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Dancing on the dance floor drinking away feeling multiple stares around me but fuck them don't give any fucks stare as much as you someone's arms sway along with mine behind me I pass pansy my drink turning around to him to the people not dancing all staring smirking he comes down to my level "ever touch me again and I will kick your dick so it's unusable got it?" I asked him he walks off I wave smiling fucking him off rolling my eyes I turn back to pansy giving me my drink "way to frighten someone" she said to my ear so I can here her I laugh dancing again "Addy" she turns me around to mattheo smiling "hey you" I smile "dance with meee" I asked him "your going sleep" he said downing my drink then pass it to pansy I frown at her she waved smiling "party pooper scooper Mooter cooter Pahaha" I laugh following him out to his room he banged me against the wall kissing me lifting my leg against his side I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back he goes down to my neck I lean my head back holding onto the back of his head "theo.." I asked "mhm?" He replied " the o-open" I said he moves his hands down to my waist letting go of my leg so we both walk into his room I move him against the door kissing him he taps my inner thigh I jump up as he carries me to his bed lying me down lot more caring then leo I undress myself while he does himself "who's in control?" He joked "you.." I moaned as he enters me "good girl" he whispers to my ear kissing softly and addictive i arch my back leaning my head back holding onto his shoulder at each thrust more slowly more closer I come to an organism he leaned over me with one hand carelessly on one of my boob and him sucking on the other I accidentally manage out a loud moan from the pleasure hearing a dark groan from him as he started being extremely slow I sat up making him sit as I help him both cummed out of breath and sweaty
this..ain't his room or mine "what's wrong?" He asked "who's room is this?" I asked him he also looks around and laughs we both get changed into the clothes luckily he didn't rip them "so?" I asked him re-doing my makeup with what's with me and hair "Toms room" he came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck I close my eyes leaning my head onto his shoulder get together I move him away laughing "not funny we just fucked in someone's room who by the way is your brother we need to leave" I said holding his hand we go to walk out but I stop him "people" we both whispers he apparates us to...his room "what about my pjs?" I asked him he throws me a shirt and takes a shower I smile I knock on "am in the shower" he shouts I know ding-a-ling I open the door closing it behind me hot backside he looks over I smile he turns back around rude much I undress myself I walked into the shower behind him placing my hand against his lower back raising up to his shoulders "what are you doing?" He asked I kissed his back multiple times till he turns around "Addy?" He asked smiling "I need a shower and your taking all the water" i explain smiling on my tip toes kiss pecking him he wrapped his long veiny hands pulling away "so your taking the shower with me and am sorry want a towel?" He asked I roll my eyes "yes and could you pass the shampoo for a start?" I asked him smiling at him "I am the shampoo" he whispers to my ear he picks me up and leans me against the cold tile wall "shit that's cold" I lean closer to him as he laughs "not funny" I kiss peck him I reach for the shampoo smiling at him "I was thinking something else" he puts me down "I know but my back hurts so not happening" i explain doing my hair " conditioner" I asked him smiling "am using it chill" he said passing it me I kiss him "then hurry up" I smile he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him "no" he smiles hovering over me like it's control or that he's just mimicking me "Addy?..mattheo?" Pansy asked he gets a towel over him i roll my eyes as he distracts her as I do my hair in peace that's definitely not happening mattheo walks over "who's there?" I asked mouth "leo" he mouths back passing me a towel just as he stops it they both walk off don't trust it and why leave the door open you absolute idiot hearing a door slam and Mattheo walking over "leaving the door open? dumb move" I asked him "right your lucky I saved you from the shower" he said looking at my towel "am shaking from coldness not from that and saved me? thank you for the clothes but couldn't really leave the shower because you left the door open" i explain "wow no wonder he dumbed you" he laughs i roll my eyes "I thought he would close it" he said "the clothes are on the toilet seat?" I asked him "one thing after another am sorry I made one mistake that escalated into a million things" he said "mhm k" I said putting a top on


"Ungrateful" he points at me then goes to leave but I stop him "only allowed to slam it once" I kissed his cheek before walking off hearing it slam behind me I turned around smiling he points ahead I stop and look over "leo" i cleared my throat

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"Ungrateful" he points at me then goes to leave but I stop him "only allowed to slam it once" I kissed his cheek before walking off hearing it slam behind me I turned around smiling he points ahead I stop and look over "leo" i cleared my throat

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