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feeling morning kisses on my neck "mhm" I moan i turn around and face mattheo with my hands on his waist as he pulls me to him "morning mr needy" I giggle opening my eyes to his shut I kiss his cheek someone knocks on I turn around and gasp "gimmi gimmi gimmi" I sit up covering my body "what?" Mattheo asked "oi kylo morning" he said grouchy I smile "hey buddy who picked your outfit today?" I asked him smiling sorting it out as mattheo nips my thongs I slap his hand away "am needy" he asked "and I have a child in my hands you can wait" I said softly kylo laughs I look at him confused but smiling what are you doing? "Mattheo.." I asked he moves his hands i whoosh kylo onto the bed ticking him "addddddy" Mattheo asked fuck sake leo runs in "you ok?" I laugh "o-uhm yeah" he said then Astrid walks in "could you brothers play fight later play mario or whatever" I asked leo he nods and lifts up kylo kicking Astrid as they leave I get moved onto mattheo lap smiling away "you better learn how to control your needs" I asked him "am the one who screams am horny" he said softly "one you put me in that position two I didn't scream it I whispered it in your ear" i explain "sooo am not allowed to love my future wife?" He asked as I grind on him "not in that way in front of people your lucky draco didn't hear" I said softly feeling him grow underneath me "I wanted others to know your mine and only mine" he sits up "and your back to stupidity" I moan loud from the unexpected "you cunt ah"- he turns me around so he's above me dipping his whole dick into my vag I lean my head back in pleasure biting my bottom lip "ah no" he said softly removing my mouth from my teeth aka no biting "t-theo.." I mo-an as he starts to grind hard I hold his arm with my legs around his waist "yes darling.." he asked "p-please shut the door" I asked he looks over to it seeing a little ray of sun arch through the door he ignores my questions kissing my neck to my weak spot I grab his hair moaning mess to him going slop-per and slower must be near his organism I turn him around finishing what he started with his hands on my waist and him sucking on my tits "mhm da- am...gonna cum theo" i said in pleasure "let me cum with you" he said with his eyes shut my hands on his shouders as he moves me slapping our skin my tits bouncing "theo I c-ant" I moaned "little longer darling" he said softly he groans feeling him twitch inside of me i arch my head and back going slower as we both reach our organisms i move off him going to the bathroom locking the door having a quick shower

Going downstairs and sweep up kylo out of astrids hands "what your doing today?" I asked kylo with him sitting on my hip playing with my necklace as I find a suit for him "playing cart go" he said softly "that mario?" I asked him looking at him se...

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Going downstairs and sweep up kylo out of astrids hands "what your doing today?" I asked kylo with him sitting on my hip playing with my necklace as I find a suit for him "playing cart go" he said softly "that mario?" I asked him looking at him seeing mattheo put a top on while walking downstairs "a new verion that Leo aid" he explains still struggling to say his 's,sh' poor little guy I put him down "beat the master" i whisper as mattheo walks over he walks over to Leo "you ok?" Mattheo asked "mhm" I nod lifting a little black and white suit "Addy?" He asked "yeah" I looked over to him then back to the stacks but mattheo pulled me away "you can tell me anything you know that" he said softly "I need to find kylo a suit that's not black and white" I raise one that's in my hand I kiss his cheek then go back to looking

Going downstairs and sweep up kylo out of astrids hands "what your doing today?" I asked kylo with him sitting on my hip playing with my necklace as I find a suit for him "playing cart go" he said softly "that mario?" I asked him looking at him se...

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Closest am gonna get to it "the wedding is ment to bring you closer not apart" pansy said holding carmons hand but let's go to her hugging me "aunty Addy" she hugged my leg i crouch to her level "hey wanna play with uni?" I asked her she nods "sit with uncle Astrid while I get it" I asked she runs off i stand up walking with pansy "I know how marriages work" i said softly in the stuffed animal cupboard not there "addy what are you looking for?" Mattheo asked "carmon unicorn" I mumbled "she has it" he said moving me away from the cupboard I look over confused "did you?" I asked him he nods I smile "makes my job easier" I smiled then kiss his cheek walking to the kitchen "addy are you still recovering?" Pansy asked maybe.."no.." I sighed looking around to find the last made cup and wine glass I did last night

" I sighed looking around to find the last made cup and wine glass I did last night

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(Smaller and spilling proof)

Arms wrap around my waist kissing my neck "Mattheo am busy today" i said "I'll get the elf's to finish come with me" he asked I write down what cake and decorations I want then follow mattheo "woah" I cling onto his arm "you ok?" He asked I looked...

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Arms wrap around my waist kissing my neck
"Mattheo am busy today" i said "I'll get the elf's to finish come with me" he asked I write down what cake and decorations I want then follow mattheo "woah" I cling onto his arm "you ok?" He asked I looked up at him "yeah" I smile I let go of his arm looking around i hear the door bell ring multiple times I look back to Rocky there not real not real not real not real I sit down "addy?" Mattheo asked asked "am fine let's go inside" I asked

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