Feeling ill

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He appears infront of us with shorts "Grace?" He asked "shut up have you spoke to alister lately?" I asked him "yeah a week ago with a girl Sarah" he said confused "Sarah that's it she-she spelled me or something" he said softly I looked back up at mattheo worried "that made you forced to think your with my Fiancé?" Mattheo asks him "I didn't mean to think of that it just happened the second I saw her" he stud up pointing at me "s-stop both of you" I said pissed moving them away from each other "ex girlfriend and soon to husband fighting over her..pathetic" a girl said I turned around "that's the girl" Leo said softly "and how would ali react to you dying?" I asked her "who's Ali? and I ain't dying" she asked "do you like the psychopath that you wanted him to-no it's bigger then that isn't it.." I said walking up to her "all alone risky stepping into new territory brave not knowing what am capable of doing that's stupid along thoes lines your thinking of isn't it?" She asked I smile "you want mattheo to break up with me so you get him and I'm running along to who? aliser? back to Leo?" I asked her seeing her pissed off i triggered the button "you see here" i stand behind her pointing at Leo "he's an hormonal sex addic who you've never seen where his mind goes to when it comes to it when first meeting him prickhead but all he wants is to get laid if he likes what your into your a keeper in his book less likely to be a yes because all he now thinks of murdering things and people his old prick self" i explain then I point at mattheo "heard rumours him being the dark lords son bullshit yeah cold hearted murdering killer but also like Leo just more horny and they both loved it" i explain "get to the point" she said facing me "so if you can get Leo's approve being a good fuck you definitely got mattheos but that's only if the murder didn't kill you already from stopping from that happening the one you will truly be terrified off" i explain "who? you?" She laughed "don't create to much blood remember who has to clean it" mattheo said "the elves" i said smirking at her "how terrible is a Bennett?" She asked I laughed "my foster parents? wow how much has he told you definitely not a lot am a morgenstar the devils daughter the ruler of hell" i glowed my eyes at her I cover her mouth "what do you truly hate?" I asked her "snakes" she said compelled "think of snakes wrapping around your throat strangling you afraid to touch them feeling helpless as everything starts to blur becoming blind and useless dying bitch who made her world only about herself so she can only think about killing and hurting herself" I compel her as she gasps for air scratching her neck as red marks start to appear to where she scraches she screams a little I step back staring at her feeling nothing but wanting to laugh in her face "dear darling daughter what have I stepped into?" Father asked "giving her unending torcher till she dies for recking Leo life" I bent down intrigued "I'm sorry is definitely not what am going to say at her funeral" Leo said I smile "don't think anyone is" I looked over to him smiling seeing a smirk appear his face we both looked back down at her "I feel you every time you use your magic" he said "you mean when I say what you say but instead of desire change it to hate or fear" I explain he thinks about it "ah right but how does that make my prisoners scream?" He asked "because of her pain she ain't getting it so it's them sorry" I shrug he sighs "don't make a lot of enemy's my ears are still ringing" he said softly "don't what's her name? Chloe have something?" I asked him confused "who's Chloe and is she still dying?" Mattheo asked walking in "his new girlfriend and yes" Leo said

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