War (2)

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"I was just-uhh wondering what your wearing? you know girl to girl" I said as she pulls out the sword from Voldemort back and chops the snake impair Voldemort again he groans in pain and his wand drops Harry hits him "AVADA KEDVRA!" He shouts Voldemort turns to flakes and his body flakes away by the wind fucking hell that is a killer it turns sunrise the deatheaters scream as they burn from sunlight I run around the school trying to find Leo but no sight of him no he can't be "Andriette?" someone said I turned around seeing him there full of blood mhm he's hot I run up to him kissing him wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him "thought you died" I sighed "I thought the same we need to find the rest" he said holding me up "zizzy?" He asked I nod "sorry just a habit" he apologised "it's ok right ummm where's mattheo?" I asked him holding his hand looking around seeing the fucker I go up to him slapping him "ouch! YOU BITCH!" He shouts Leo steps infront of me pushing me away "your not being the leader of the fuckers he deserves nothing!" I shout "how told you that?" He asked me "does it matter? if I see that thing on your arm I won't hesitate killing them with you along them" I said to him he pulls up his arm "do it then?" He asked I stare at it shocked "he gave it to us at a young age almost died of it but sure go at it kill me" he said I looked back at him straight "it-it should of disappeared he's gone right?" I asked myself confused did my plan fail? "FFFFUCK!" I shout punching a rock pissed "Addy calm down he's dead" leo said to me I turned to him "he isn't only partly dead his soul is trapped hear how can I be so fucking stupid!" I said pissed sitting down as my leg shakes full of anxiety he puts his hand on it and turns my head facing him "your not stupid because nobody died thanks to you Harry is safe" he said softly before kissing me I kiss him back hugging him "sorry for shouting" I apologise "you gotta stop with the apologies" he said I giggle "it's a habit" I mimic him "I know your gonna hate my idea but what if we have one I'll be like our pass way to find his soul" mattheo explains "your giving it to him and he can give to me" I said to mattheo he nods and gives a dark mark to Leo he grunts in pain then walks off I lift Leo's arm hovering over it as he kissed my neck I feel a burn on my wrist I look over to him giving me a half moon as a dark mark instead of a scull and snake looking thing "every time you tap it I'll feel it" he said softly he covers his dark mark with his hand I feel a warm sudden feeling inside of me he turns my wrist to the moon glowing awww I sat on his lap kissing him he kissed me back "how are you gonna make it up to me tonight darling?" He asked "mhmm so many ways but you definitely have humiliating kink so I could play around with that Orr your nipple?" I suggest he laughs "whichever feels ok with you am fine with it" he said smiling I nod kissing him before hoping of his lap holding my hand out he stands up taking it as we walk back to the rest of the group

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