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I turn around moving Leo's hair out of his face he moans pulling me close to him I smile as he kissed my neck giving hickeys someone clears there throat "who?" I whisperd "draco and pansy" he whispers going under the covers covering his face in my tits "what you want malfoy?" I asked him turning to him "decent?" He asked "why? and no?" I asked him "get ready people are blaming you for it" pansy sighs I look at Leo confused as he puts his pants on he shrugs walking to the wardrobe passing me his long Top I put it on going to him "Jess?" I whispered he laughs "probably" he said softly I kiss his cheek going to the bathroom having a shower

NEXT DAYI turn around moving Leo's hair out of his face he moans pulling me close to him I smile as he kissed my neck giving hickeys someone clears there throat "who?" I whisperd "draco and pansy" he whispers going under the covers covering his fa...

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I run up behind leo covering my ass as he holds me up to where everyone is I jump down from leo going over to him "YOU MONSTER KILLED MY SON!" A woman shouts at me as I pushed through the crowd "i-I didn't" I said bending down to him sad someone c...

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I run up behind leo covering my ass as he holds me up to where everyone is I jump down from leo going over to him "YOU MONSTER KILLED MY SON!" A woman shouts at me as I pushed through the crowd "i-I didn't" I said bending down to him sad someone comes running in "we found his soul but where late he's alive a girl called Jessica marks brought Voldemort back alive" mattheo said out of breath my eyes burn feeling them glowing "that who killed your son Voldemort not me like I said" I said as leo pulls me away "am sorry for your loss" I shout running with mattheo and leo "where's his soul?" I asked mattheo pansy runs up to me passing me a cloudy jar "it's inside we break it near him and it kills him he's just visible to some people because he's in there minds" she explains I nod going in the place "voldy? Where are you?!" I shout to everyone circling around the table I hide leo behind me with the jar he goes up to the front opening it as it flyes around someone revealing them and goes inside his mouth he holds my throat i glare at him he screams in agony blood puring out of his eyes mouth and ears I looked up at his followers "all of you hold my hand or arm" I asked them which they do I clench my wrist blocking the oxygen get through there bodies they gag trying to breath turning blue ish purply I stop once there all dead I wiggle my arm signal for them to let go which they do I go over to them snapping there necks double cheaking there dead by the dark marks disappearing on there skin only leaving mattheo and Voldemort with the dark mark I drag his body down to the basement spelling it to keep him weak but bearly alive I clean all the rocks and everything out just the window and nothing inside leaving everything else 6 meters away from the cell then walk away to the others "thought you dead dumb bitch" leo sighs hugging me "am alive uh where's Matty?" I asked him I turned around to Leo not there ether wtf "leo?" I asked anyone "LEO!!" I shout "MATTHEO?" I shout his name making circles looking around confused "nobody cares about you" Voldemort mutters "fuck you! your in a cell and dead" I said pissed "mhm so are you" he said I looked around confused "just breath" I mumble
I wake up gasping for air "omg are you ok what happened?" Leo asked I hugged him tight he pulled away "hey hey what happened?" He asked tracing his hand across my face "Voldemort got in my head" I coughed black gu "what the f-fuck!" I go to the bathroom rolling my eyes "you cunt!" I said Pissed he laughs echos "really thought they care for you? wow your heart is weak" he laughs as I clean myself up "once your dead your in a ditch where everyone is gonna stand over you laughing at you because your just a broken softy" i explain he holds my throat "do it...prove me wrong-or right" i trick him he stabs me I smile at him
Back in reality
"He's in her mind but she triggered it" mattheo explains as I sit up groaning holding my head "trigger what?" Leo asked him "how did you escape his mind games?" He asked "make him kill you ain't real apart the feeling of the gross black gu" I said grossed out "what?" Leo helped me up "long story short instead of coughing up blood it's black" I said softly "w-how did you know you have to make him kill you so quickly? what did he do?" Leo asked me shit "someone clever" i smiled "don't change the subject" i roll my eyes "he just pissed me off and Instead of killing him he killed me" i explain "you just avoided his question technically he didn't ask why he asked"-"yes mattheo I know" I interrupted him sitting on the couch "did he do something bad?" Leo asked "no" I lied but boys are dumb "Addy" but he ain't he knows me to fucking well "mhm?" I looked up to him "did he do something bad?" he asked again "she said no"-"shhh" Leo interrupted him I got up from the couch going to my dorm to many ears in the common room I distract myself finding a cute dress "so?" Leo asked me

Flash back

wtf "leo?" I asked anyone "LEO!!" I shout "MATTHEO?" I shout his name making circles looking around confused "nobody cares about you" Voldemort mutters "fuck you! your in a cell and dead" I said pissed "mhm so are you" he said I looked around confused

Back in reality

"It's nothing major but he said 'nobody cares about me' and umm I replied 'fuck you! your in a cell dead' which I just blurted out he agreed 'so are you' which scared me what is he planning?" I asked them

Leo hugs me stroking my back "your ok and clever you will know what he's planning before he does it" he explains pulling away I nod smiling

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