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I stand up to mattheo holding kylo I smile as they both walked up the stairs "this is dangerous he could bang his head on the stairs" I said then hold mattheo hand going to the balcony "what's next? floor falling?" Mattheo asked "is it?" I asked him he laughs "no it was a joke" he smiled i sigh "he needs a walker I should of bought one no I am going to buy one" I said then take kylo "why do you need him?" He asked "for which walker he wants? duh?" I said turning to him then back over to our room "want your favourite colour orange one?" I asked kylo

After hard disisons ever we bought a red one he did like the orange one a lot but I cheaked it to with boring toys on it that comes along with it so I also cheaked the others and made him pick the red one what? it has the springy twisty thing with the rolly ball ooo and plays music which he will like I'll come tomorrow I picked him up having a shower love a good splash changing his diaper then breastfeed him putting him on the floor less dangerous then putting him on the bed as I get into my pjs

After hard disisons ever we bought a red one he did like the orange one a lot but I cheaked it to with boring toys on it that comes along with it so I also cheaked the others and made him pick the red one what? it has the springy twisty thing with...

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Picking him up seeing mattheo infront of me "what are you wearing underneath the green?" He asked confused as he undressed into his boxers "I lost my black or you stole it so I have to wear this one" I asked him as I breastfeed kylo him to sleep r...

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Picking him up seeing mattheo infront of me "what are you wearing underneath the green?" He asked confused as he undressed into his boxers "I lost my black or you stole it so I have to wear this one" I asked him as I breastfeed kylo him to sleep rocking him side to side "I did steal one of your clothes yes" he tried and undo my bow I slap his hand away and I moved kylos cot into the room placing him down covering up as I rock the cot showing mattheo to him smiling I put the bow back in "ha yh I stole the black one" he smiled pulling me close to him kissing me "hold off one day" I asked him pulling away moving his hair strand out his face "don't think I'll be able to" he asked as I rock kylos cot we need an automatic rocking cot ughh am not waisting money though I'll give it pansy so it's technically her money "not happening you can just rock kylo manually" he said behind me kissing my neck i stand up moving him away am getting a automatic cot "you are not" he said i block my mind from him getting into bed he's gonna cry if that cot stops rocking him maybe if I move him closer in reach now I can rock him "he has his own room" mattheo asked "shhh" I said softly scratching my nose with the quilt with mattheo moving me close to him "my nose is itchy" I complain Doing it myself then cuddle up to mattheo rocking kylo with my foot
I get up out of bed brushing my teeth like every morning having a quick shower

Picking him up seeing mattheo infront of me "what are you wearing underneath the green?" He asked confused as he undressed into his boxers "I lost my black or you stole it so I have to wear this one" I asked him as I breastfeed kylo him to sleep r...

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I walk up to kylo up still asleep I rock his cot "kylos thing is here" Blaise asked "keep rocking the cot" I asked him getting off the bed running downstairs to the walker taking it out the box I get the toy that goes with it setting it up to his level "he wanted his mommy" Blaise said I turned around smiling laughing at the outfit he gave kylo I take kylo off Blaise placing kylo into the walker crouching down to his feet on the floor and put the toy into its place he got a bit to exited as I move it to the living room with the others "aww the outfit is so cute" darcy said "Blaise put it on him" I sit next to pansy hugging her arm watching kylo laughing and enjoying his toy told you he'll like the music the twisty thingy pansy got up I looked up to mattheo walking in sitting next to me I hug his arm he moves it to strocking my rib my head on his chest "will this help him to walk?" Tom asked "yep" I smiled to him trying to jump in excitement "what is he trying to do?" Pansy asked "jump" i itch my nose bone with them laughing he spits out his dummy laughing pansy throws the dummy to me I catch it "where's carmon?" I asked her "uhm..sleeping" she said before taking a sip of her drink "Addy thinks your lying" mattheo said to her I look at him confused "your mind is an open book" he said smiling I roll my eyes looking back at kylo smiling I get up going upstairs to our room getting kylos milk bottle I hear shuffling I follow it to Leo room I knock on "leo you ok?" I asked him "come in" he shouts I walk in standing at the door confused "why is it dark?" I asked him he shows me his arm I put kylos bottle down somewhere going up to him "you got bitten..here" I said shocked and bite my arm I offer my blood to him which he takes holding my arm tight I rip my arm away since he wasn't gonna let go willingly seeing the death vains disappear along with some of the bite mark I look over to mine healing "you ok how did-how long was that there?" I asked him "there leader that was chasing me the others was witches which I killed he got pissed off and bit me" he explains "if you kill yourself or someone kills you your in transition for being a vampire because you have mine and the leaders blood in you" i explain getting kylos bottle "Addy" he asked I turn around facing him "don't tell anyone not even mattheo or kylo nobody please" he asked I smile at him "your secret to tell not mine take all the time you need" I smiled "thank you" he smiled back I walk out

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