Over obsessed

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Hours of talking I go and get up but mattheo pulls me down onto his lap "am going bed" I said to him I kissed him before getting up going upstairs into pjs and getting in bed
Same routine having a shower and getting ready

Mattheo being busy as ever so we bearly talk going downstairs making breakfast for everyone I get my orange juice and sit down with pansy eating my food slow as my head fills of random thoughts but baby kicks i stop and look down at my stomach sti...

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Mattheo being busy as ever so we bearly talk going downstairs making breakfast for everyone I get my orange juice and sit down with pansy eating my food slow as my head fills of random thoughts but baby kicks i stop and look down at my stomach still stroking it we find out if it's a boy or girl with a scan picture "you ok?" Tom asked I looked up nodding I looked down to my food eating the last part of the waffle taking my plate and glass refilling it Mattheo walks over to me "morning what's for breakfast?" He asked "could you come to my scan? we're finding out if it's a boy or girl?" I asked him moving out the way as he takes the waffles putting sauce on then walking off see what I mean? Pansy walks over "what's wrong?" She asked "he's been distant I have my scan today right cheaking if it's a girl or boy and he just completely ignored me" i explain she hugs me I hug her "he's just busy I'll come with you" she smiles I nod smiling "am not ready and neither is he" i said softly she takes my hand walking over to mattheo "sort your girlfriend out with yourself" pansy said softly then leaves I walk away from him not knowing to say
Lying down in my bed Tom walks in "you ok?" He asked me walking over to me "yeah..perfect" i fake smile he sits me up and we both hug "Doctors here" he said softly I pull away smiling walking downstairs wiping my tears "have you been crying?" Mattheo asked I move his hands away from my face walking over to the doctor lying down for my last scan

28 In pregnancy,baby boy I clean the gel off my stomach into a bin "so?" Pansy asked "baby boy" I said putting my sleeves down crossing my arms "aww he looks cute" she said as I passed her the baby scan "am tired am gonna go bed" I take the scan a...

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28 In pregnancy,baby boy I clean the gel off my stomach into a bin "so?" Pansy asked "baby boy" I said putting my sleeves down crossing my arms "aww he looks cute" she said as I passed her the baby scan "am tired am gonna go bed" I take the scan and walk away putting it in the frame along with the rest just waiting for him to be born then I can leave this place "your avoiding me" mattheo said softly "don't lie to me either because that will just create more problems" he said walking up behind me "you already know the answer" I said tracing my fingers over the glass from the scans "I want you to say it" he said softly wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close to him kissing my neck you want a fuck? only reason your talking to me I turned to him "no" i said slightly pissed off I walk around him going to the girls "what's wrong?" Darcy asked "he's using me he don't want the child I don't want it he came to me just for a fuck or food am sick of it" I complain sitting with them darcy hugs me stroking my back "hormones it's because the baby is due soon your getting stressed" darcy explains softly "darcy quit lying" pansy said over her darcy rolls her eyes "am sorry it I want them both to work because of the stupid future her" she said then leaves "w-what was that about?" I asked them confused "future you came in all our heads threatening us if it didn't go as plan for her" pansy explains "the baby your holding is legacy" Tom said softly walking in "yes your both young but it happened and you giving him away would curse you both then to everyone else you know" Tom explains "why isn't yours legacy?" I asked him "pansy don't have angel or demon blood in her but you have them both" lucifer said behind me I turned around to him hugging him "missed you to my little devil" he said hugging me back "b-why is mattheo being distracted or distanced?" I asked Tom turning around to him he shrugs "could be to much for him or just busy doing something" he explained this isn't making any sense "I gotta go back down I'll visit as much as I can" he said I nod hugging him goodbye then going to mattheo in the kitchen drinking I walk over to him taking his drink away moving it near him "what's going on?" I asked him he goes and get the drink I get it moving it behind me slowly in the sink "nothing" he lied "your being distracted and distant something is on your mind" i explain to him he looks behind me I looked over leo? "Did he do something?" I asked mattheo facing him "mattheo?" I asked "no" he said pissed then walks off.leave him he don't care about you. Fuck off one point you say I have to stay with him now your saying to leave him? Pick a fucking choice. i hold onto the counter tight holding my stomach breathing calmly as it stops I go to the living room eating chips "Addy?" Tom asked sitting next to me "you ok?..what happened?" He asked "nothing.." I said holding in my tears "your arm says other wise" he said I looked at it to a big scar there fuck "seen leo?" I asked him "am here what's up?" He asked I show him my arm getting up "he won't do it" leo said "he will for me if not we'll there's another pathway" i whisper walking off over to him to his room "mattheo" I asked him "am in the shower can you wait?" He asked "unless you want me dying on your floor no it can't" I explain

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