Masquerade ball

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opening my eyes to cute being in bed with me not mattheo kylo of Course because once kylo is asleep can't wake him up unless it's mattheo shouting so leo brought him with us luckily after me and him time I get a gown on picking up kylo slowly taking him to his room as he sleeps calmly arms wrap around my waist kissing my neck strong wave of callonge and smells of beautiful cigarettes i turned around facing mattheo with my arms around his neck kissing him he pulled me close to him "you already had your fun" I smiled pulling away "what am I only allowed once a week? I can't hold off that much" he said softly "learn to" I kissed his cheek before walking off "did you run upstairs?" I asked pansy confused "y-yes" she coughed I sit her down "it's important and i know you don't have the dress so we're going dress shopping" she squealed "riggght am gonna have a shower and get ready" i explain

THE NEXT DAY opening my eyes to cute being in bed with me not mattheo kylo of Course because once kylo is asleep can't wake him up unless it's mattheo shouting so leo brought him with us luckily after me and him time I get a gown on picking up kyl...

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Going to her linking arms as we walk around looking "why are we looking for big dresses?" I asked her as she scanned the shop staring at one "because the riddles and malfoys host a ball every year but it's not two they combined and it's at the riddle mansion how did theo not tell you this?" She asked I shrug "never asked because I never knew he must of forgotten" I said softly looking at some dresses and tops,pants shorts getting distracted till pansy drags me to one that am obsessed with love the jewels and omg this ball puffy dress is so..not even a word for it because it's how amazing it looks the price on the other hand hated but what could the devils daughter do to get it? compell them of course I don't usually use my powers but pansy wanted one that she desired so I used compulsion again for her so we both have our dresses I bought an after dress party because I know mattheo is gonna be very needy so he can rip that dress not the ball dress because it's how obsessed I am with it
Right now me and pansy are looking for masks to go with our dresses

not even a word for it because it's how amazing it looks the price on the other hand hated but what could the devils daughter do to get it? compell them of course I don't usually use my powers but pansy wanted one that she desired so I used compul...

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Pansy loves going on top with everyone being overdrawn with things but me am simple but my dress says other wize

So maybe me being mysterious that I am will be shown hopefully ~~~~~back at riddles home my home carrying loads of bags "I need more jewellery" pansy complained "I thought I was the only one" I sighed "where have you been?" Mattheo asked interrupt...

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So maybe me being mysterious that I am will be shown hopefully
back at riddles home my home carrying loads of bags "I need more jewellery" pansy complained "I thought I was the only one" I sighed "where have you been?" Mattheo asked interrupted our conversation "ooo so I got you a matching mask" I smiled putting my bags on the table searching for it and put it out passing it him "she told you" he sighed "why didn't you tell me?" I asked him "because your gonna distant and away busy bossing all the elves" he said putting it on the table pulling me close to him "well you think it's not a big thing when it is yes it's every year so what? and it's not just me pansy and Darcy grace and others think of it as wedding planning of us" i explain smiling he smiles "that's how much your exited then I'll definitely speed up" he kiss pecks me smiling I giggle "take all the time you need but this ball can't wait that long sorry boo" I picked up the bags kissed his cheek before walking off catching up to pansy giggling as I run with my bags almost tripping "careful" mattheo shouts i turn to him smiling then go upstairs "so?" She asked smiling "we might be sharing a wedding" I laughed she gasps "oh my god that will be so cute" she jumps "how?" I asked smiling unpacking "we almost gave birth on the same day just a few months later and now wedding" she smiled "i-uhh pansy please don't rush everything we have a whole life ahead of us if mattheo's ready to ask am sure he would if done it by now" i explain sitting her down she takes a deep breath in and out "your right buttt if he did how cute?" She asked I smile rolling my eyes "would be adorable" I said softly "riiight?" She giggled "how's you and Tommy?" I asked her "Rocky roads mostly" she sighed "pansy?" I asked her

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