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"Where was you?" He asked "l-I don't have time for cheaters" I said before walking off he pulled me back to him "don't" I move my arm back "leo is it? I'll ignore her just wait for your payback" Kai said I cross my arms glaring at him "am I not allowed to warn him?" He asked I move his hand from Leo "answer still no go fuck off stop butting in and who said I was done with you?" I asked him he holds his hands up surrendering walking off "yes I still have feelings for you it was unexpected yet infront of me I got blinded by love..twice" I sat down pissed "and Mattheo next making you blow yup" he sighs sitting next to me "everyone was normal but with him I get these stupid visions what's different about him that the future me warned me about?" I asked myself "your right your busy I'll leave you to that" he said before getting up "Kai leave me alone" i said not looking up "you didn't hear mine and your not hearing Leo's" he explains I looked up at him "I don't give a shit about yours or his apology it's just gonna fix everything in seconds and back to where I was it won't change anything I get it your all fucking sorry and I wasn't the one for you or or that it was a mistake let's try us again THERES NO FUCKING US LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I stand up walking up to him acting out I walked away oh dear you've messed up want me to change it?.no you fuck off also but thx for healing me.you need mattheo is what's wrong not me. I go to the astrometry tower "you calm?" Mattheo asked I go over to him hugging him tight "take that as no then.." he said sitting down "what's that?" I asked him wiping my tears sitting next to him "I write my feelings about my life but I draw about my desperate desires" he explains softly passing it to me I trace over his uncials at the front as a electricity beams through my arm like his dairy I open it taking a deep breath in and out "sorry if you do get my tears on it" I apologise "just look at it" he smiled I looked down at the sketchbook "holy ridds" I blurt "bad good?" He asked "neither" I said shocked "why?" He asked "because it's-you need a museum for these" I said softly tracing over the pencil and colour lines and sketches "bit over the top" he said softly I looked up at him "you think am joking?" I asked him he nods smiling "you really doubted yourself" i said softly I lean my head on his shoulder going to the next page to a picture of me "you want me to wear a big black ball gown dress that looks absolutely stunning" I smiled "please be honest with your feelings" he said moving me between his legs putting his arms around my waist kissing my shoulder "i am literally staring and telling you my thoughts not even actually thinking"-"my hearty" I giggled blushing "that's honest" he points out I roll my eyes "wh-what's this?..oh it's upside down what was you doing upside down" I laugh "my heart drops for her and only her" "aww explains why it's upside down along with the rain drops" I smiled

"I know what your future self was telling yourself" leo said sitting down "in a second" I said softly looking at the drawings mattheo takes the sketchbook off me "I'll show you the rest but first listen to leo" he said as I reach for it moving it even more Away "you was saying?" I asked him "your future self?" He asked "right what about it?" I asked him "the old dude told me" he said before I interrupted "the owner of this or a different old dude because it's albus dumbledoor" i explain he rolls his eyes "you knew what I meant anyways you pictured us to be lovers right?" He asked "don't know how you know that but yeah" I said confused "but the pictures are for mattheo he's your solemate you both are desisted to literally get together and Voldemort was trying to explain it but you being stubborn didn't let him" he explains "short story me and Mattheo have to date or the legacy will get ruined but the horrible get was only trying to help us" i explain "basically that" leo sighed "he's still in the basement unless you killed him?" I asked mattheo "tried that reason he got into my head" he said softly we all apparates to him "ahh she came to you then?" Voldemort asked smiling "and I thought you would of lost in there definitely a party to celebrate?" I smiled at mattheo "what for? you not killing my dad?" He asked I roll my eyes "forget the party then I'll host and be the only one celebrating Jesus" I said walking off "wrong way" leo shouts I walk the other way to the wine cellar we'll it's not my fault your house is stupidly big "uh hi?" Tom smiled riggght not talking to you I take a drink going back upstairs walking back to mattheo "why is your brother chained in the wine cellar?" I asked him leo laughs "haven't told her?" He asked mattheo I looked at them both clueless "he spelled an arace so he has no feelings what's so ever and the darkness kinda happened taking over them" mattheo explains "soo you chained Tom downstairs in the wine cellar where glass is?" I asked him "more like drink it" leo shrugs "he ain't mattheo" I said softly "fine then come on" he said to mattheo both walking out "pissing idiots" I sit down to we're mattheo was hearing them struggling "not gonna help them?" pansy asked walking in "it's boys stuff so no...drink?" I asked her pouring into a glass she shakes her head "your now worrying me" I asked her sitting back

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