Fucking great

18 1 0

Parents left
Everyone cooled down

watching my laptop with his head in between my legs playing around with my thigh that's next to him people come and out of my room now and then for the 'stuff' since pansy revealed my biggest secret that got around to everyone people joke about it but jokes on them leo hurts them then make a joke about him annnnd that's where I kill them what? i was hungry but I couldn't drink from the vain cause then I'll turn into a rabid killer spree called ripper somthing that stefan Salvatore had trouble with and he taught me to control it but he was boring and payed attention to his older brother Damon Salvatore my bestie who I love dearly leo and Damon would hit it off to be Honest but speaking of leo he gets horny twice a day and won't tell me why because his mouth is like glued shut so I will have to fuck it out of him and have burning legs and that's what leads us to this position do I care that people judge us? Not one but gives me free massages so am fine with it

"Addy?" he asked "mhm?" I answered "the shows over and don't make me watch it again" he begs looking up at me as I change the movie for him "this one?" I asked him looking down at him smiling he looks over "one underneath it then am going bed am tired" he said softly I kiss his cheek going back to reading to him done with my movie I was too I got a bit bored seeing there faces again and now he's watching cars 2 even though I recommend cars one but no he has to be different and go for cars two "what's bad about cars 2?" Mattheo asked me "stop reading my mind" I said stretching my left leg "so?" He asked me "the cars in one are new but when going to cars two same thing with just two of three new ons" I complain "shut up you love them" leo said looking up at me smiling "not as much as you" I said smiling and kissed him he looks back onto my laptop continue watching cars to "any room Blaise and pansy are banging" he groans me and leo laugh "unless you like the floor go ahead" I suggest he walks out me and leo laugh "that kid I swerve" I said shaking my head smiling while finding the line I was reading "lift your other leg" he asked which I do to him switching legs my right leg bones crack from not moving in ages i wince in a little pain then it disappears i continue reading
Hours later
"Babbbby!" He complains "mhm?" I replied then looked over to the cars finished "I wonder who's mattheo's favourite car is?" He asked "what's yours?" He asked me as I turn my laptop off "mater I told you every time you watch it" I said putting it on my side under the bed going under the comfy covers he cuddles up to me kissing my forehead goodnight someone storms in leo looks over interested "what are you doing?" leo asked them "might of made pansy pissed she asleep?" Blaise asked him he looks down at me smiling "yeah,umm why is the toy box on the floor?" He asked "is everything around on the floor or just randomly on the floor?" I muttered tired but hungry "randomly on the floor" he said softly I put the cover over my Color bone picking up Leo's hoodie putting it on over my body people walked in putting them in wet so they cleaned them i put them away but leo comes up behind me closely "your ass is showing" he whispers coldly I giggle to his jealousy I turn to him smiling kissing him he kissed me back wrapping his arms around my waist pulling the jumper down he pulls away "I'm yours and only yours your mine and only mine I got your motto" I said softly he nods "good" he said then walks out pushing people out as I got in his bed taking his hoodie off leaving me in my underwear and bra
More then 2 hours later "baby?..honey..daddy?."-"baby please go to bed" He asked me pulling me close to him "but ice-cream " I asked him kissing his neck hearing him moaning quietly "it's midnight,we can't get ice cream right now" he said in his hot tired voice "but I want ice cream" i sulk "am not getting you ice cream" he said more serious but still tired
10 minutes later
Walking to the ice cream place in muggle world

"I hate you so much" he complains smiling "come on bub" I said smiling as he laughs he almost ran into a lamp post "fuck!" He curses I laugh pulling him to me skipping to the ice cream we arrive looking inside as I search around "you want cake?" I asked him smiling "I want sleep" he said smiling I point at the cake "I think you want cake" I smiled
We went back to hogwarts with his cake and my ice cream

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