Finish line

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After getting dropped lying down onto the couch "draco 'ground rules' but he's busy with kylo?" I smirked tables changed I sat up leaning him down sitting him down,me on his lap kissing him his hands on my waist as I grind on him I move to his ear "no movement no noice no nothing even talking" I whisper answering the call "pansy hi" I smiled seeing his head fallen back onto the couch "is Tom around I can't reach him?" She asked "nobody is" I said confused "oh shit sorry I'll try and ring draco" she said softly "good luck" i said before ending the call "your lucky she didn't hear you" I said turning his hand around to the heart seeing it into a tattoo fully healed I press down he groans holding my neck tight finally some fun i kiss him still grinding on him I go harder and slower somthing cold touches my knee I pull away looking down to a dagger that he stole from Leo I move his dagger closer as I kiss him again I moan feeling the cold steel rising up my thigh we both apparate upstairs with him above me onto the bed holding the dagger to my throat feeling my chest burn and flutters staring at him full of lust "I know your weakness in this thing" he smiled "took me time to realise it and right now am in control your gonna listen to everything I say and you do it" he said smiling "if it includes your dick me in control can only solve it or yourself but your not allowed unless I say" I smile "my tits and pussy your dick yes I got the deal" he said holding the knife closer my heart racing I raise my head giving him more room feeling my pussy pulsing he separated my legs putting his leg between in contact with my pussy through the clothing seeing him smirking I look at him confused he can feel that? Didn't think he can oh well I moved him down onto me to the silver stainless steel touching my throat I gasp with my eyes rolled back he turned me around with me above him he puts the dagger on my thigh I lean over him kissing him "mattheo?" Tom asked I pull away sitting up off him as he sits up "bye Addy" he said I roll my eyes I take the dagger of him walking away "how's draco?" I asked pansy watching him and kylo playing around "struggling but determined" she laughs i walk over to him holding my arms out kylo jumps into my arms "oh come on I was enjoying that" pansy wines "mr kylo needs sleep not fun" I said to her before walking away upstairs placing kylo in his room rocking his cot with his playmobile going around in circle playing a tune sending kylo asleep thank devil I get up closing the window and locking it shut turning around to mattheo at the door "what did Tom want?" I asked him quietly walking over to him with my arms around his neck as he pulled me close to him his hands resting on my ass "you'll know soon" he smiled "and how soon is soon?" I asked him "when he's ready to announce it" he said softly as we both hold hands going downstairs he let's go of my hand placing his hand around my waist I bite my inside lip blushing me sitting next to mattheo with my leg in between his and my arm resting on his shoulder "you look pissed" Tom said "don't answer that.." mattheo interrupted me "so me and Tom have an announcement to make" she smiled he got up also standing next to her "were engaged" Tom and pansy both say after looking at each other smiling "shocker" draco said I throw a pillow at him "bother granger if you don't like it here" I said as mattheo holds my hands down "hermonie?..why?" Blaise asked walking in "congratulations" i smiled at Tom and pansy wanting to get up but mattheo pulls me back down onto the couch "she may or may have not walked in on them both" mattheo sighed "witch one are you on about?" I asked him he stared at me tighting his grip around my waist "the one when you went downstairs getting a drink" he said shallow definitely pissed off "that's was ages ago?" I asked him confused "draco you better run" pansy said "how recent?" He asked oh fuck "Addy?" Blaise asked "today" I mumbled bitting my lip "MALFOY!" Mattheo shouts getting up "and there's kylo awake" i sigh "leo" I said holding my head "you handle your boyfriend I'll do kylo" he said I nod going to the office with draco holding the doors he runs away as mattheo opens them almost ripping the hinge's off "calm down I didn't see anything" I hold his chest "you sure?" He asked hugging me stroking the back of head "yeah can you please stop chasing draco" I asked him looking up at him "only if I get a fuck?" He asked smiling I roll my eyes "not now wait till everyone's sleeping or atleast in bed please?" I asked him he kissed me then walks away

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