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Looking at mattheos drawings some unapproved for everyone's eyes explains why am upstairs someone knocks on as I close it looking over "am bored" I pass him the sketchbook he puts it with his diary "and no am not risking it" I said softly sitting up "I was gonna say help the other girls with pansy nursery" he said sitting next to me "we're planning come on" darcy said before dragging me away oh great after deciding to how we want it to look along with the room at hers and Tom place took hours but worth it for one or two children "ultra sound is an hour!" Tom shouts from downstairs "sorry girl's but I gotta get ready" she said before leaving "we'll finish it later is another way for her saying" grace said softly I pick up all are plans and put them on the baby's dresser going downstairs "ok am off" grace smiled "whhho?" Darcy asked "nobody" she picked then leaves "definitely someone" me and Darcy smiled pansy walks in "where's bunny?" She asked Tom "left for a boy" Darcy said "sounds like her come on" she holds her hand out "good luck" i mouth to her she smiled I kick my legs up as mattheo pulls me close to him "dramatic" draco rolled his eyes "you sit on the arm of the couch and let mattheo pull you down then" I said standing up they both do it with his legs flying also Darcy laughs then walks out "am I dramatic?" I asked him "shut up" he said fixing his clothes before going to Darcy I sit on mattheo lap cuddling him "cramps?" He asked I nodded we both apparate to his home guessing it's mine also "go sleep I'll be back" he kissed forehead before appares out "all alone" his dad asked "not as alone as you" I smiled at him then continue going upstairs going to his room cuddling a pillow that smells like him hearing him laugh I turned around to him holding a basket "what are you doing to my pillow?" He asked "it smells like you and very cuddly just small" i explain sitting up putting it back as he passed me the basket lying down behind me I turned around putting my head on his shoulder as I open it "so this is where you disappeared to" Tom asked "no we just didn't like you so we went away" I said sarcastically looking at the things inside the basket then looked up at him smiling I smile back then continued looking around finding a note at the bottom I picked it up and read my mind just kidding "your welcome,you've got yourself a perfect boyfriend who will embarrass themselves to get you a period basket to handle those feelings and cramps" I read out huh? "Mind reader" i smiled putting it on the floor next to me as Tom fills the bottle i cuddle up to mattheo being my bottle in the mean time "does it really need this?" Mattheo asked waving the cover over it "yes other wise I'll burn my stomach" I said softly "got it" he smiled "hold the top if your putting that on" I explained smiling mattheo burns himself "you warned me yes" he said sucking his finger like the baby Tom passed it to me I put the cover on easy and done I put it upside down under my shirt lying down

THE NEXT DAY (off period :) at hogwarts)
Waking up rolling over to mattheo "morning" he smiled "morning" I smiled back "someone in a happy mood" Tom said I roll my eyes getting up going to the shower and getting ready

Putting a black cropped leather jacket humming as I walk out of the bathroom "where the fuck are my shoes?" I asked him "in the shower we're else other then the floor?" Tom asked "I didn't ask your peanut brain" I said softly taking my shoes of ma...

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Putting a black cropped leather jacket humming as I walk out of the bathroom "where the fuck are my shoes?" I asked him "in the shower we're else other then the floor?" Tom asked "I didn't ask your peanut brain" I said softly taking my shoes of mattheo I kissed his cheek then walked out putting my shoes on meeting the guys at the common room "any fun stories?" Draco asked smiling "no?" I answered confused "you was doing your shoes and his dirty mind started thinking" Tom sighed waking in "sounds like him" I said sitting down next to mattheo but mattheo moves me onto his lap I looked over to my side to "pansy" I hugged her "we saw each other not even a week ago" she hugged me back "just take the hug anyways" I said softly then pull away "can we go somewhere?" Mattheo whispers I nod smiling I got up walking off but mattheo dragging me somewhere i looked behind then at him closing the office doors slowly and quiet I walk up to the desk where he is grabbed me close to him kissing me rough and needy he picked up turning me sitting on the desk taking each other's clothes off I put my arm around his neck while my head is thrown back biting my bottom lip holding in my moans as he rides the shit out of me I hear the door nozzle shit really now? i move him away so I can sit up "someone's at the door" I whisper he picks me up off the desk I wrap my arms around his neck gasping with him still inside of me e keeps me still as possible as he walks to a room connected to his office sitting in a chair as we both finish of our organism I fall onto him out of breath "you..need to stop picking the random places" I said softly he laughs "it's more fun and risky it's better" he explains "where's our clothes?..shit mattheo" I bang my head on his shoulder with him laughing "shhh your dad will hear us" I cover his mouth with my hand "luckily he won't because I used to be a reckless killer and do them here it's soundproofed" he explains "that still brings me to my question that you completely ignored" i mutter

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