Queen b rise

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sleeping in Leo's arms being the small spoon I get a knife from under my pillow holding it tight in my grip hearing the door opening "Addy!" Mattheo whispers "omg did they?" pansy asked someone i hold my knife to the person there "she's awake uhh-mattheo" draco asked I sit up "is a party in hear why are you hear?" I asked them taking my knife off mattheo "no stabbing people!" He said "say it" he demands i stand on his foot getting my knife of him "no bitch" I said putting back under my pillow "you heard us and didn't think to get up?" Draco asked "no because it's something in the morning" i yarn I cover my mouth "4 in the morning" leo mutters I turned to him confused then turn back around to them "piss off!" "your birthday where not leaving get ready!" Pansy said leaning on the wall "oi get your foot of his wall he almost killed me for doing that" I said pointing at her foot she immediately puts her foot to the floor scaredy bitch I heard leo laugh "what's funny?" She asked him as I walk to the bathroom having a shower

THE NEXT DAY sleeping in Leo's arms being the small spoon I get a knife from under my pillow holding it tight in my grip hearing the door opening "Addy!" Mattheo whispers "omg did they?" pansy asked someone i hold my knife to the person there "she...

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In my birthday outfit they can suck it if they don't like It but by the amount stairs when I exit the bathroom unbearable leo ran up to me spinning me while kissing just out the blue which confused me "am Zizzy" I said holding on his shoulder? Che...

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In my birthday outfit they can suck it if they don't like It but by the amount stairs when I exit the bathroom unbearable leo ran up to me spinning me while kissing just out the blue which confused me "am Zizzy" I said holding on his shoulder? Chest "who's zizzy?" He asked me confused "she's dizzy not zizzy idiot" pansy said or was that draco? Ughh I blink for a while "what woah-sorry umm what was that for?" I asked him everyone laughed "what?" I asked them then go to the bathroom sorting my dress out "LEO!!" I shout staring at my hickey he gave me on my bone above my tits I use consular covering it and other parts of my upper body or I'll look weird "sorry baby not my fault you look hot" he whispers wrapping his arms around my waist watching me "I meant to look hot dummy it's my birthday" I smiled turning around to him sorting his hair out he goes to kiss me but I lean back reaching for his hair jel he groans "not happening let me finish your hair" I said pushing him away a little "your making me look single" draco said I turned to everyone watching "you are though aren't you?" I asked him he rolls his eyes walking out "you're being mean to everyone by being a lil to honest" leo said smiling I shrug "done your hair can we get ice cream?" I asked him smiling "no" he said smiling I drag him "come on bub" I smiled everyone laughs "I hate you!" He shouts "you weren't moaning and screaming that last night?" I said to him his face turned bring red I laughed "I definitely hate you now" he said pissed tighten his grip on my waist I looked down trying not to laugh
Muggle world with leo the others followed hes head on mine with my but and his dick touching through the clothing "want that cake?" I asked him pointing at the last one he nods "hey could I get this cake and chocolate mint ice cream" I asked her she nods I passed her a fiver and got the things I went back to him leaning on the car talking to others I pass him the cake in the little packet "you both done?" Mattheo asked I nod I go get in the car but leo stops me "finish that before getting in the car" he said smiling "it's my car!" I said pointing at it
Minutes later on his lap on my phone I turned to him "baby I finished" I said to him he nods standing up "took your fucking time eating that didn't you?" Mattheo asked "shove it piss head" I said to him pissed "would you shut up about that" leo said sitting in the passenger seat "no it's my car but still not allowed to eat in it? Makes no fucking sense" I said pissed

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