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"Your lying!" He said pissed "mhm am I?" I asked him "yes" he said pissed "so your dad didn't leave while you was a baby and called you what was it 'abomination'? Remember now?" I asked him he pushed me to the wall with my hands trapped above my head i smile "Bennett should of known I recognise that attitude" he said pissed "you missed me don't lie to your heart..if you have one" I said before kicking him he bends over to my face "don't touch without permission" i whispered then walked back to my seat "fucking bitch kicked my balls" he groaned I continue reading "hurts don't it?" Mattheo said smiling "only worse when you date her" he warns them I can't help but to smile "see what I fucking mean? She's a psycho-wait what you mean when dating?...someone" leo asked I giggle I looked up at him "is it to embarrassing for you?" I asked him he sits next to Leo I raise an eyebrow "now you shut up? without my co"-"they heard enough" he interrupted i laugh "just don't date her she's fucking insane when she's comfortable with you" he said I looked over to mattheo smirking at me intrigued "leo don't ask I'll just break your heart" I said looking down at my book "oh come on the only chick I want I can't get that's fucking favouritism there" he said pointing at me "you are my favourite? what the fuck is he on about?" I asked anyone "is he just giving hints or actually gonna do something about it?" Theo asked "nether because he's a baby in a adult body who likes knifes and death" I explain "thx" he said I looked over sipping my drink "your dishes look dirty maybe you should clean them" theo said I stare at him straight shocked "get a bigger dick then your just a waist of breath" there's silence in the room "didn't sound fake?" He said smiling I leaned forward sitting up "don't test me mr" I said softly he walks out I lean back on the couch smiling continuing reading "and he's back" leo whispered "heard him stomping in which he does" I said not caring if he hears or not I sighed looking up "this your way for trying to make me jealous? with a whore?" I asked him he looks at me confused "don't let me stop you both your perfect for each other personality and looks" i explain leo laughs "like you and Leo" he said smiling we both look at each other confused then back at him "they never fucked mate" mattheo butts in I look down smiling hiding behind my book I move it away "if you want someone to blame know your surroundings and not just accuse someone" I explained to him "he was close" Blaise said behind me I looked up at him confused "you made out with him as kissed him" he explains "I made out with him for a dare I ain't backing down and when did I kiss you?" I asked him he shrugs "won't mouth because I'll remember so probably cheek" he said I nod "told you the slut will be hear" a girl said softly I looked over interested "was that pointed at the whore next to my ex or me?" I asked her confused "she's not a whore!" theo shouts "she's fucked most guys some girls she is a whore if you thought you were her first nobody is till you go to griffendoor table in the hall the colour is red and gold bronze whatever" I explain "am on about you honey" the girl said smiling "come closer and say it to my face see where your confidence goes then?" I asked her standing up which she does "wow your ugly up close now I think about I don't want to touch you" I said backing up a little "pervert" she said walking away "I WAS GONNA KILL YOU BITCH!" I scream "I'll wait till you got guts then" she said softly ohh i you will when your sleeping and I'll suffocate you till your fucking dead I sit down pissed "your not gonna suffocate her while she's sleeping" mattheo sighed leo laughed his head off I looked up at mattheo "watch me" I said to him smiling "I'll definitely be there" he said laughing "what colour robe was she wearing?" I asked him "ravenclaw?" He said I squeal "even better" I said smirking tugging at my tights "stop thinking about her!" Mattheo shouts "suck a dick bitch telling me what to do" I said frowning I block my mind from him "I'm off since Bennett blocked her mind from me entering" he said getting up "suck a dick while walking where ever your going!" I shout he fucks me off I get up dragging leo with me going to her room where outside her room "give me a knife or dagger ether works" I asked him "where's yours?" He asked me "riddle took them" I said he gave me one I smile I unlock her door using the knife walking in I cover her mouth while c0tting her skin 'u asked' he holds she opens her eyes as tears fall "you asked so am giving it to you...your death" I said smiling I put the pillow over her as she moves trying to pull the pillow away from her she stops moving I get his knife and stab her chest through her heart incase she did it on purpose I took it out licking the blood of it taking the pillow of her "am tempted to rip out her tongue" I asked leo "you have my knife germs" he said pissed I turned to him taking it out my mouth "sorry just really hated her I'll clean it" I said going to her bathroom putting toothpaste on it using her toothbrush cleaning it for him making it look brand new as I cleaned everything off it I passed it back to him "I'll do that more often to my others I can see my reflection holy shit" she said as I push him out taking it back closing the door I lock it back up giving it back to him I get my marker 'room out of order reasons:dead body,cute guy inside xox'
i put the marker in his pocket secretly taking his knife running off with it back to the common room "that's my clean one come on!" He moaned I put it behind my back smirking at him "your left hand" he guessed right but I changed hands fucking him off "I rather still have my-mhm not really look girl your confusing me" he said I pass it him giggling "idiot" I said smiling someone runs in "ayyy it's the same guy from the slut room love your abs oo vains" I said jumping up going over to him "what the fuck!" Everyone shouts I looked at them confused "what?" I asked them confused theo lifts his shirt and vains "you got 3 inch" I said pointing at him he rolls his eyes and sits back down leo turned me to him spinning me around "woah ok am sizzy-I mean dizzy" I said trying to sort my eye sight "oh hey" I said to him confused "your actually killing me I have a big dick,vains and abs?" He asked confused "one your my best friend two your a little shorter then he is three your mattheos mate" i explain "mattheo is one INCH TALLER THEN ME!" He shouts i sigh "I don't wanna fuck you!" I shout "I tried being nice but you pushed me to the end" I said to him pissed then walked off "FUCK YOU THEN!" He shouts "WISHING I CANT AND ITS TRUE!" I shout back "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DATE EACH OTHER!" Mattheo screams i look around confused to where that came from i go to the hall i go to my table "where is that bitch?" Leo asked I bang my head on the table "that won't work" a boy asked I looked up to him smiling "really? Never knew that?" I gasped sarcastically I roll my eyes I get literally swept up "who's ass is that small?" I asked myself everyone laughs "I think am having nausea? of blood rush to my head ughh" I groan "shut the fuck up!" Leo? "Leo why do you have a small ass?" I asked him he puts me down "I might be sick uhh" I said holding my stomach I looked up at him "ok I'm fine now what do you want?" I asked him confused "will you shut the fuck up?" He asked I roll my eyes "ok thank you first time I met you,innocent bossy bitch you are now that I somehow grown feelings for"-please don't ask me out "and would you go out with me?" He asked me i stay silent "this is the part where you talk?" He asked think think think I wanna disappear I wanna disappear i wanna disappear i opened one of my eye to me outside I smile "bitch don't do that" he said i scream I turned around to Leo there smiling I run to the garden seeing mattheo I get his attention "I don't have enough time but leo just asked me the fuck out I don't wanna break his heart but I don't wanna say yes what do you do?" I asked him quickly he turns me to him out of breath at the entrance "fuck you can run" he said out of breath "what was the thing theo tried warning him?" He asked whispering "not to date me because uhh-well I go a little to far with things" I whisper back "what things?" He asked me "bad idea going to you shit I need more girl friends" I curse "what things?" He asked "fucking jeez calm down I meant to be the stressing" I said freaking out "how?" He asked me "ask nott where's-"PANSY!!" I shout running over to her I fall over a stone "AHH FUCK!" I scream "STUPID STONE!" I shout kicking it she laughs her head off "leo asked me out and I don't wanna say yes but I don't wanna break his heart what do I do?" I asked her "am sorry"-"not that one the other" i interrupted her "oh shit didn't know you did that sort of thing" she said I shrug "I'm confused about us I-umm maybe talk through some stuff first?" She said smiling "stop fucking running why was you screaming about a fucking stone?" He asked out of breath "she almost tripped over a baby stone while running up to me i almost died of laughing" she explains I nod "basically that are you that determined to get an answer out?" I asked him he nods before coughing "I'm confused about us I-umm maybe talk through some stuff first?" I copied pansys idea "last time I heard that this g"-he couphs again "this girl was into some kinky shit that was surprisingly good" he said "so go over to her then" I said "let me fucking finish she died" he said I stared at pansy she hugged me "how?" pansy asked I bite her shoulder "ouch you cunt I helped you..kinda" she said I face palm "she said I was some play toy to her? like what the fuck then it took me 13 years to get over her "but isn't that your whole entire life?" I asked him confused "shut the fuck up..then I met Bennett over hear" he said "ohhhhhh shit yup give my your knife" I said handing my hand out "whhhy?" He asked confused and weary "just give me your fucking knife" I asked he gave me but pansy took it giving it back to him "your not gonna kill your self you got yourself into this so you sort it" she explained then walked out "TRAITER!" I shout she fucks me off "I'm getting drunk then ask me then" I said smiling then kiss his cheek walking off

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