Trouble in paradise

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"You should know better but thx for the lap thing" I said pointing he gets off I giggle with the others laughing along he drags pansy with him I stand infront of her "leave her!" I said angry he keeps tugging her "this your ex?" I asked her she nods I turned to draco "but don't kill him..he means well" she shouts I turned to her "he broke your fucking heart and am sorry to say this but pansy your the only friend in this whole entire school I trust with my life so let me do you a faver and let him go you don't need him make him jealous but don't go running back into his arms like some lost fucking puppy because your a person not a dog on a leash!" I explain almost shouting she nods as tears fall down her face I kick draco balls making him let go off her "ouch you bitch!" He shouts "leave the girl alone sort the thing alone you don't need to rape girls!" I said pissed then walk back to the group about to go get up they all cover there nuts I smile going to the drink stand getting orange cup again for me and pansy giving one to her she kissing Blaise I sip on my drink passing it to mattheo "aww how sweet of you" he said smiling "it's for pansy when she's done with that.." I said crossing my legs swinging on leg seeing her blushing as she backs away I take the drink off mattheo giving it her "instead of covering it someone might want to use it" i whisper putting my head on his shoulder "I'll keep it there till there fully sure" he whispers back I spin the bottle getting Blaise "truth.." I said he nods and thinks of one "do you like anyone in this table group thing?" He asked I looked around "yes" I said smiling he nods I look down onto my lap again "oh for fuck sake!" I moan I pass my drink to mattheo he moves away along with other men "what's wrong?" Pansy asked "I lost my jem again!" I said pissed I get up from my seat looking around on the floor I stand up in a mood sitting down "someone might have it" mattheo said moving closer to me passing my drink I looked around to the same girl from earlier smiling as she makes her way over I go to get up mattheo sits me back down "your turn to spin" he said I spin the bottle and get up going to the girl smiling "I should come to you instead looking around for it" I said as she gives it me "mhmm mabye so about that on the dance floor Umm I don't know what took over me and I don't like you in that way" she said I nod accepting the fact that she hurt me "well thanks for my jem" I said smiling then go sit back down to the group acting like everything is fine as I put it back on fully secure "can we talk?" Pansy said I look up at the bottle to it on mattheo "t-dare" I said then walk off holding the jem "what's up?" I asked her she goes in her purse getting tape out putting the jem in its place and putting tape above keeping it in its place "I saw that look you gave her your hurt what happened?" She asked "I liked her but I gotta move on" I said she nods hugging me "it's alright just don't cry I don't have makeup with me" she said I smile pulling away "I do?" I said smiling she shakes her head walking back to the group she sits next to some random slytherin he puts his hand back on her thigh I look down at my jem still there "why did you pick dare?" Blaise asked me "I did? To who?" I asked him looking up at him confused he points at mattheo I shrug "make the game interesting I guess" I replied then looked back on my shorts "fuck me!..." he whispers "nope" I whisper back then looked up at him "was that the dare?" I asked him he nods "different dare" I asked "nervous you will actually fall in love with me?" He asked "that's a truth and no because the only time I do I get broken but now there's nothing to break" i explain he nods "that's deep" draco said walking in "what did I miss?" He asked "that your head is peeling off" i whisper mattheo heard from him laughing "nope...take a second look" mattheo said "rather not he'll steel my beauty unlike his mirror that's broke" I said normally taking a last swig of the drink in my cup "kiss mike" pansy said I get up going over to the drink stand orange cup setting it down "touch it and your dead!" I said looking at draco he sits back I sit on Mike lap he leans in kissing I kiss him back nether of us pulling away seconds go by good kisser for someone who looks high or tired all the time getting pulled away "noooooo" I said scrunching my hands everyone laughs "I want my dink!" I said begging as mattheo takes me away from the group to the bathroom "if you need a piss go on your own I want my drink before draco drinks it!" I said as he strips his bottoms off taking my shorts off along with my underwear "hey watch for the jem!" I said just before he jabs his dick in I moan "ouch you fucker!" I said smiling "shut the fuck up!" He said pissed great I got moody mattheo hate him he goes harder and fast I bite my bottom lip avoiding to make any sound I put my hands under his shirt scratching his back he groans he releases "fuck!" He grunts "should of waited like I said earlier" I said smiling "yeah well I don't listen to you when you kiss other guys especially infront of me" he explains "want me to book an appointment?" I asked him "a therapy session?" I asked him he does his belt and leaves I giggle putting my underwear,tights and shorts back up "MATTHEO!" I shout walking out to him pissed "where the fuck is my jem?" I asked him holding a knife to his throat he holds it in his hand I reach for it but he pulls it away "give it!" I said "mate just give it before she chops your dick off" Blaise said scared

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