Messed with the wrong wife

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Getting into more suitable clothing

Getting into more suitable clothing

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Looking at the map with my blood moving around till it stops "hogwarts" I said softly then look up at the others "they haven't seen you in years you sure?" Tom asked "if you think that bitch is gonna get her way taking my Mattheo she has another t...

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Looking at the map with my blood moving around till it stops "hogwarts" I said softly then look up at the others "they haven't seen you in years you sure?" Tom asked "if you think that bitch is gonna get her way taking my Mattheo she has another thing coming" I said softly then hold onto dracos hand looking at him he apparates me since I don't have that control yet am not a full deatheater "what time is it here?" I asked him "dinner I think?" He shrugged I nod walking in the big hall "miss morgenstar" snape said "shut it" I asked him looking at slytherin table "anyone seen a clone me with mattheo?" I asked anyone shutting them whispering no? "He's not here" pansy runs in "he's somewhere here" i mumble looking around with my other eyes in case there invisible and look at that "albus duck" I shout which he does i vamp speed over to her holding her to the wall "where is my Fiancé?" I asked her pissed off she uncovers her magic "dead.." she smiled i hold her throat tighter "where is mattheo riddle?" I compell her "under astronomy tower" she said I push her to the floor walking out to the astrometry tower seeing guards around as they look at me "easy way and give him to me or die from being drained of blood she's hungry" I asked them "your choice" I step out infront of the others smiling showing my vampire fangs one comes behind me I twist his arm going behind him sucking into his neck then drop his body on the floor looking up at the others still not getting the hint "we'll hold them off" mommy said i turn to her smiling "save him" enzo smiled i vamp speed under the astrometry tower to witch down here keeping a watch on him I see him lying down useless "morgenstar" he said grossed "mhm" i vamp speed behind him draining him out not fully for mattheo to kill him I go up to him "baby please wake up" I hold my arm to his mouth he grabs my arm drinking my blood he sits up with his eyes pure black "he's still alive" I move out the way as mattheo used his magic to kill him I went over to him kissing him with my arms around his neck he moved his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him "o-sorry" my mother said I pull away looking away embarrassed seeing mattheo smiling the corner of my eye "don't think we properly met?" He asked her I looked over to him holding his hand out she smiled shaking it "bonnie Bennett" she smiled "mattheo riddle" he smiled back the others come down they both pull away "you look fine?" Blaise asked him "after ripping out his heart" he smiled "worse then your wife to be" draco said going over a body cleaning his clothes fake dust I roll my eyes "what you do?" He asked I shrug smiling "that's what I all I get?" He asked "I drained two bodies no three two guards and Iv-never mind it was two it will be a three if she takes you again four if she takes kylo only worse" I shrugged as I explain "definitely made for each other" I heard enzo whisper I look back to him "keep your opinion to yourself" I said "addy" my mum warns me i roll my eyes walking back to hogwarts hugging mattheos arm "we lost her hey you found him" pansy smiled Tom and him hug very strange "uh-y-how you lost her?" I asked her confused "chased her around trapped her then I woke up and gone" she explains the shorter way mattheo apprates me back to the riddle mansion "LEO?" I shout going to kylos room blood everywhere but neather there I go to the living room "not upstairs?" Mattheo asked I shake my head "LEO!" I shout again "he ain't here stop shouting we'll find them both" mattheo said softly then hugs me kissing my head as he strokes my back "how did you track me?" He asked I hold his hand walking over to the map with my blood dried up there "that's yours?" He asked "to find the other me compelled her to tell me where you was I'll need yours and mine to find kylos" i explain holding my hand out he gives me his hand i slice a weak cut through his hand hovering over the map as the blood drops I do mine I wince a little doing the same seeing it sizzling together not moving "I'll take time" Tom walks in with a towel he hands it me I show him my hand to it healed mattheo takes it tracing over it "my vampire side heals any wounds but couldn't do the cuts when she was inside because she was to powerful" i explain he nods "ouch no name for me" she asked I turned around to her there I throw the knife at her locking her to the wall "FUC-Blaise looks who thrown it I walk up to her as she tries and removes it I move her hand putting my hand at the handle end pressing more into her she groans "where is my child?" I asked her "leo ran with him into the woods I lost him and thought he will be back here" she said "if your lying you will be headless" I threaten her then rip the knife out of her "I love the new you" she smiled "go fuck yourself bitch" I said walking out to mattheo and the others appearing infront of me "calm down and think of a plan" mattheo asked "he's in the woods with my child yes I trust leo but not that fucking much" I said pissed off he holds me to the piller I knee him in the dick twisting his arm I hold a knife to his throat "oh fuck" Tom cursed mattheos eyes go pure black i duck kicking his leg hearing him groan "both of you quit it!" Father said pulling me away I try and escape his grip "she's a wild child" Tom said he takes my knife of me "devil princess she's making you fight him on purpose look at her" he asked which I do to her smiling with her arms crossed enjoying it

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