New pet

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"You have more slytherin friends then ravenclaw and that's bad for you" mattheo warns me i turned to him smiling "why should I care about your opinions?" I asked him "because you still waiting for a fuck" he said "meaning you owe me? What's that gotta do with opinions?" I asked him "well you wearnt really mo-i covered his mouth filling it with fluf I was playing with "to much info" I said before continuing reading with him chocking and spitting out the fluf "stop dying! Am trying to read" I complain he looks at me pissed "what? I like reading" I said "WE KNOW!" Everyone shouts i stand up looking at them all then walk out to ravenclaw common room just me thank god "Andriette" ?? Mutters I turn around to nobody there I shake my head continue reading feeling a burn on my arm I groan in pain looking at it shocked wtf how I got up rushing hiding it with makeup getting makeup remover and tissue running to mattheo slapping him he pushed me to the wall I kicked his balls and pushing him "WTF" he shouts on the floor "get rid of it now!" I said pissed "what!" He asked I get the makeup remover and rub the makeup off showing him "GET RID OF IT!" I shout he gets up looking at it shocked I pull my arm away from him "that weren't me" he said looking at it shocked "what do you mean it ain't you your dad died your mother can't since she gave you that meaning you can give it to one person me!" I explain he looks at me confused "how do you know that?" He asked "I READ!" I shout he pushes me to the wall holding my neck "calm the fuck down! I didn't give you the dark mark" he said I try and push his arm off my hands but no use "are you calm?" He asked "fuck you and fix the damn thing! I don't want to become a fucking sea urchin" i explain he holds tighter "just say yes and he'll let go not saying am not enjoying it" Mike interrupted i and mattheo looked over at him he backs down I kick his balls again he groans in pain "ouch AGAIN!" He shouts in pain I move away to Mike rubbing my wrists "don't do that and I won't kick you" I said focused on my wrists Mike pulls them down to his sights "you'll live" he said pushing them away "no then I'll die from being trapped to the wall" I said sarcastically he looks up to me "was that sarcasm?" He asked I roll my eyes sitting on his lap still rubbing my wrists "you both like pain don't you?" Mike asked someone "oi!" He said bouncing his legs getting my attention "me and who?" I asked him looking at my wrists "riddle" he said softly "I do I don't know about him why?" I asked him and realised I got up kicking his chest walking out the room hearing him laugh I walked back in the room holding my hand out he throws my keys knowing I'll loose them somewhere I had them mattheo catches them jumping infront of me i drag him to my dorm not even caring anymore "oo Yey" he said sarcastically I looked at him confused he looks at me back smiling "for someone who wants to get laid you don't seem happy" he said back to his grumpy ass "because I don't want to you got my keys and I'm to tired to fight you so just do my door and leave which he does but walks in inside I sigh "fuck it" I said and turn to him kissing him he kissed me back I take his blazer and unbuttoned his top along with his belt I take off everything but my underwear and bra I kiss his neck straddling him hearing him groaning he picks me up off his lap onto the bed lying down with him on-top someone storms in "ohh shit sorry but pansy is crying and laughing it's scaring me" Tom said rushed and out of breath "she can fucking wait and if she or I hear somthing about her interrupting us I'll kill her myself" i explain he nods closing the door slowly "aww how sweet you call us an item" mattheo said smiling I turned to him I slapped his face "not the first time she did it idiot" i said he holds my neck again kissing my collarbone down to my clit he takes the under-we're off I take his hand off my neck looking over at the door shutting it closed with my powers he enters his fingers into me I lean my head back breathing heavily gripping onto his loose curls making his way to my g spot I grip tighter moaning heart racing legs feel weak i hold the stream closing my eyes letting him put his dick inside of my clit "mattheo" i whisper under my breath "not yet darling..." he said smiling the harder and faster he came the more harder it was to hold on "i-i c-can't..." i said "little longer" he said i arch my back tighting my grip on the covers next to me biting my lip "now darling.." he whispers softly kissing my stomach way up I released the tender falls he does also falling onto my stomach both out of breath and sweating he flips off me putting his hand around my waist pulling me close to him "well at least your dick can heal fast enough" i said smiling "mhm" he hums is he falling asleep I turned to him for once he's hot but only when sleeping makes sense how pansy always wants to fuck him to see his hot face I go to turn around but he stops me by kissing my lips "anyone else touches you just warn them..just warn them about me" he said still out of breath I giggle and move his curls kissing his nose "they will always touch me because you don't owe me" i explain smiling wrapping my fingers in his curls and my boobs in his face I laugh "shhhhh" he said softly and tired I lift his head looking up at me "if your fingers or dick is inside of me then you have control if not you don't that's the only rules with me" I said he nods "yes mad'am" he said I shove his face away "oi no give me your tit" he said then put his face in my boob again I stroke his hair getting myself to sleep playing with his hair something about it that's calming "wait? Because you had your fuck does that mean you don't need me anymore?" He asked I ignored him from sleeping calmly he kissed my neck I moan "wake up I have a question" he said softly I open my eyes "you had your fuck right? Meaning they you won't need me anymore?" He asked "You could tell me all your problems so your therapist with fucking involved if needed" i explain he nods rubbing his face into my tit getting comfy again someone storms in "who is it?" Mattheo muttered "you couldn't be with me because you were fucking her!" Pansy said crying I turned to her holding my hands out "need a hug I'll be your therapist" I asked her as mattheo covers me up with my eyes shut she comes over "move your ass up!" I said to mattheo which he does pansy laughs a little I move up also "ahh nutting" he said "sorry" I apologised "my parents died from old age and Iv know them a really long time it's just really heart broken and I see you and him in bed naked and I feel really sick and hurt" she explained i Hum "wow I should do that more often" she said then gets up leaving I turn back round to mattheo playing with hair "mattheo" I said softly "mhmm" he moan "what are you thinking about?" I asked him he opened his eyes looking at me smiling "why?" He asked "because I can feel 'it' and am tired to help you that way" i explain he looks down then back at me smiling "then do the other one" he said "with people staring rather not" i mutter "who's staring?" He asked looking at the door behind me I scream covering myself up looking up "mattheo up.." I said scared he jumps "wtf is that.." he said confused someone runs in "why are you screaming?" Tom said out of breath "get that thing down!" I said "oh that's Petra thingys pet" Tom said climbing onto the bed reaching for the thing on the ceiling "it's a human spider" Tom said walking out shutting the door "a what?" I asked mattheo "ohh that's lavenders pet she was talking about and wanted me to look after" he said I sit up slightly looking at him "how long has that been hear then?" I asked him he shrugs "brilliant you nailed it well done" i said still creeped out

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