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I tutter at him "you don't get what you want" he said as I look out the window with my arms crossed I look at him "I get what I want,when I want,where I want,Why I want" i explain still facing the window "so if our child walking in missing you? would kill him?" He asked I walk up to him feeling my heart racing flutters in my Virginia "yes" I answered he steps close to me I move back "am the cure arnt I?" He asked smiling I tilt my head staring at him giving no emotion "other you came and feelings came rushing for a spilt second I saw it" he walks up as I walk back hitting the bathroom wall "don't know what your on about" I move behind him I looked down at my wrists to the magic blockers gone "lier!" He turns around smiling with his eyes pure black and magic ball in his hand I smile I walk up to the invisible wall backwards staring at him smiling "will meet you again void" I smiled then elbow the invisible wall to it disappearing till feeling my low I hold onto the banister seeing the magic blockers back on me ugh fucking seriously? "Dude are you in control?" Blaise asked mattheo I looked over to him walking over looking normal pushing me to 'our' room "how do you what devils in who?" Mattheo asked pissed off "am devils daughter I can bring it out in them leo didn't had control of his and acted out on purpose for me to see him fucking a whore" i explain "you bitch" leo said outside the room I laugh sitting up crossing my legs smiling at all three boys staring back at me "whoops" I giggle "get him out!" Leo walked in pissed "see I would..but can't" I raise my arms showing him the magic blockers "someone get Blaise" leo asked I raise an eyebrow lowering my arms he leaves "someone must really hate Rocky" I giggle shaking my head "daughter?" Devil himself asked I smile at him "you stole the devils souls? ripping them into your friends? katia" he said I stare at him straight pissed "I wanted out of that place I deserve a little fun" I shout at him "your fun is up" he glowed his eyes "NOO!" I scream looking away "what do you truly desire? He asked I stop walking backwards staring at the wall "create-ing chaos for those who wronged me" i whisper
lying down unconscious

"Addy?" Mattheo asked "mhmm" i mumble turning around "loves her sleep" leo laughed someone moves my hair out my face "baby please wake up" mattheo asked stroking my arm with his thumb " leave me alone" I asked "addy" he asked again I sit up breathing heavily with my eyes shun open mattheo hugs me "shhh your alright" he strokes my back "I didn't mean all of the mean things I said to you am sorry" I apologised he pulls away "I know you didn't do know any Rocky and katia?" He asked "uhm at the underground in hell we were friends uhm I killed Rocky friend and lure him to make me escape the cell me and katia escaped together and met void" i explained then looked up at leo "lovers? he seemed pretty keen to impress you" he crossed his arms "uhh yeah that's one word for it" I said embarrassed by blushing "what's another word you would call it?" Mattheo asked pissed "bait.." I answered "poor dude" pansy walked in I got up hugging her tight she laughs "missed you to" she pulled away 'poor dude?' All the boys asked "either fucked him,blowjob get the point?" Pansy asked them "which one was it?" Mattheo asked as the other two laughed "neither" I turned around facing him he tilts his head i roll my eyes "hand" I said softly biting my inner bottom lip "hand?.." he asked for me to finish "how dumb are you?" Me and pansy asked him "well the wedding is tomorrow as it said in the invitations of our engagement she had a pretty rough time with katia messing with her" he explains "did you enjoy it?" Pansy asked I turned to her "fuck no felt like rape" i immediately said no hesitation "by you just hand fucking him?" She asked crossing her arms "I wasn't in control like the dickhead staring at me said she was obsessed with him manipulating void by seduction I wanted to kill myself multiple times can I leave now?" I asked her "hand job? When was this?" Leo asked i glare at him with him and Astrid smirking "answer him" mattheo asked "no" i whisper then walk out to the bathroom using all the soap on my hands and neck "not only that you hand job him let him kiss your neck?" Mattheo asked "fuck off" I asked him annoyed clearing all the soap off with water I clean my hands and neck with the towel and stopped and looked at it but continue to use it "have that been cleaned?" I asked him "always has-he was here in the shower!" Mattheo asked pissed off I stare at the towel grossed out "I might be sick" i shivered I go to the toilet sitting down keeping my hands away from any contact from me "here" mattheo handed me a new towel and soap he did the taps and put soap in my hands as I clean my hands again

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