Bad break/acting out

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Going over to Leo seeing a guy I don't recognise "fucking knew it" leo said pissed off behind me I turn around "hey ba-you ok?" I asked him confused "no am not 'ok' your fucking him aren't you?" He asked pointing at him "I don't know who he is? I was gonna ask him but your hear so no need to" i explain "am bella's son" he said "fuck off!" We both turned to him pissed I looked back at him "woah what's going on-oh hey Lewis" Mattheo smiled "Addy hey what's with the shouting?" he asked me "leo claimed that I fucked the dude behind me breathing heavily" I smiled at mattheo "that's Lewis lestrange her side of the family uh are you cheating on me?" He asked I glared at him "could of been drunk?" He shrugs "right totally and no I haven't..who told you this false information?" I asked leo "motherfucker" he goes to apparate but I stop him "who?" I asked him "ignore it" he said then apprates I turn to mattheo confused "the fuck just happened?" I asked him "no idea what goes through his brain" he said turning me back round to uhh "what's your name?" I asked him confused "lewis" he smiled "right k" I said still confused with leo situation to mattheo running down the stairs "you with me now" he drags me out I pull back stopping him "if you go upstairs you would regret not coming with me" he said "lewi go upstairs for me" I smiled turning to him smiling "it's lewis" he sighed walking off "don't give a shit" I said waiting "oh shit"-lots of banging and shouting lewi stands above "well?" I asked him "he your boyfriend?" He asked frightened walking downstairs "yeah? Why?" I asked him confused I turned around to mattheo glaring at me "what has he done?" I asked him pissed "ask him yourself or don't and come with me" he said someone touched my arm I move it away turning around to leo there "did you?" I asked him he don't answer me "you accuse me for your actions well done..we're over" I said softly walking away holding it together "Addy?" Mattheo asked I turned to him smiling "oh come here" he said holding his hands out "I-I don't need a hug" I said softly "Addy is it?" Lewis asked "Iv heard a lot about you yes your strong but something like that gotta hurt take his hug" he explains "I noticed uh him saying Iv cheated then all of the sudden he's upstairs after you went up lots of stuff like moving about or banging from things-falling..and I only got peace's" i explained "we'll stay at hogwarts for a while lewis you stay with your sister" mattheo said softly he nods he appeared me at hogwarts "your strong but for me just break" he asked softly I pull him to his room shutting the door "doors broke gotta slam it" he laughed which I do huh that felt a little better I turn around to mattheo kissing him he pulled away "Addy we literally can't" he said softly I groan "since when did you care? he cheated on me with some slut" i explain he nods "I know that but your anger on me don't sound so good" he explains sitting me down "what anger? the door kinda helped" I smile he laughs "yeah love my room?" He asked I nod lying down "is there a gym in the school?" I asked him sitting up "what?" He laughs I shrug smiling "ugh the only thing I can think of is either go to a gym in the muggle world or fuck you" I shrug "how are you getting to the muggle world?" He asked "you can take me" I smiled "ahh no" he shakes his head i roll my eyes "then it's the other option" I smiled at him "your horny" he sighed shaking his head "i would normally just fuck leo but since the incident happened unfortunately non for me" I smiled "wow I didn't not wanna hear that" he laughed "told you anyways.." I said looking at his bookshelf I got up over to it "you read?" I asked him looking at him then back at the bookshelf softly tracing my fingers across them "where is she?" Leo asked "get out Godfrey" I said softly I look over the door opens I put the book back smiling "move" I said sulking to Leo mattheo laughs I kick the door and it stays shut "ahh that felt good..continue with your conversation" I smiled at them both then walked back to the wardrobe "really?" Leo asked "what you pissed me off and the door helps" I shrug finding an odd book in the bookshelf I take it out and read it sitting down on his spinny gaming chair "hey Matt what this book called?" I asked him looking for a title on both sides he walks over opening the book to the first page pointing at it "yeah I know? but I wanna have a copy of the book" i explain looking up at him "I don't know then it was here when I got here" he sighed putting it back "could of brought it" i mutter "not mine" he lifted my head "bummer I liked it where's whatcha call it?" I asked him going over to his bed lying down on it "left and here" he said i sat up taking it off him "m.r mattheo riddle" I smiled at him he sat next to me I leaned my head on his arm he moves it I cuddle up to him reading his diary

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