Clever brain

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at hogwarts again from getting an notification that there's a new student today not like I give a fuck but when I layed eyes on her I knew she wasn't like any other girl Iv ever layed my eyes on

Hated the lessons as usual but she was there with me her angle smile I could think about her all day and all night and I did just that at times when am low just thinking about her makes me smile'

"What happened on the 12 July who's the mystery woman that you loved" I asked him smiling "mhm that's a secret" he said softly smiling I skip a few pages to the reacent ones

"30 June" i sighed

'My love dying but hiding her pain once again not ready to trust me her dating him started up on me again so again I do another task to get him and her out my mind but something seems off with him he's not with me anymore when am doing my task or his he don't ask for my help we're more separated from each other I follow him to him hooking up with someone else but her my heart broke seeing him like that to another he told me don't tell her don't tell her mattheo her heart will shatter he asked me to promise him but I can't do that she's the love of my life and it kills me that I can't tell her but maybe now I have a chance'

woah tha- I pass him his diary "m-mattheo?" I asked him sitting up "mhm?" He asked "be totally honest with me" I asked him he takes the diary sighing "go on" he said walking to his desk "I might be the one going crazy over the whole thing but bare with me"-"just say it" he interrupted "the guy that cheated was leo wasn't it?" I asked him "annnd the girl you fell in love with was me?" I said walking up behind him "yes.." he answers softly I stand back leaning at the bottom his bed re-thinking our whole friendship that could be him wanting more "a-Addy listen" he said softly "if you think any more your gonna blow" he said softly "you was in pain and I thought it was about something else when it's about me you-your love but you didn't ask why?" I asked him confused he hugs me stroking my back "because I was afraid you was gonna say no" he said softly I pulled away "oh Matty" I smile "I don't trust that smile...either your broken and in need for a big hug or something else" he explains "uh both?" I said confused "sit" I instructed

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