Oh uh

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He came back with a wand suitcase I looked up at him questionable slowly opening it to the 'thing' inside I closed it walking out going back to Astrid waiting I stop and smile "not gonna stare all night are you?" He asked I might do who knows? i walk up to his car "needed a new wand?.." he asked looking down at my lap I look down to where the suitcase is sitting "uhh yeah..." I agreed smiling looking up at him he leaned him oh baby boy I lean in to his ear "drive me to hogwarts" i whispered then kiss his cheek,sitting back in my chair he cleared his throat then drives on "what's mattheo gonna think of us?..happy or anger?" He asked "we are talking about the same mattheo right?.." I asked him looking out the window feeling a warm grip on my thigh I looked over to him smiling "I would to be pissed.." he sighed mhm sure seeing the small castle ahead the more closer we get the bigger it looks the second the car drops to the ground I get out "Addy?.." he asked I turned around to him still in the car "you can leave..don't tell anyone am here sure at wanders but not here till I ask you to" I said he nods then leaves as I walk over to the castle "miss morgenstar.." guard asked I turned around to him or not a guard "professor moody what can I do for you?.." I asked him "dumbledoor is at the astrometry tower waiting for you" he said he knows? FUCK! i stay calm on the outside smiling at him then walk away to the astrometry tower i glare at him "you don't have to do this.." he asked someone comes up behind me "do..it" Bella whispers "you make it so easy there's no fun in it" i step closer to him "we could work together sending Voldemort the true evil out.." he begs "no..I am and if I go against you your dead and if I go against Voldemort he's dead am the true evil that's why you haven't called me out you need me" i explain "Addy?" Draco asked behind me "I can learn from you and teach you more.." he asked I sigh getting my wand out pointing it at dumbledoor "shouldn't of talked to him and i wouldn't be doing this" I smiled "AVADA KAVDA!" I sent him into oblivion Bella laughs "the spell is half down only a few can attack" i whisper to them before going down darcy malfoy Tom riddle and Mattheo riddle all there waiting "suprised your here and not after Astrid" i smirked as he walked up behind them he tilts his head confused "care to tell me what she's on about?" Mattheo asked Astrid they both move away from hearing "wha-what was that about?" Draco asked behind me "oh just some people taking advantage of each other" I said watching them fight smiling "GUYS! STOP!" Darcy shouts Tom pulls mattheo away "look at her..look at her" he points at me mattheo looks over to me "she wanted you to beat the fuck out of him you gave in" he said softly I roll my eyes "it was fun while it lasted "what's in the sutecase" Astrid coughs mhm something you won't ever know about "what sutecase?" Draco asked I walked away till he drags me over to the others I turn to him slapping him hard "BITCH!" He complains I push him away from me "touch me again and you'll be next" I point at Astrid "Addy what fucking sutecase?" Mattheo asked "from wanders I told you" Astrid groans falling back down on his back I look over the corner of my eye to Darcy going to disappear I hold her wrist quickly appearing with her inside hogwarts I smile at her "bye now" I smiled then walked away to Snape I passed him the suitcase then walked off till getting stopped..trapped I bang on the force hard nothing working I turned around to the others there "hey what's that?" someone asked looking down at my wrist I looked down to it the moon glowing bright green I looked up to mattheo "darcy informed me you was being the messenger..to snape" Astrid holds his stomach walking up to me I smile "ah well can't be to careful can you" I crossed my arms "I can't do much since your ex husband is watching me but that part is blocked off from all deatheaters" he lifts my arm pointing at the non glowing moon I rip my arm off him "he isn't watching you..he's staring at you" i explain then go around him walking off he grabs my arm i immediately look up glaring at darcy pissed off "oh uh did I wake the wrong side?" He asked I bite my lip looking up at Astrid slowly "remove your arm or I'll drain you..she's feeling hungry" I threaten him which he does continue walking away "following isn't gonna answer your questions go to Snape he's got them all.." i explain I turned to them "he told me where to find the anrase spell in for..something he wants" i explain "which is?" Mattheo asked I stop walking turning to someone there "chick chick..devil no longer" he whispers moving the cross infront of me I laugh "ahh my eyes move it away.." I said before laughing my head off I move the wooden cross away vamp speeding really close to him biting his neck in the vain he screams for a while till he stopped and whines I move away as his body drops to the floor unconscious I turn to draco "could be you.." I smirked then turn back around walking to the library they have everything if not the riddles have it "what are you looking for?" Granger asked "hermonie move.." Draco asked her she does it walking up to him I roll my eyes

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