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"Bella uhm just happy to see darcy since I would have broken my skull if she didn't catch me" I giggle jumping over to the meeting with bellatrix "Matty" I smiled with Bella laughing "what..are you doing?" He laughed holding me still "whoopy" I giggled "your dizzy sit" he asked I frown "sit" he asked again I roll my eyes doing it as he stands behind the chair "any evidence?" He asked the others non of them answer "talk at the same time we can totally understand you" i mumble bored "Lewis was looking for an book" snape? i looked up at him "what book?" Mattheo asked him "didn't mention" he said "why mention it if you don't know?" I asked him "brings the lead forward miss" he said softly "unless lead" i lean back onto the chair "anything else?" Mattheo asked nobody answers "dismissed" he said they all leave I looked up mattheo smirking down at me "mr riddle.." Fenrir said I only know that because I did reading on all deatheaters "greyback correct?" I asked him taking the blanket off me folding it up "yes miss morgenstar" he nodded "what can I help you with?" Mattheo asked him "Parkinson family are worried for her and informed me to tell you if you could check up on her" he said I narrow my eyes at him as I got up "she hasn't been visiting her parents?" I asked him "he's only been told what's he been told I'll tell her" he said then we both walk away "where is she?" Mattheo stops infront of me serious "I promised her not to tell anyone on her whereabouts" I said softly "so you do know where she is?" Tom asked "not the time for your love crisis" i said softly looking at him "am worried about her not visiting at her parents? not here or hogwarts?" He said "I know but if one person knows so will the whole world she wants peace and to be honest I would to" i explain "Addy?" Mattheo asked I sigh and pass the blanket to one of the elf's facing him "I'll go and visit her if that will make you both happy" they nod i text her on where she is I go to draco "take me to hogwarts without any questions" I asked him he nods I take his hand as we both appear to hogwarts I look outside to it getting dark am not going to the ball alone I knock on she answers it I smile "am coming to the ball before you go all addy on me" she said I immediately smiled I closed the door "toms starting to get worried about you and so am I not visiting your parents? seriously? not coming to the meetings i understand but be lucky you still have parents" i explain "am busy with school" she shrugs "yet you can make time for a ball" i sat on her bed "I'll visit them once a year" she shrugged "pansy" I said she rolls her eyes "every month" she glared at me "fine moody pants draco is here to take me back to riddle mansion I gotta get ready" I said she nods looking in the mirror with her dress "you sure your ok?" I asked her she shakes her head I go over to her hugging her "shhh your alright how's Carmon diaper?" I asked her she laughed wiping her tears as we pull away "better then brown water" she smiled "ugh how did that even happen?" I smiled "uhm probably the food kylo getting any sleep?" She asked "uhm a lot yeah if you play with him and put him to bed unexpectedly he'll fall straight to sleep" i nodded she lies down on her bed "Blaise smiling?" She asked sitting up "yeah mainly because I was cold wrapping myself in a blanket sky diving to the couch draco didn't believe in me but meh" i explain "sky diving?" She laughed "running to the couch meaning flying" I smiled she nods smiling "how did life get us here?" She asked smiling "heyy there was good times darcy came back saving me great entrance" I nodded smiling she shakes her head smiling "from the blanket incident?" She asked I smile "I gotta go before draco finds you" I hugged her "missed you both" I said softly then go and find draco "rawr" I laughed "hey ads" hermonie smiled I smile back at her "we'll go back soon" he said "there's around an hour left till the ball I need to get in my dress" I said luckily who's here he looks forward i looked over the riddles "ohhh fuck" I curse as we walked up to them "draco found his date" I smiled with my arm on his shoulder "Mattheo found his and..." I lead on looking at Tom "she here?" He asked "uhm no but will visit her parents every month" i said softly he nods "your gonna start stressing if you can't fit into your dress come on" Mattheo sighed i smile taking his hand texting pansy am leaving hogwarts toms there looking for you missed a little bit of the conversation but they need to talk sooner then later

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