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AT HOGGS--Hugging mattheo arm with his arm around my waist "you ok?" He asked looking down at me stopping infront of me pulling my arm of his "hate the eyes" I shrug I hold his hand walking down the halls to his room I laugh he goes to close the d...

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Hugging mattheo arm with his arm around my waist "you ok?" He asked looking down at me stopping infront of me pulling my arm of his "hate the eyes" I shrug I hold his hand walking down the halls to his room I laugh he goes to close the door but I push him away slamming it shut I turn to him giggling he laughs and holds his arms out as i sit on his lap hugging him "let others slam it" he asked whispering fine others make there way here "its oddly clean and cold" Tom said walking over to his bed holding lavender hand as he walks over to there side of the room "did you clean it?" I asked him "and what find condoms in my wardrobe?" He asked I pushed him away he sits back up as I play with his joggers strings out of boredom "where's kylo?" Tom asked "with the Godfreys and Blaise" mattheo explains moving my hands from the strings "ammm bored" i wine with my head on his shoulder "lier" he said softly he goes to kiss my cheek but I move away looking up at him to narrowing his eyes at me I start to blush I looked back down at his joggers smiling "you g-oh my god you do don't you" he tickles me "not anymore because you ruined it" i sulk moving his hands away "where's kylo tomorrow?" He asked me "with us?" I asked him confused "and the day after?" He asked "with draco and Leo at the mansion?" I said confused "if we leave now we have our time" he moved his hands to my thighs "oi! Love birds!" pansy said shouting to Tom and his slut I got his hand smiling agreeing "don't be a perv not here.." I whisper as I hug him "in your pink and glitter room?" He asked loud not shouting but enough for anyone to here "it's grey and white dick" I move his face away "don't believe you" he shrugged his plan was to lead us both out shocker he actually agreed to me "I'll show your horny ass" I smiled before running out giggling He kissed me rough and went down to my jawline leaving hickeys. He always made big hickeys while I made small ones but a lot of them. He then started going down to my neck. He found my sweet spot as I moaned. I felt him smirk while sucking and licking the spot. He started rubing me through my shorts. Then he took off my shirt and looked at my boobs. I was only wearing his shirt with only panties under it. He looked at my body amazed when I started to get insecure so I covered myself with my hands.

Theo: Don't cover yourself baby you are beautiful

I smiled and he took my hands off. He cuffed my boobs and started sucking them. I moaned and tugged his shirt signaling him to take it off. He took it off and started kissing me down to my stomack. He left few hickeys on my stomack and then he took off my panties. I shivered as I felt a cold air down on my heat. He connected his tounge with my pussy while rubbing my clit with his thumb. He started to eat me out and I was moaning mess. I felt a fimiliar feeling in my stomack.

Addy: T-theo I'm close

He went faster and I moaned loud while coming. Theo licked all of my cum and swallowed. He went back up to my lips and kissed me rough.

Theo: I want you to ride my thigh

Addy: What?

Theo: I said I want you to ride my thigh

Addy: Okay idiot

I sat on his thigh and started moving. The pleasure was unbeliveble. Theo made eye contact with me as he sat up. He put his hands on my waist and started moving me. He grabed my butt and squeezed it. I moaned loud.

Theo: You like when you're riding daddy's thigh don't you

I tried to reply so hard but I couldn't. He started moving my hips faster and clenched his thigh.

Theo: Answer my question

He demanded but smirking making fun out of me but actually loving it himself

Addy: Y-yes d-daddy I love r-riding your t-t-thigh

theo: Good girl He clenched again and I felt that I'm gonna cum. He noticed and went faster. I came on his thigh and then layed my head down in crock of his neck breathing heavy

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