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He sits on the couch next to me "you cheated" he said bumbed out "no I pay attention" I said removing his hand from my thigh he keeps putting it there I sit on his hand smiling I turn to Mike "your name?" I asked him "lorex but Leo if want" he said I nod sipping my drink I feel getting pulled closer to mattheo onto his lap I put the drink in my mouth with my teeth holding it I try to get rid of mattheo hands off my waist finally I sit next to Leo shoving draco off "why sitting next to me and your boyfriend?" He asked "not my boyfriend and because he's really getting on my nerves" I explain re-doing my shoes "now I have to clean them" I said pissed "it's funny getting you angry" he admits I throw my drink in his face "is that fucking funny to you?" I asked him going to my dorm getting changed black Lacey bra and black shorts I clean my shoes in the bathroom quickly walking back into my room to Tom looking around I cross my arms leaning on the doorframe he turns to me "whatcha doing?" I asked him he sits down guilty "what have you done?" I asked him sitting on him kissing his neck he slides his hand up my thighs I move my knife away from his reach "I gave you the dark mark..." he admits I push him down on the bed with the knife to his throat "one how and two you what?" I asked him "really my brother?" Mattheo said "he gave me the dark mark am not gonna fuck him!" I said pissed he pushed me off toms lap "your not killing my brother it could be on purpose for your safety or by accident" mattheo said holding me against the wall "yeah..yeah as if you can do the dark mark by accident!" I explain he moves out the way before I can kick him "calm the fuck down!" He shouts I stop trying to get out of his grip he let's go of me "you have explaining to do!" Mattheo said facing his brother I look down crossing my arms someone walks in we all turn around to him "what's going on?" Leo asked I don't dare talk he looks at me shocked "ok that's new umm anyone else want to tell me what's going on?" Leo asked again "Tom gave her the dark mark and only just spoke now he's up to something but won't spill anything till he's alone with her" mattheo explains "that don't explain the silence of her she's never this quite meaning someone has done something!" He shouts "called tamed" mattheo said "like hell you have in what 3 to 4 days you tamed her and he doesn't look like he had the chance what did you do to her?" Leo asked mattheo he turns to me "sweetheart what's going going on?" Leo asked me caring i immediately hugged him crying "hey hey hey shhhh what's wrong?" He said rubbing my back sitting me on the bed "I-I want to talk to p-pansy" I said softly he nods still stocking my back "I'll be back ok" he said smiling then kiss my forehead then leaves Tom follows him mattheo stays he bends down to me "have I done something wrong?" He asked worried I smile weakly "no" I whisper he hugs me kisses my neck "what's wrong then darling?" He asked softly "you'll find out soon but please don't get angry at me" i explain he nods "I promise I won't" he said just as Leo and pansy walk in "hey what's wrong?" She asked running in seeing me crying mattheo leaves "I-I-m...pre-pregnant" I said she and Leo stand there shocked "who's is it?" Leo asked shocked I shrug "did they all use condoms?" Pansy asked I nod then stop looking up at her "you know at the party when mattheo picked me up after I kissed leo we didn't then but that's only the only time it's impossible right?" I asked them "wait you did bathroom sex? Quite quickly as well" Leo said to pansy she bends down to me "we'll be hear for you" pansy said comforting me "why did it end so quickly?" Leo asked I giggle "because he released quickly and I wanted to but want to piss him off more so I didn't even though I should of..he should of waited" i explain they stay quiet "what?" I asked them "we kinda heard you both" pansy said standing up next to Leo "then why did you ask?" I asked Leo "he was getting drinks which is far back away from the bathroom" pansy explains I nod "what am I gonna do I can't keep it a secret forever I'll bloat" i explain they both laugh "then tell him when you think it's right or that he noticed somethings up" pansy said softly "yeah ok" I said still thinking a way without telling him and him finding out "I want it to be a miscarriage" I said staring behind them looking at the creature they turn around pansy sighs "Petra come on you" she said taking the thing away "do you think it smells a child in me?" I asked Leo "umm I don't think they can?" He said "why is it keep coming hear then?" I asked Leo covering up "who knows but I really want to fuck a psycho" he said then turns to me "uhh no be gay be gay fuck mattheo am sure he'll get you pregnant" I said softly then getting comfortable in my bed "I don't want to be gay for one and two pleaseee my dick can't wait that long!" He explains I turned to him "what?" I asked him "never mind just please I'll be a one time thing come on" he begs "Leo leave her alone" mattheo said I sat up smiling softly he smiles back going to the bathroom "aww look sweet you both you being" he jokes I push him off the bed he flops to the floor "I deserve that yep..thx" he said getting up I turn back around

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