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I jump down smiling leaning over mattheo "next time ask me and I'll do it" i whispered I walked over to Leo sitting next to him "what she means is that there's no harm! asking and who was that about?" she asked I pointed at a girl with my eyes but it's really about her "lier" leo whispers I nudge him to shut up he laughs "how many other lies have you told her?" He asked I don't speak till she leaves to the stand I turned to him counting everything as I go along "her clothes,if she looks fat or skinny in her dress,her makeup,her crushes and lots more" i explain smiling turning back around as she passed my drink leo and Mattheo burst out laughing I act like I don't know what's going on "bromance?" She said I nod sipping my drink "who?" he whispers "who what?" I asked him "crushes?" He asked I look down smiling ahh god I could ruin her life in seconds and blame it on Astoria who I fucking hate and so does she to bits and hopes she dies with the other girl "later" I said clearing my throat then down my drink taking her and putting my empty cup under hears giving it back to her "what did you do?" She asked weary "my cup is underneath" I said showing her she nods did you think I put poison in? ahh I wish I could have
Me,mattheo,theo,leo and other slytherins in there common room they stare at me smiling "what?" I asked them stealing a drink from some random slitherin "pansys crushes?" He asked "Theodore by your thing..leo for looks..mattheo for fucking uhh Conrad? what did she say about him?.." I asked myself thinking "oh to protect her 'am to sensitive I need a bodyguard' like what the fuck? Be your own bodyguard?" I asked them before taking a drink they all stare at me shocked I shrug if she hears they can tell her she betrayed me when I needed her "hey pansy" Conrad said smiling at her "my shining armorer" she said pushing him flirty I roll my eyes "you two have fun" I said in a chirpy tone I turned back around leaving ughh hate her "can we kill her?" Leo asked "to soon" i sighed trying to get in my dorm but it's locked why the fuck is it locked? I didn't lock it? i spelled it open the door bursts open I scanned my whole room and my dairy has been miss placed someone moved it or took it I ran out running to pansys room messing her room up cheaking everywhere finding it in her bathroom cupboard "that sly bitch took my dairy" i shout then storm back to the slytherin pissed I push her to the floor "WHAT THE FUCK!" She screams and turns to me I smile and wave at her "rude to take things that aren't yours?" I asked her she scoffs "took what?" Mattheo asked "her stupid diary but it's empty so why do you care so fucking much about it?" She askes getting up "wow your dumb aren't you?" I asked her she rolls her eyes "no wonder you need to fuck nerds to make you get an a?" I said smiling I gasp "do you fuck Snape?" I asked her everyone looks over at her shocked " I thought my shit was bad enough guess not" I said making her pissed she bangs me to the wall "I don't even wanna know what your mind thinks but I don't go that low to get attention got it bitch?" She asked I laugh "you sure?" I asked her smirking "ohhh that's"-leo stops himself "bro just stop staring" mattheo said smiling i pull her hand away twisting it while pushing her to the ground she screams in pain "don't touch my shit" I said then walked out "miss Bennett" Snape sighs i immediately smile at him seeing his face "nope..don't" mattheo said pushing me away I giggle checking all pages are there
Minutes later hid my Diary ontop of the wardrobe from climbing ontop of it I climb off it sweeping the dirt off myself I go to the ravenclaw common room reading my own business till all boys crowd over me "you really exposed pansys secrets?" One asked "what about it? she don't talk about anyone in ravenclaw but cho" I sighed "saying?" She asked sitting next to me moving my feet to the front "saying your a Chinese whore dating the 'chosen one' to get attention" i explain looking up at her "there's more?" She said I giggle "there's a full book about you I wonder if she'll publish it? it's quite funny" I admitted she sits back crossing her arms then sits up facing me "could we get it?" She asked I sit up "Iv checked her room ain't there so she hid it in someone else's room" I said loud enough so everyone can search for it they all run out finding it "where is it really?" She asked smiling i give her the book I was reading she looks at me shocked "what?" I asked her "that looks like an actual book?" she asked I un-spelled it looking like the reality she nods reading everything about it "you beat her up for taking your stuff and you took hers and gave it to the owner?" Leo asked me appearing from no where sitting behind me wrapping his arms around my waist she gives it back not surprised "most of them are false like how I eat toenails?" She said I nod leo takes it "Incendio" I whisper he groans and throws it to the floor "Motus" leo said it stops burning only turning to ash I giggle "you bitch burned me" he said making me laugh even more

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