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waking up on his chest i move closer to him he looks over to me we both stare at each other he leans in and kisses me I wrap my arms around his neck allowing him all over he moves above me along with the cover he moves me closer to him I moan as he's inside me "this is later get ready" he kissed my cheek before moving off I raise the cover the fuck? I get up quickly with the cover around my body looking for any hickeys only one on my thigh I looked up to him smiling at me "how can I not?" He asked I lock the bathroom door dropping the cover walking over to him "try it now..how long you last without touching" I asked I reached over to get the shampoo "you touched me" he grabbed it for me passing the conditioner over as well "I mean sexual" I rolled my eyes "could of told me that" he said then moves me out the way from the water as I do my hair "are you done staring?" I asked him smiling crouching down and pass him the shampoo I looked down to someone and I mean mattheo pulling me close to him by the waist "here" he hands me the conditioner smiling I feel his dick against my thigh mhm so that wants me but does he? he moves behind me as I clear the shampoo of my head he faced the other way so am looking at his back woooow rude much "want me to do your hair?" I asked him "nope" he bangs his head on the glass i turn him around "I'll break dickhead" i cheak his forehead he moves my hands away looking at his eyes very lusty and needy "problem?" I giggled smiling "your taking the water and am cold" he slowly lets go of my wrists i move out the way doing my hair with the conditioner "your doing it on purpose" he sighed "what on purpose?" I asked confused placing my hair in a bun while got conditioner in sticking it up I face the glass looking at my reflection seeing him behind me handing his hard dick I turned around moving his hand away "not allowed" i frown "well am done in the shower have fun" he explains before walking out "you still can't even outside the shower" I shout probably waking everyone up but oh well

how long you last without touching" I asked I reached over to get the shampoo "you touched me" he grabbed it for me passing the conditioner over as well "I mean sexual" I rolled my eyes "could of told me that" he said then moves me out the way fro...

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I went downstairs "where's mattheo?" I asked confused "upstairs thinking other then you" darcy walks over I nod "but the meeting?" I asked pointing at the empty table "he had 2 towels over his waist do I wanna know why?" Pansy walked over ohhhhh "...

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I went downstairs "where's mattheo?" I asked confused "upstairs thinking other then you" darcy walks over I nod "but the meeting?" I asked pointing at the empty table "he had 2 towels over his waist do I wanna know why?" Pansy walked over ohhhhh "shit..forgot about that now it makes sense and no" I smiled I walked over to the boys not mattheo "is he asleep?" Leo asked me I looked down smirking at my dress "no am here.." he said I looked over huh did he break already? "something happen?" Tom asked breaking the silence I looked over to him "mind.." he sighed shit fuck "whoever pc is upstairs great distraction" mattheo smiled from his tone of voice feeling him staring at the back of my head I got up over to the meeting area I crossed my legs leaning forward waiting for riddles dad mattheo placed his hand on my thigh I looked over to him with Tom and Voldemort walking over I leaned back "bright clothes for someone who works with the devil" one of the deatheater whispers I looked over fuck sake I roll my eyes greyback son hate him "why do you hate me?" He asked for anyone to here "because your a copy cat of your ugly ass father" I looked up at snape across me then looked over to him smiling "am no different to you think big want more" he said "is that you talking about yourself?" I asked him "ooo I like you" he points at me mattheo grip on my thigh tightens I bite my bottom lip leaning back on the chair with my arms crossed "thank you" Voldemort sighed as mattheo looses his grip but still on my thigh I wonder how long a headless murder will be? 3 minutes? 3...seconds that's to quick and boring whhhat about a celebration murder weak on the table eveyone blind can't see the body till no the corpse he's already dead on the table in peoples food as they enjoy eating his pure flesh yup that's alright "your an insane psychopath!" He stands up shouting i look over to him bored "you've already been drugged shows how stupid you are" I said softly before he collapsed to the floor "what have you done to my son!" The father shouts shaking him awake which won't work for another hour do you know how drugs work? fucking hell "don't.." Tom said as I go to stand up I looked over to him sitting next to snape on his left ness Voldemort who's smirking away "who else can mind read?" I asked "all the deatheaters but mattheo with him having bellatrix magic from her parents" Tom sighed ohhhhh fuck "s-so everyone know?" I paused "everything darling" mattheo cleared his throat "she was gonna feed drugged greyback to everyone someone will have an eye a tongue you get the point" Tom explains to mattheo and bellatrix she bursts out laughing "I love her" she giggles I looked over to mattheo "do you love me?" I asked after blocking my mind from everyone I looked over to him smiling "no because I totally didn't marry you because I didn't" he said sarcastically is this him hogry (pronounce ho-gre-y) horny and angry he definitely is I moved his hand up my thigh I nod allowing him

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