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Back at hogwarts to the place a reck "deatheaters" I whispered "SHIT! Come on" I said dragging them to the back of the school "father?" Mattheo asked "ahh my son you arrived" Voldemort said holding his arms out for a hug but I stop mattheo "who's this little dove?" He asked me i ignore him "Andriette don't listen to him it's a trap!" My mum shouts behind him chained i glare at him "ohh that ain't good.." draco laughs "and I thought I was crazy? but you crossed the line bitch" I said feeling the adrenaline rush through my body he fires magic at me which hurt not gonna lie "ADDY!!" She screams "oh you messed up bunny boo" I whisper he turns around to me smiling I use my magic aiming at his wand but he's quick and fights using his shit where's the moon when you fucking need it I release mum from the chains "find the moonlight for me" I asked her she nods and disappears "ADDY!" She shouts I smile I close my eyes breathing calmly he tries and attacks but nothing hurts me I raise my arms above my head feeling burning on my hands from the moon I open my eyes pure blackness I fire it at him straight he tries and fights it but you can't beat a baby goddess who's channeling the moonlight I start to feel weak "Addy you ok?" She asked me holding me up "he' magic" i whisper as my eyes flutter shut orrrr mabye he can beat me "ADDY!!" Leo shouts running over to me "hey..hey your gonna live listen to me don't close your eyes" he said I smile weakly coughing I open my eyes touching his cheek "don't please" he begs seeing tears exit his eyes "k-kill..the basterd" I said before coughing up my blood "w-we will just don't close your eyes on me use all your strength to go to mattheo you hear me?" He asked I nod "3..2..1..up" he said helping me up I hold my stomach limping to mattheo I collapse to his arms "make sure her eyes stay open" he said to mattheo and cheaks "a-am fine" I said coughing ughh am dying fuck being fine "guessing my wi-wish ain't coming true" I sighed "what wish?" Pansy asked "me dying cute like the same way I was b-born" i cough they laugh "stop waisting your breath" Mattheo said I shrug "not lying Matty" i whisper "Addy keep your eyes open or Leo would literally kill us" pansy said I cough "Addy?" Pansy shouts I open my eyes "am tired" I groan "no shit you were channeling the moons power god knows how your still alive now" Mattheo said i hum he shakes me awake "your not dying on me fuck that" mattheo said sitting me in my car in the back seat with him behind me "all I wanted was-..was to eat icecream and live some what happy life with Leo" I cough "I know..." he said with his head on my shoulder "where is she?" Leo asked then he bends down seeing me "you ok?" He asked helping me out "other then dying slowly...yeah" I said looking over to him using my magic on my mum I scream seeing her body fall tears stream my tears leo holds me tight "shhh it's gonna be ok I promise I have a plan she isn't dead" he whispers strocking my back I turn to him confused "what do you me"-I cough "she isn't dead! He used my magic against her let me kill him!" I asked him looking at Voldemort and his crew gone I run over to her coughing "mama please wake up" I shake her crying "come on baby we'll take her with us" leo said holding my shoulder stroking it I stand up turning to him hugging him crying
At the safe house
am still dying but slowly the longer I don't have my magic the faster am dying but I need my mum awake to give me a little of hers to survive but for that I need her awake I stare at her sleeping on the couch "baby give her time come on" leo said sitting next to me on the coffin table rubbing my back I stand up and go to walk away but feeling a strong grip stopping me I turn to my mum sitting up holding onto my arm I go over to her hugging her "hey to you to" she sighed putting her hand on my chest giving a little of her magic slowing down my death then she hugs me back I sit next to her listening to what happened knowing what's he planning everyone walks in the room as she finishes "he graves power but my power won't work on him so he's just got extra lives" i explain "he used it to knock her out" leo said before taking a drink "yeah knock her out not kill her where just in his way for letting him kill Harry Potter who we have to save and it hurts me to say it because he's a greedy basterd" i explain leo laughs "iv noticed" mattheo said looking at me I nod "gross" he backs up "what?" Nyx asked "you'll know soon don't worry" I whisper "so what's your plan?" Draco asked "you'll need us" pansy said i turn to astria and some other girl there "uhh we haven't met but am draco sister darcy" she said I nod i turn back around sighing "another?" I mouth to Leo he shrugs "we have to lead him somwhere" I said "and kill him" leo said smiling "no not yet I'll be to obvious someone has to gain his trust mattheo get close to him without being obvious and get his plans and when he's gonna raid again because he won't miss the next time" I explain he nods "me nyx will go behind him when he's in the spot draining him out as much as we can" I said looking over to her she nods holding my hand "who's nyx?" Darcy and astria asked "the woman next to me back to what I was saying you three would have to in his office and retrieve the sword that can kill him and stab him in the heart" i explain they nod someone storms in me and my mother stand up looking over to a guy full of blood limping "Voldemort ordered me to kill you" the creepy guy points at me "like hell he is" I said firing magic at him he falls to the floor I walk over to him "deatheater" I said softly before my mum makes his body disappear "he risked his life getting to me wow that's determination" I said softly "you don't feel shit stop faking" leo knows me a little to well I smile at him he rolls his eyes I walk out to the front to deatheaters trying to come inside with albus killing them "the force won't hold forever" I said to him crossing my arms "do somthing about it then!" He shouts "how can I? Voldy with the squished nose took my magic dumass" i said to him "there hear for me...aren't they?" A kid asked I looked over to Harry there "not really" I shrugged "there after me for me being in voldy way and once am dead there after you think ahead and not yourself" I tapped his shoulder giving me his hungry gaze that scares the shit out of me I shake my head turning to Voldemort and nyx killing them making there job easer "please don't start dating the Santa" I accidentally asked I cover my mouth shit leo laughs pulling me away from everyone "what?" I asked him smiling

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