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I followed Hagrid around the school accepting to trust him and because he's my only friend so far getting some looks from the people from the school

"and go to the hall and you will be introduced to your house" he explains pointing at it

i nod "thx for the tour hags I'll be in the garden if am needed" i explain

he nods as I walk off sitting down reading my book finally alone feeling someone's gaze on me I ignore it and continue reading slowly getting angry I slammed my book closed and put my feet down turning to them

"can I help you?" I asked him

"chill kitty cat just that nobody normally in hear and I come hear to smoke" he said softly

"explains the amount of weed I smell" I sighed

"but from your accent your not around hear are you?" He asked me

I looked up to him actually getting a look at him one hand in his pocket wearing a uniform loose curls falling down to his forehead scars on his nose and eye he's cute

"where you get that scar?" I asked him he sat down across me

"sour subject noted" i mutter getting back in my reading position and read

"matt-oh don't start with that one she's insane" I heard Draco I smile hearing them on accident

"she heard you might wanna pipe down" Matt whispers
"heard that also" I said softly reading and getting bored for once from a book I closed it walking up to them

"draco nice of you to join" I sighed taking matt cigarette sitting next to him letting the smoke burn my lungs enjoying the nicotine slowly turning me whoopy "not your first time?" He asked I gave it back to him "nope I get stressed and that helps" I said leaning back onto the cobblestone piller wall thing "what's your name new kid?" New voice rose "mhm let's see.." i mutter standing up looking at him "cute for someone my age" I shrug he smiles softly then looks at Matt "oh while we're on the name subject what's yours I know his" I asked pointing at draco wishing he hadn't told me his name "Mattheo riddle" the smoker dude,Matt said I nod then look at the other dude that looks like he haven't slept in years "you high?" I asked him before he said he name he laughs then stops "no" he whispers in my ear "ughh boring don't wanna know your name" I said pounting as they look at each other "you thought he was high so you thought to be nice to him so he can give you some...cleaver girl" mattheo explains i ignore him "names Mike anyways" he said "lier.." I said picking out the grass on the floor "miss Bennett?" I looked up "old dude uhh albus right?" I asked him standing up wiping the grass off my ass walking over to him hearing laughing behind me I flip them off then Turing back around to albus "call me Dumbledore" he said "to long..dumble" I said smiling he sighs "how's the school for you?" He asked "great but could be better if I didn't see malfoy everywhere and everyday or ever met him" i explain he nods "unfortunately that can't happen let's get your house sorted shall we?" He asked "first off can you quickly cheak if I got all the grass off my ass" I rushed he looked at me staring at me I look down "I'll get changed then" I whisper about to use my magic but he stopped me "uh no..that magic isn't allowed hear that's why you got a wand" he explains I roll my eyes using the wand saying a spell changing my clothes something that I would wear on a daily basis black leather jacket,blue ripped skinny jeans and a white ruffled crop top
I smile at him "happy?" I asked him smiling he nods "good the house thing what's up with that?" I asked him "there's four colours,four different houses red,griffendoor bravery, boldness, or an affinity for lions or the colours red and gold yellow,hufflepuff justice, loyalty, patience, and a propensity for hard work
Blue,ravenclaw cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity green,slytherin ambition, resourcefulness, determination, and cleverness" dumble explains as he leads me inside the hall all noice quietens and eyes fall onto me I look on the full tables to the each houses and the same like the common rooms seeing some familiar faces "sit in the chair and Miss mgoggle is gonna place a hat that what house you belong in" he explains goi my behind a huge desk with the others teachers? Noted I sit in the chair she placed an which hat on me "mhmm a Bennett what to do with you? Your cleverness is gonna get you far ahead in life and your wisdom will be the best of you let it be....RAVENCLAW!.." the hat shouts hurting my poor ears ouch glad am not deaf from that shouty creepy rusty hat I go over to ravenclaw
Sensing the same eye gaze behind me I look to mattheo looking over i roll my eyes turning back around to the table reading "am Luna lovegood and you are?" She asked sweetly "rowena" i mutter looking down at my book someone took it off me i glare at them

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