Soft spot

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I groan awake holding my head "mate you alright?" Draco asked "with the new girl snapping my neck yeah am fine where is that bitch" I curse "hear and your welcome" she said holding her hand up reading I get up holding her neck "wtf was that for?" I asked her then falling onto the floor she sighs "your body don't heal that quickly unfortunately" she said bending down to my level "now...say thank you for saying your ass and sorry for trying to hurt me" she said "fuck you!" I curse she shrugs "can't do when your injured"she said softly standing up I go to the bed letting that help me up "Andriette leave him" same girl said walking in she groans walking back to her seat "what page was I on?" She asked 'Mike' "153" he answers she smiles "new drug best friend there's the use of you" she explains before kissing his cheek i roll my eyes "don't get jelly riddle still waiting for the fuck meaning you need to heal quick" she explains as she gets up walking out "wait what? No get back hear?" 'Mike' shouts she turns and faces him "am a best friend and he's a fuck why can't I be a fuck and he's a best friend?" 'Mike' asked she shrugs he goes after her I shake my head smiling sitting up "that girl I swere" i mutter
A day later (Andriette pov)
Waking up looking next to me to a random guy there sleeping naked I slowly remember what happened last night I fucked a hufflepuff and he's cute nice choice that didn't even remember his name I go to his bathroom getting my things and looking normal feeling an arm around me I look up in the mirror "hey you I got to go class this can wait" I said turning around to face him putting my arm around his neck kissing him "don't think I can wait that long" he whispers I smile "what lesson?" I asked him packing my things "dada? we have snape and trust me you won't like him only likes draco i feel like there together or something" he explains kissing my side neck "nothing wrong that that just an large age gap other then that seem perfect" i explain I turn to him smiling "you think?" He asked smiling I nod "you don't think so?" I asked him he shakes his head I giggle kissing him down to his neck hearing light moans from him "not yet" i whisper i look at the time behind him quickly and pull away smiling to him sulking I move his face playfully "someone is gonna walk in might need something on" I explain before walking out he pulls me over to him infront of him I look down smiling "who would of thought Cedric and Andriette is it?" Mattheo asked "not as bad as you think how's those legs and back?" I asked him leaning on his shoulder he turns around to me "desperate much?" He asked smiling "well got an appointment in dada you pick your lesson and am there if am feeling it" i explain Cedric walks out I catch his dorm keys "now?" He asked I smile mischievous i push him down onto the bed kissing him while straddling him he kissed my neck "mhmm" i hum someone knocks I groan getting off his lap to the door "yes?" I asked her "am hear mattheo?" She said "Ofc you are" I said smiling then walk out throwing him the keys he catches i walk down the halls unbothered by all the looks it's not a slutty outfit so stop with the fucking eyes a girl stops me "back off ceddy he's mine!" A griffendoor demanded "who the fuck is 'ceddy" i mocked her she slapped me I laugh looking back at her "cedric you slut" she said then goes to leave I grab her arm tight pushed her to the wall "do that shit again and the next warning will make you fear me he ain't yours or why else would he fuck me if you want him ask him out and am no slut got it" i explain she nods swallowing hard I let go of her she walks off speeding "no need in that sweetheart" Mike said I roll my eyes I sigh "when?" I asked him "wait really?" He asked smiling but not showing up to his eyes "no" i whisper he groans "oh come on am not that bad" he groans I giggle "your my druggy best friend and I admire that about you k Cedric is a one time thing we'll not really he's the reason am not going dada and am meant to fuck mattheo just then but someone girl interrupted then she came up to me" I explain getting my books from my locker "short hair dark eye makeup? 4,6?" Mike asked I nod "yeah that's pansy they nothing your alright just fucking" Mike explains I nod looking at the fight from a-far "you not gonna stop them?" Mattheo whispers "why should I?" I asked him looking at the fight with Cedric and Tom "because it might be about you" Mike whispers "not is about me" I said looking at them wanting to know will win "obviously not Cedric he's technically a muggle born not half fae like me and my brother" mattheo whispers "quit reading my mind my secrets and thoughts only" i said he nods I pull them apart and pass Mike my books pushing Tom to the bathroom cleaning all the blood off me "I need him alive" i said getting every blood splatter feeling his gaze "eyes off brother!" Mattheo said "not you too!" I said they both shut up knowing there reading my mind I clear my throat to get there attention "your done for now" I said turning his head to each side cheaking for more cuts

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