New friendship

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getting up from mattheo chest slowly and carefully moving his arm from my ass I get some cover on just before someone walked in I shush them they look over at mattheo still sleeping "quickly what's up?" I whispers "that chat we had last night wow you actually should become a therapist your amazing at it"pansy said "why she hear?" I asked pansy looking at lavender "for her pet?" She asked I nod "toms got the thing" I said she came in "why does he have her?" She asked "because it was on the ceiling looking straight down at us while am naked you tell me why?" I asked her pissed she and pansy there shocked "like full body..seen" pansy said creeped out I looked at her "yes!" I whisper shout at her "get rid of that thing!" I said looking back at lavender pushing them both out of the bathroom shutting the door letting the shower run removing my makeup walking into the shower letting the little water drip down onto my chest I turn my head to mattheo there standing naked I look back up "you ok?" He asked me I nod "why arnt you talking?" He asked walking up to me putting his arms around my waist my head on his chest as he kissed my cheek down to my neck "mhmm" i moan softly "I didn't give you the da"- I turned around to him kissing him I pull away "shut up.." I demanded them kissed him again he picks me up I put my hands around his neck nether of us pulling away he puts me against the steamed,cold glass I moan through the kiss as he puts his dick in my clit I pull away holding onto him tight I bite my lip i arch my back breathing heavily I make a hand print onto the steamed glass he kissed my lips onto my chin all the way down to my tits I moan by accident he holds onto me tighter going harder and faster "ff-uuuu-ckkk" I whisper looking up not stopping kissing all over me "mat-theo am gonna cu-"Bennett?" Draco shouts  great wait what time is it? "What time is it?" I whisper to mattheo he shrugs "shit" I curse I released by accident he does also I get out of the shower covering with a towel "what time is it?" I asked draco pissed "8:30? Not the reason I came here where's mattheo" he said I sigh "he's in the bathroom" I said smiling he walks into the bathroom looking back at me confused I get clothes from my wardrobe "why such in a rush?" Mattheo asked me "I promised the girls i would go to the party with them in some club outside hogwarts" I explain picking an outfit putting a makeup brush in my mouth doing my makeup (smoky eye) "I would come but then I would have to see your face" draco said i turned to him unfazed "your lucky you still have a head" I said he backs up "wait so that's why you"-I turned to him "yes boys arnt as important as girls" i explain then kiss his cheek walking to the bathroom getting changed

" I demanded them kissed him again he picks me up I put my hands around his neck nether of us pulling away he puts me against the steamed,cold glass I moan through the kiss as he puts his dick in my clit I pull away holding onto him tight I bite m...

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(Plane lether jacket) I walked out to the girls talking to draco and mattheo I looked through my little purse Mirror doing my lips cherrypicked (clear red gloss) i check the time on mattheo watch and nod to the girls "when did you have the time to plan this?" He asked "I put a dummy in the bed so I could leave" i explain draco takes the dummy out from under the bed "why do you have bin boxes underneath your bed?" Draco asked confused I walked over to him hugging him holding a knife to his throat "piss off!..." I curse he ducks walking away to the door "she's crazy!" He shouts bumping into the wall making them laugh i stuff the dummy back under the bin i stand up to him gone "your turn" i said to mattheo he looks down to me smiling "no...leave" I said pointing at the wall meaning the door i turn to the girls on my bed circled into a circle I smile waving at him he shuts the door I stop faking smiling "ok girl time" I said relieved "am hear the therapist" pansy admits putting her hand up sipping on "that Starbucks?" I asked her she nods "good always drink if necessary and sit over there" I said smiling she smiles back I turn to the other girls "so there's a party an actual party tonight a Slytherin party hosed by us Ofc" Astoria I think her name is explains I nod "you coming granger and lovegood?" I asked them both "iv got homework" lovegood said I gasp "no no no your coming end of that you to granger Weasley likes you you like him so make it happen" i explain she blushes "why ain't cho hear?" Hermonie asked looking around "her and cho don't get along" Luna explains to hermonie "oh..sorry what happened?" She asked me "she spread a rumour about me when we were little and I never forgive her but from her she looked shocked so there's a glow up or glow down to me" i explain she nods
The girls left and it's just me and pansy talking about her problems I interrupted her "we need drinks" i said she beems up happy i go under my bed getting the drink bucket out "ok so pick your choice" I said taking my favourite drink out {your choice} I sit back down to someone walking in like in a group of three they go to talk I put my finger up making them pause intrigued by her story "and he just dumped me there and I thought he would want to marry me you know?" He asked I nod "is this a therapy?" Mike asked the others

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