Drunken party

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"Oi" mattheo said i glare at him "mattheo.." I warn him with him smiling away "I'll tell everyone about the chair situation?" I smiled drinking he turns his head to me "you wouldn't dare" he said pissed I giggle shaking my head "depends on what it is?" Draco said I looked up at him "the thing you blamed that he liked it" I smiled he laughed "then yeah she would" he smiled I looked at him smiling "even?" He asked "nah I rather not" I said softly going to get up but he pulls me down I move the drink away avoiding it to spill "actual prick" I whisper moving him away passing the bottle to someone while wiping the wine of the couch "you don't care about the floor being stained but the couch you do?" Darcy asked confused passing me the wine "people sit on the couch people stand on the floor and it's not stained put bleach on it and boom new floor" I shrug "your drunk" pansy laughed "am not" I frown "your emotions are everywhere your drunk" she smiled I stick my tounge at her "stage one is childish stage to is something else and stage three sexual things" I shrug "nobody needed to here the last one" mattheo cleared his throat "just warning them" I smiled "oh stage two is talkative" I point at him bopping his nose giggling with the others laughing he moved my arm away "your being very talkative" Tom said I looked up at him "huh huh" i nod smiling "am hungry" i sulk I get up a little to fast and Mattheo gets up "maybe I am dunk?" I asked him "give it" he asked I move it away "nope" I smiled I kissed his cheek skipping away giggling and laughing over to the kitchen "your gonna hate yourself in the morning" mattheo shouts "boo hoo" I said looking around for food but nothing "you got no sweets or chocolate you suck" i sulk sitting on the counter "nope that's you" he said taking my drink moving behind him "don't say it" he said glaring at me "am sweating and horny" I smiled "don't to many eyes" he said "then I'll be upstairs" I giggled "in bed?" He shouts as I walked off "pft no" i said turning to him confused "girlys you coming?" I asked them "ah no upstairs" mattheo said pushing me up the stairs "I want company" i sulk "you have me" he said "your boring" i said hearing laughing downstairs "see they agree" I said softly "I don't give any shits what they agree or not your going bed" he said plotting me on the bed walking to his draws as I undress "keep your bra on till you have something over it" he said I laugh lying down then sitting back up taking his top putting it on "stage three" he sighed "huh?" I asked him confused "forget it go sleep" he said softly "sleep with me" i sulk "no just go sleep" he said "I mean cuddle me not that" I try and explain he sighs I hold my arms out he closed the door I smile he takes his shirt off coming up to me hugging me I kiss his cheek multiple times as he is lying down next to me I cuddle up to him as he strokes my arm in the same direction up and down got me sleep surprised how easy it is when drunk

Later at night (23:47)

I woke up I look next to me to mattheo sleeping there cute I got up putting my hair in a messy bun as I go downstairs "draco" I said softly but quietly "o-shit Addy you scared me" he said softly I smile "you alright?" He asked "you both can continue but can I make a drink first?" I asked holding my head he moves out the way as hermonie gets down I make a drink of water then walk off to the dining room away from them "seen addy?" Someone asked but mattheo walks over to me sitting next to me I put my water down going over to him sitting on his lap hugging "you ok?" He asked "my head is banging and my throat is burning" i mutter "go bed I'll get you something better then water" he said softly I nod he kissed my cheek as we both part ways hearing whistle behind me I turned around to mattheo there I take the drink of him going upstairs
waking up I get up rushed to the bathroom connected to his room closing his door so it don't wake him up puking in the toilet someone knocks on "Addy you alright?" Mattheo asked I don't answer him he walks in holding my hair and stroking my back
Minuets later of that horrid feeling
I have a shower and get ready

I woke up I look next to me to mattheo sleeping there cute I got up putting my hair in a messy bun as I go downstairs "draco" I said softly but quietly "o-shit Addy you scared me" he said softly I smile "you alright?" He asked "you both can contin...

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Not bothering with makeup I put my hair up in a scruffy bun going downstairs making breakfast for everyone classic eggs and toast stacking the plates up walking around as everyone gets there plates "where's yours?" Pansy asked "not hungry" I said softly going back to the kitchen getting my brew walking over to the living room cuddling up to the girls "cuddling mood?" Darcy asked I nod "are you on?" Grace asked "am late" i mouth
Upstairs with the girls talking
"How late are you?" pansy asked "3 maybe 4 days?" I said softly "could be the hangover" grace said to her sister "am not pregnant" I smiled "you sure? How recent was your last fuck?" Pansy asked "it won't matter but yesterday" I scratch my head mattheo storms in "your late?" He asked "good luck babes" darcy said before the girls all walk out "ninia" he asked for a house elf "get miss morganstar a pregnancy test" he orders her she leaves "your overreacting" i sat down on the toilet lid he walks over passing me the test "just take it" he said which I do he closed the door waiting outside

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