Unending torment

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Finished my lessons going to my dorm seeing loki there smirking everyone laughs "fuck off your annoying me" I said pointing at him "really? That totally ain't my intention" he said holding his chest sarcastically i fuck him off walking to the common room he teleports infront of me I use my magic to go through him "ahh bitch that's disgusting" he shuddered grossed out leo puts his arms around my waist "please me everyday don't you?" He whispers I shrug "excuse me!" Loki said infront of us "you said I was hot wished for me to die so I stare into the pure darkness in yours but this ain't happening am not sharing" he said pointing at Leo's arm around my waist I smile at him "jealous?" I asked him smiling he gasps dramatically "the loki laufayson god of mischief not jealous"-I burst out laughing as I sit down on the couch in the Slytherin common room shaking my head "they copied my green colour" he complains "don't say your last name it's fucking hilarious and yours is emerald green this is darker green dumb bitch" I explained wiping my happy tears lying on Leo's lap

Let the history repeat...kinda with a undying romance twist once eveyone is distracted leo pulls me away from the others "I know you hate me somewhere in your scary loving heart but the past is the past and I really need to tell you something" he blurts out uhh ok? Go on then "I really want to fuck you right now but not the"-I interrupted his little thing kissing him he kissed me back we both disappeared to his room and bangs me to his wall holding my arms above my head fuck me hes hot he took off my top and bralette he let's go of my wrists picking me up against the wall kissing my neck circler motion on my thigh I lean my head back biting my lip avoiding to moan I push him off me breathing slighly off taking his top and pants off pushing him onto the bed kissing all over him while grinding on him he moved his left hand on my stomach rising to my tits and his right hand on my hip I look up to him looking like he's in heaven Feeling his dick starting to rise and waking up I continue changing my speed faster hearing lil groans exit his naughty mouth I found a scarf and pink fluffy handcuffs. I don't want to know why were they there, but I'm happy that they were. I drop them on the floor near the bed and look at Baby I climb on the bed and go directly for his mouth. I bite and suck on his lips until I'm satisfied with the colour. Then I move to his ears and neck. He is trembling like crazy. I made some hickeys along my way towards the v-line. I stopped at the waistband of his trousers. I look up directly into his eyes and lick a stripe along his happy trail. He closed his eyes and moaned. I sat up straight. "Give me your hand." "Why?" "Just give me your hand." After some time he gaves me his hands. I put him in the handcuffs and cuffed him to the bed so that he couldn't move his hands. "Fuck, ADDY." His pupils were blown out and his cheeks were fucking red. Let's test if he really has a humiliation kink. "You like it, don't you? You like being handcuffed in some random room where anybody could come in. And all your friends could hear you whimper and beg me to touch you." His head rolled back and a loud groan slid past his lips. Jup, I was right. I'm actually really happy to know this many kinks. Otherwise, I would never guess it. "I'm going to touch you now, if you are going to be a good boy I'll give what you want otherwise, well you'll see." I went back to work. I took off his pants and left him in only his boxers then I licked the outline of his dick. His hips snapped up. I pushed them back down and give him a glare. By the time I finished licking his underwear was soaked with spit and precum. I blew some air towards his dick and goosebumps formed on his skin as he shivered. "Aahh, please." I ignored his pleading and just continued to kiss and bite his thighs. I sucked on one spot on his thigh that I guess is his sweet spot and hit tugged on the handcuffs really hard. And that is when I decided that I will blindfold him and give him the most unexpecting blowjob ever. Maybe something more, but everybody knows that my mouth does wonders and I'm going to use it. I took the scarf from the floor and went up to kiss him. His eyes were completely black almost scary. His lips were wet and bitten from my previous kissing and him trying to contain his moans. I traced my fingertips over his skin and he gasped so I captured his lips and basically swallowed the gasp. I kissed him licking my way into his mouth. The kiss was fast and sloppy. But I didn't care. He wanted to put his hands on me, but all he achieved was a loud noise from the handcuffs that made me break the kiss. I tugged on to his hair and signalled him to lift his head so that I could tie the scarf around it. Now that he handcuffed and blindfolded I could do anything to him. And just the thought made me go wild. To be honest I've never been so happy to find handcuffs in my life. "Addy,what are you doing?" He was visibly tense so I started running my hand up and down on his sides. "Hush, just relax and it will feel good, trust me." I took off his underwear and threw it somewhere on the floor. His dick was painfully hard, leaking precum and red from not getting attention. I blew some air at it and watched it twitch from excitement. Then I took it into my hand and pumped it a few time. I sat back on my knees and just took in the whole sight in front of me. Baby leo was red all over his body from being so embarrassed and his muscles were clenching and unclenching. He was tugging on the handcuffs and his mouth was opened little whimpers escaping it. He looked really fucking good like this. "You are really excited, aren't you?" I think I clouded his brain because all he did was nod and whimper at the same time. "Look at you, basically gagging for me to touch you. Should I call Mattheo or Draco to look at you like that? I bet you would love it, wouldn't you?" He was torn on the inside. His dick was providing more precum, which meant that he was getting even more turned on by my words if that was even possible. But his brain said no. I licked a stripe from the base to his head and circled my tongue around his head. He immediately forgot about the previous statement and tugged harder on the handcuffs. I hope he doesn't break them with his strong arms. Like, damn those arms could probably kill a person. All of a sudden I took his whole dick into my mouth and sucked hard. I almost gagged because of the size but I kept calm. I twisted my head and sucked down on it like it was the most delicious thing ever. He was starting to cry from the pleasure. He wasn't use to not seeing what was happening to him nor being handcuffed or humiliated. It was all so new to him and I could tell that he was overwhelmed, but I could also see that it was not his breaking point. So I continued, a bit more careful. I started to bob my head up and down while I fondled with his balls and stroked his abs. The cloth over his eyes was now completely moist from the tears leaking out of his eyes. But I continued to bob my head. After a minute or so I filled off with a pop and started to stroke his dick with my hand. "Baby, tell me if you are ok? Can I continue?" Firstly he just choked when he tried to speak but then he let out a raspy yes. I continued to stroke him but I move my hand so that I could tweak his nipple once. His back arched and he let out a weird inhumane sob. Sensitive nipple, that is good to know. "You should have told me that you like nipple play. Then I could play with you some more. Maybe next time, what do you say?" He just whimpered. I think I completely broke him now. His dick looks ready to come so I took it back into my mouth and sucked hard like I was trying to drink every drop of his come. That and one more twerk of his nipple was enough to make him come down my throat. I don't think I have ever seen someone come as muck as he did. He was shaking and whimpering like crazy. I took off his blindfold and let him free of the handcuffs. He was still shaking but I was now hugging him. I knew how to deal with him. Once this random guy whose name I don't remember fucked me so good that I couldn't do anything other than act like Leo just did. And that is the time I came just from penetration. And that was one of the best sex I have ever had. And that says a lot because I have had sex so may time that I don't even remember half of them. "Baby you ok?" I asked him he flickered his eyes open "hey" I smiled softly to him hugging him kiss his cheek "how are you feeling buddy?" I asked him smiling wiping his tears "that was fucking awesome" he laughed I laugh with him hugging him "you ok now right?" I asked him pulling away he tightened his grip on my waist nodding we both kissed each other "cars 2?" He asked I smiled going to my room getting my laptop going back to his room setting up cars to him in between my legs squeezing my knee on his shoulder as I watch cars two with him kissing his forehead from time to time

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