Forever loved

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"That was you" he said sighing "ohh yeah and then you tried helping me but making me worse witch by the way my back hurts even worse then the log situation" i explain "and how many times did I say that am sorry?" He asked "didn't asked you to say sorry I asked you to fix my back so kneeing my back doesn't work" I said looking at him "you fucking moaned!" He said looking at me again "it felt good then but now it hurts" I shout then walk away "can I try it?" Draco asked hermonie they both walk away "don't shout at me and walking away when am talking to you?" He asked I turned to him "no doing that anymore it hurt" I said softly "really?..did it really hurt you or just saying that?" He asked walking up to me I moved back "it hurt then you did it didn't hurt anymore and today it hurts again" I explain I hit the counter "soooo I helped you the pain just came back" he said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close to him I shrug "you don't know?" He asked "do I ever know anything?" I asked him placing my arms around his neck "sexual things yeah you know quite a lot cooking you know that you know me" he smiled "your horny how lovely" I smiled pulling away "am not" he shouts as I walk away "theo your first thing was to mention was sexual things your horny get over it" i shout back going upstairs someone picks me up I squeal "I'll do way more then that" he said I take his hand leading him to our room since he was about to go into Leo room pushing him down to our bed taking his trousers off going up to him kissing him as it sit on his lap he grabbed my waist aggressively moving me closer to him took ahold of his dick and positioned it at my opening. I slowly started to sink down. He was big I could definitely feel it stretch my walls. When my butt touched his thigs I stilled my movement. He looked like he was in heaven. His head was thrown back and his eyes were closed. I kissed his neck and sucked a few love bites just underneath his sharp jaw. I needed a distraction from that stretch. "I'm going to move now" I whispered started to move, at first I was going slow and doing small circles but then I started to really ride the shit out of him. I could see his eyes rolling back as I was bouncing on his dick. I removed my bralette out of his mouth so that I could kiss him. It felt good. No,actually it felt really good. I could feel him almost in my stomach, he was so fucking big. His hands were everywhere and mine were on his shoulders for support. He saw that I was getting tired and that my thighs would give up so he started to thrust upwards meeting my movement in the middle. With that he, hit my g-spot and I arched my back as my eye rolled backwards. I ran my hands up and down on his sides to tease him a bit more. I could head the sound of skin slapping together as our thrusts met. He was starting to slow down his thrusts and I could feel him getting closer to the edge my turn of the fun as he sits up I move closer to him he groans I smile i move my arms around his neck kissing him passionately as he give me me the same energy back I go to his ear sucking on it he moves his hands up to my waist tight hearing soft moans exit his mouth I stopped when he climaxed I smile moving staring at his face he turns me around so he's above my arms above my head locked down by his hand holding them there as he kissed me not as needy as the first deeply passionately and addictive someone knocks on light the fuck knocks? and light? normally sounds like a gorilla at the door mattheo gets up putting his boxers and shorts on while I go under the covers not really being bothered to change kylo at the door I laugh as mattheo picks him up walking over to me "how did you get out of your cot? ey?" Mattheo asked playing with his toy infront of him "where's his bracelet?" I asked mattheo he looks at me and passed me kylo then he walks out as I play with kylo till my arms got tired and layed him down breastfeeding him mattheo walks in sitting next to me while putting his bracelet back on kylo as he falls back to sleep in my arms I move him in the middle of me and Mattheo mattheo moving me closer to him his hand resting on my ass as I calm kylo to sleep someone storms in "someone took kylo" leo whisper shouts "nope he's here go to sleep leo" I smiled he walks out closing the door I look up to mattheo smiling at me "what?.." I smiled also blushing "never in my life did I think that i will love someone as much as I do for you" he smiled "and kylo?" I asked him he rolls his eyes "love the kid" he smiled mhm I lean in and kiss him more a static then the first,more passionate then the first kiss that Iv ever layed onto fairy tales goes on with a beautiful princess locked in a tower and a handsome prince saves her yes tangled what other shows to describe my love story only with a twist to have an amazing,handsome,extraordinary king infront of me if I had a choice to re live it I'll do it again

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