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Dancing with pansy,darcy,hermonie,draco enjoying our times feeling stared at the back of my head I turn around looking back at him Tom steps infront "need a dance partner?" He asked as mattheo walks up "I have my own thanks seen kylo?" I asked him "with Leo" he points I turn around to them both dancing as arms wrap around my waist "enough staring come" mattheo asked "more surprises" I smile following him "you wanted to see the stars and moonlight on your wedding" he said as I put my hands on his shoulder with my head relaxing on them "everything is perfect" i whisper "a little to perfect something must be going on" leo said behind us mattheo turned around "your babysitting" I smiled "might give you a break on your special night" he said putting kylo down he runs over to where we sat I follow him lifting my dress "which one ih mine?" Kylo asked standing on the chairs "next to daddy so if he sat here where would you be?" I asked him he sat down I smile "when it was us time did you almost say daddy or something else?" Mattheo asked sitting down fuck uhm "I have an accuse for that" I point at him he laughs "what? Iv been around kylo?" He asked I shrug he smiles "well I have and it's engraved in my mind and what?" I asked him moving the empty glass "nothing but could we try?" He asked "no" I got up lifting my dress of the floor running after kylo I pick him up laughing "got ya" I kissed his cheek "ugh" he said grossed wiping "mommy loves you" I said smiling with his legs around my hip "when am I going school? like carmon?" He asked "when your her age why honey?" I asked him "becauhs your ruleh are htupid" he said softly "kylo we don't say those words who taught you them? and you can use magic at your school not at home" i explain "uncle ahtrid horry mommy" he said as I put him down walking back inside holding his hand "good boy...leo?" I asked as kylo runs up to leo "ey what's up?" Leo asked "have you seen your brother?" I asked him "upstairs in his room talking to mattheo" he said I look at confused "mattheo is outside.." I said confused then go upstairs with Leo and kylo rushing "revilo.." leo spells I pause "my dear katia.." he said walking up to me I move back "that's rocky?" Astrid asked "something wrong? princess not like the night dreams?" He asked "night dreams?" Leo asked me "leave me alone and enough of the 'dreams' you disgust me" I said grossed out "princess?" He asked "leave and don't come back especially cloned as someone else" I said softly pointing at the door hiding kylo behind me he goes to touch me I glade at him tighting my grip around his arm "leave my home" I asked annoyed "your not katia.." he said softly "unlink yourself from my husband then leave this fucking house now!" I asked which he does but not leave I let go of his arm "where is my katia?" He asked "dead back in hell where she belongs" I said slowly pulling out my dagger he bangs me to the wall I close my eyes with the dagger to his throat I open my eyes to the dagger just touching his throat "where is she?" He asked "hands off my wife!" Mattheo asked "Leo get kylo out" he said which he does "that mine?" Mattheo asked smiling "katia is in hell with my father leave me alone!" I said anoyyed "mhm someone must not like my dreams" he said I move off the wall piercing the dagger into his skin "there nightmares you fucking pedo" I said anoyyed "now I see why your disturbed with me" mattheo clears his throat he takes the dagger off me and does the job for me I stare at his body and dis-attached head I turn around and hug whoever is behind me digging my head in there chest as they stroke my back "your ok" Leo said I pull away "w-where's kylo?" I asked "in bed sleeping but I think you and mattheo need to talk?" He said "my makeup is running" i sulk "I don't give a flying shit about your makeup" mattheo turns around with the bloody dagger in his hand my heart races he drags me out the room into ours in the bathroom as I remove my makeup into something light

" he said softly "unlink yourself from my husband then leave this fucking house now!" I asked which he does but not leave I let go of his arm "where is my katia?" He asked "dead back in hell where she belongs" I said slowly pulling out my dagger h...

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While he removes the blood off his dagger but getting sidetracked by staring at me I looked up at him smiling "better if you don't strip behind me when there's a mirror" he said softly "I'll deal with your problem later" I kiss his cheek then walk...

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While he removes the blood off his dagger but getting sidetracked by staring at me I looked up at him smiling "better if you don't strip behind me when there's a mirror" he said softly "I'll deal with your problem later" I kiss his cheek then walk away "later?" He asked shouting I shut the door smiling going downstairs "mommy your ok" kylo runs over to me hugging my legs i crouch to his level giving him a lolly "don't tell daddy" I whisper he smiles and walks away hiding it definitely my son I stand up "why are you thinking of candy?" Astrid asked behind "am hungry and don't go through my mind I need it empty" i explain going to the kitchen "there's left over cake in the fridge" mattheo said walking over I looked at his dick then him "bitch" he cursed I giggle "there's no cake" I said looking around for it "your b-who had the last peace of the cake?" He asked "ky did you steal the cake?" I asked kylo crossing my arms "...noo" he smirked at me mattheo laughs I turn to mattheo "don't encourage him" I move him out the way closing the fridge door but I stop "carmon?" I asked she looks up holding an ice cream whats with these kids "come on" I said softly putting the icecream back and closing the fridge passing her two lolly's and get two more kylo runs in "mom"-I give him another lolly he giggles walking away and let me tell you it was so cute like mattheo evil giggle that made me laugh

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