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I didn't even realise I'm so caught up in myself with dumble death and the war I have a child to raise I was blindsided "Addy?" Darcy asked I looked up "you ok?" She asked "I...I was blindsided it was right infront of me I-I didn't even realise because i-all I cared about was myself you know with the war but it can't go on till dumbledoor was dead then-I I have a child pansy has a child she has nobody h-how could I be so stupid" I asked she goes to walk up to me i back away "Addy it's me darcy calm MATTHEO!" She shouts "then draco making pansy jealous? does he think feelings is some joke? or something but I congratulated t-that thing dating her I-I'm her friend was she using everyone?" I asked "Addy listen to me you have to calm down MATTHEO!" She shouts again he runs down "hey what's with the shouting?" He asked "she's going through a spiral to much to handle" she explains he looks at me "hermonie was playing us all should I even say her name? I shouldn't she doesn't need that for her to hurt my friends my kid?" I asked talking to myself "hey" mattheo asked "baby..please listen to me" he asked he moves closer to me I move back "s-stay away" I looked up at him "you can trust me I promise baby please calm down" he asked "n-no your..your like her-granger backstabber user.." I said he desperately i look around alerted till someone hugs me from behind i turn around to him there he hugs me closer "shhh..your alright your safe I promise" he strokes my hair I wrap my arms around his neck "am sorry take care of kylo" i whisper before snapping his neck "what did I do?..oh my god" I asked holding onto the wall for support "am so sorry" I said then ran away the library "I need that book.." I asked Tom he turns to me "what for?" He asked "incdenda" I point my wand at him he starts to burn I run over to him taking the book before running away I stopped the spell hearing running behind me I looked around and broke the window with the book and jumped out landing hiding behind a wall nearby hearing muttering "naughty girl don't get nice things" Kai I looked up at him closing the book "incenida" I used my hands he screams in pain "do give Tom a message..I'll take what I want.when I want.where I want" I whisper to him walking up to him then vamp speed away to mattheo guards "mrs riddle why are you out so late?" One asked "Andriette! STOP HER!" I heard mattheo shout i vamp speed away while there distracted stopping at a stone circle placing the book in the middle circle looking for the page and rip it out of the book muttering the spell calmly and clearly

I ripped the page up into a million peace's "your cornered..give me the book" Tom asked walking up to me "wo-Tom stop that ain't her her" Grace whispers i smile taking the book and vamp speed away to hogwarts "your back?" A girl asked behind me I turned around to her smiling I show my fangs "don't make a sound" I compelled her I move her hair from the side along with her head to the side and biting into her vain of the neck "she's being careless..reckless did you get rid of the page?" Mattheo asked fuck I pull away smiling at them I look at her eyes compelling her again "go to mattheo make him kill you but before tell him let the other you out once in awhile" I smiled she walked away over to mattheo I walk away vamp speeding around the corner "Astrid" I bumped into him purposely smiling "enough of my brother?" He asked "could you help me out with a problem?" I asked "as your husband" he said "we're not on speaking terms so with the problem?" I asked he follows me to the car "can't drive?" He laughed I laugh also not real I don't care about this cunt "he don't trust me and I wanna prove him wrong" I smirked getting in the car with him "how?" He asked driving "wouldn't you like to know mr question take me to wanderers" I asked him being all touchy with him "don't think your husband will like this especially being alone with me" he asked "who cares what he thinks" I bite "oh-wow your very different and off" he looked at me then the road "abandoned your emotions" he said I roll my eyes moving near the window "something that bad?" He laughed "you can stop here" I asked him he moved me closer to him what..are you doing "he won't know if you don't tell" he smiled I smiled sitting on his lap kissing him he kissed me back "tell theo that you love where he marked his territory he'll love the present" I asked him getting off him smiling walking away to wanders "I have a request?" I asked him sliding a note he lifts it up looking at it he nods and puts it down walking away

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