo? I stand up looking around no bodies I go back to riddle mansion going to Tom "have you-ahh" I get stopped by a burning on my arm I lift my dress sleeve showing my arm to the half moon tattoo glowing "you ok?" He asked "no your brothers missing and hurt because of my fucking fault" I said looking back up at him he hugs me stroking my back

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